\name{facmul} \title{Multiplication by Decomposition Factors} \usage{ facmul(x, factor, y, transpose, left, \dots) } \alias{facmul} \alias{facmul.default} \description{ Performs multiplication by factors for certain decompositions (and allows explicit formation of those factors). } \arguments{ \item{x}{ a matrix decomposition. No missing values or IEEE special values are allowed. } \item{factor}{ an indicator for selecting a particular factor for multiplication. } \item{y}{ a matrix or vector to be multiplied by the factor or its transpose. No missing values or IEEE special values are allowed. } \item{transpose}{ a logical value. When \code{FALSE} (the default) the factor is applied. When \code{TRUE} the transpose of the factor is applied. } \item{left}{ a logical value. When \code{TRUE} (the default) the factor is applied from the left. When \code{FALSE} the factor is applied from the right. } \item{...}{ the method for \code{"qr.Matrix"} has additional arguments. } } \value{ the product of the selected factor (or its transpose) and \code{y} } \section{NOTE}{ Factors for decompositions such as \code{lu} and \code{qr} can be stored in a compact form. The function \code{facmul} allows multiplication without explicit formation of the factors, saving both storage and operations. } \references{ Golub, G., and Van Loan, C. F. (1989). \emph{Matrix Computations,} 2nd edition, Johns Hopkins, Baltimore. } % \seealso{ % \code{\link{facmul.lu.Matrix}}, \code{\link{facmul.lu.Hermitian}}, \code{\link{facmul.qr.Matrix}}, \code{\link{expand}}. % } \examples{ library(Matrix) x <- Matrix(rnorm(9), 3, 3) \dontrun{ qrx <- qr(x) # QR factorization of x y <- rnorm(3) facmul( qr(x), factor = "Q", y) # form Q y } } \keyword{array} \keyword{algebra}