\name{externalFormats} \docType{genericFunction} \alias{readHB} \alias{readMM} % \alias{writeHB} \alias{writeMM} \alias{writeMM,CsparseMatrix-method} \alias{writeMM,TsparseMatrix-method} \title{Read and write external matrix formats} \description{ Read matrices stored in the Harwell-Boeing or MatrixMarket formats or write sparseMatrix objects to one of these formats. } \usage{ readHB(file) readMM(file) writeMM(obj, file, ...) } \arguments{ \item{obj}{a real sparse matrix} \item{file}{for \code{writeMM} - the name of the file to be written. For \code{readHB} and \code{readMM} the name of the file to read, as a character scalar. The names of files storing matrices in the Harwell-Boeing format usually end in \code{".rua"} or \code{".rsa"}. Those storing matrices in the MatrixMarket format usually end in {".mtx"}. Alternatively, \code{readHB} and \code{readMM} accept connection objects.} \item{\dots}{optional additional arguments. Currently none are used in any methods.} } \value{ The \code{readHB} and \code{readMM} functions return an object that inherits from the \code{"Matrix"} class. Methods for the \code{writeMM} generic functions usually return \code{NULL} and, as a side effect, the matrix \code{obj} is written to \code{file} in the MatrixMarket format (writeMM). } \note{ The Harwell-Boeing format is older and less flexible than the MatrixMarket format. The function \code{writeHB} was deprecated and has now been removed. Please use \code{writeMM} instead. } \references{ \url{http://math.nist.gov/MatrixMarket} \url{http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/matrices} } \examples{ str(pores <- readMM(system.file("external/pores_1.mtx", package = "Matrix"))) str(utm <- readHB(system.file("external/utm300.rua", package = "Matrix"))) str(lundA <- readMM(system.file("external/lund_a.mtx", package = "Matrix"))) str(lundA <- readHB(system.file("external/lund_a.rsa", package = "Matrix"))) \dontrun{ ## NOTE: The following examples take quite some time ## ---- even on a fast internet connection: str(sm <- readHB(gzcon(url("http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/HBformat/Boeing/msc00726.rsa.gz")))) str(jgl009 <- readMM(gzcon(url("ftp://math.nist.gov/pub/MatrixMarket2/Harwell-Boeing/counterx/jgl009.mtx.gz")))) } data(KNex) writeMM(KNex$mm, "mmMM.mtx") } \keyword{IO} \keyword{array} \keyword{algebra}