#### Nonzero Pattern Sparse Matrices in triplet format ### contains = "nsparseMatrix" ### ============= ---> superclass methods in ./nsparseMatrix.R setAs("ngTMatrix", "ngeMatrix", function(from) .Call(lgTMatrix_to_lgeMatrix, as(from,"lgTMatrix"))) setAs("ngTMatrix", "matrix", function(from) .Call(lgTMatrix_to_matrix, as(from, "lgTMatrix"))) ## setAs("ngTMatrix", "matrix", # go via fast C code: ## function(from) as(as(from, "ngCMatrix"), "matrix")) setAs("matrix", "ngTMatrix", function(from) { if(!is.logical(from)) storage.mode(from) <- "logical" if(any(is.na(from))) warning("'NA's coerced to 'FALSE' in coercion to logical sparse") dn <- dimnames(from) if(is.null(dn)) dn <- list(NULL,NULL) else dimnames(from) <- NULL # such that which(.) does not see any: ij <- which(from, arr.ind = TRUE) - 1L if(length(ij) == 0) ij <- matrix(ij, 0, 2) new("ngTMatrix", i = ij[,1], j = ij[,2], Dim = as.integer(dim(from)), Dimnames = dn) }) setAs("matrix", "nMatrix", function(from) as(from, "ngTMatrix")) setAs("ngTMatrix", "dgTMatrix", function(from) ## more efficient than ## as(as(as(sM, "ngCMatrix"), "dgCMatrix"), "dgTMatrix") new("dgTMatrix", i = from@i, j = from@j, x = rep.int(1, length(from@i)), ## cannot copy factors, but can we use them? Dim = from@Dim, Dimnames= from@Dimnames)) setAs("ngTMatrix", "lgTMatrix", function(from) new("lgTMatrix", i = from@i, j = from@j, x = rep.int(TRUE, length(from@i)), ## cannot copy factors, but can we use them? Dim = from@Dim, Dimnames= from@Dimnames)) setAs("ngTMatrix", "ntTMatrix", function(from) check.gT2tT(from, cl = "ngTMatrix", toClass = "ntTMatrix")) setMethod("t", signature(x = "ngTMatrix"), function(x) new("ngTMatrix", i = x@j, j = x@i, Dim = x@Dim[2:1], Dimnames= x@Dimnames[2:1]), valueClass = "ngTMatrix")