\name{expand} \title{Expand a Decomposition into Factors} \usage{ expand(x, \dots) } \alias{expand} \description{ Expands decompositions stored in compact form into factors. } \arguments{ \item{x}{a matrix decomposition.} \item{\dots}{further arguments passed to or from other methods.} } \value{ The expanded decomposition, typically a list of matrix factors. } \details{ This is a generic function with special methods for different types of decompositions, see \code{\link{showMethods}(expand)} to list them all. } \note{ Factors for decompositions such as \code{lu} and \code{qr} can be stored in a compact form. The function \code{expand} allows all factors to be fully expanded. } \seealso{ The LU decomposition \code{\link{lu}}, for which there \emph{is} an \code{expand} method; \code{\link{facmul}}. } \examples{ (x <- Matrix(round(rnorm(9),2), 3, 3)) (ex <- expand(lux <- lu(x))) } \keyword{algebra}