\name{atomicVector-class} \docType{class} \alias{atomicVector-class} \title{Virtual Class "atomicVector" of Atomic Vectors} \description{ The \code{\link[methods]{class}} \code{"atomicVector"} is a \emph{virtual} class containing all atomic vector classes of base \R, as also implicitly defined via \code{\link{is.atomic}}. } \section{Objects from the Class}{A virtual Class: No objects may be created from it.} \section{Methods}{ In the \pkg{Matrix} package, the "atomicVector" is used in signature where typically \dQuote{old-style} "matrix" objects can be used and can be substituted by simple vectors. } \section{Extends}{%% FIXME: promptClass() should show the direct subclasses ! The atomic classes \code{"logical"}, \code{"integer"}, \code{"double"}, \code{"numeric"}, \code{"complex"}, \code{"raw"} and \code{"character"} are extended directly. Note that \code{"numeric"} already contains \code{"integer"} and \code{"double"}, but we want all of them to be direct subclasses of \code{"atomicVector"}. } \author{Martin Maechler} \seealso{ \code{\link{is.atomic}}, \code{\link{integer}}, \code{\link{numeric}}, \code{\link{complex}}, etc. } \examples{ showClass("atomicVector") } \keyword{classes}