\name{KNex} \alias{KNex} \docType{data} \title{Koenker-Ng Example Sparse Model Matrix and Response Vector} \description{ A model matrix \code{mm} and corresponding response vector \code{y} used in an example by Koenker and Ng. The matrix \code{mm} is a sparse matrix with 1850 rows and 712 columns but only 8758 non-zero entries. It is a \code{"dgCMatrix"} object. The vector \code{y} is just \code{\link{numeric}} of length 1850. } \usage{data(KNex)} %\details{} %\source{} \references{ Roger Koenker and Pin Ng (2003). SparseM: A sparse matrix package for R; \emph{J. of Statistical Software}, \bold{8} (6), \url{http://www.jstatsoft.org/} } \examples{ data(KNex) class(KNex$mm) dim(KNex$mm) image(KNex$mm) str(KNex) system.time( # a fraction of a second sparse.sol <- with(KNex, solve(crossprod(mm), crossprod(mm, y)))) head(round(sparse.sol,3)) ## Compare with QR-based solution ("more accurate, but slightly slower"): system.time( sp.sol2 <- with(KNex, qr.coef(qr(mm), y) )) all.equal(sparse.sol, sp.sol2, tol = 1e-13) # TRUE } \keyword{datasets}