useDynLib(Matrix, .registration=TRUE)

## Import non-base functions we need explicitly,
## notably for which we define methods:
importFrom("lattice", levelplot)
importFrom("graphics", image)
importFrom("utils", head, tail)
importFrom("stats", cov2cor, update)
importFrom("grid", grid.rect, gpar, grob)

## Currently, group generics need to be explicitly imported (Bug?):
importFrom("methods", Arith, Compare, Logic, Math, Math2, Summary, Complex)

## Generics and functions defined in this package
       "Diagonal", ".symDiagonal",
       "colMeans", "colSums", ## these needed a "..." added
       "rowMeans", "rowSums",
#	 "isTriangular",
#	 "isDiagonal",
#        "writeHB",

## substitute for using  cbind() / rbind()

## workaround S4-Group(generic|method) quirk: R/AllGeneric.R
## needs setGeneric(*, group=) and this for all non-Primitives :

## "Math"

if(getRversion() < "2.6.0" || R.version$`svn rev` < 42093) {
    ## these are not yet primitive

if(!is.primitive(round)) {
       ## "Math2"

if(!is.primitive(max)) {
       ## "Summary"

              ## Class unions:
	      "replValue", # if we don't export it, things fail in dispatch
## LOGIC      "logic",

	      ## --- 'Matrix' mother and all its daughters : ---------------
	      ## also intermediate `virtual' ones:
	      ## not yet used, but as sub-classes;
	      ## must provide them for 'hierarchy-analysis':








	      "corMatrix", # unused

	      ## --- inheriting "Matrix", but also factorizations:
	      ## "LDL",

	      ## --- 'MatrixFactorization' mother and all its daughters : ---



	      "nCHMsuper",# unused
	      "nCHMsimpl",# unused



	      "sparseVector", ## --- and daughters : ---
	      "xsparseVector" # the class union of all 'x' lost sparseVector's

exportMethods(## for both own and "other" generics:

	      ## Group Methods

	      "+",# for dgT(Matrix) only


##	       "isDiagonal",
##	       "isTriangular",
              "print",# print(x, ...) when show(x) is not sufficient


S3method(print, sparseSummary)