\name{BunchKaufman-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{BunchKaufman} \alias{BunchKaufman-methods} \alias{BunchKaufman,dspMatrix-method} \alias{BunchKaufman,dsyMatrix-method} \title{Bunch-Kaufman Decomposition Methods} \description{ The Bunch-Kaufman Decomposition of a square symmetric matrix \eqn{A} is \eqn{A = P LDL' P'} where \eqn{P} is a permutation matrix, \eqn{L} is \emph{unit}-lower triangular and \eqn{D} is \emph{block}-diagonal with blocks of dimension \eqn{1\times 1}{1 x 1} or \eqn{2\times2}{2 x 2}. } \usage{ BunchKaufman(x, \dots) } \arguments{ \item{x}{a symmetric square matrix.} \item{\dots}{potentially further arguments passed to methods.} } \section{Methods}{ Currently, only methods for \bold{dense} numeric symmetric matrices are implemented. \describe{ \item{\code{x = "dspMatrix"}}{...}%FIXME \item{\code{x = "dsyMatrix"}}{...} } These rely on the Lapack routines \code{dsptrf} and \code{dsytrf}, respectively. } \seealso{ The resulting class, \code{\linkS4class{BunchKaufman}}. Related decompositions are the LU, \code{\link{lu}}, and the Cholesky, \code{\link{chol}} and \code{\link{Cholesky}}. } \examples{ data(CAex) dim(CAex) isSymmetric(CAex)# TRUE CAs <- as(CAex, "symmetricMatrix") if(FALSE) # no method defined yet bk. <- BunchKaufman(CAs) bkCA <- BunchKaufman(as(CAs, "denseMatrix")) bkCA } \keyword{methods}