/* From: Quartz/QuartzDevice.m (setDefaultSyntaxColors) */ "%@ - Active" = "%@ - アクティブ"; /* From: Quartz/QuartzDevice.m (setDefaultSyntaxColors) */ "%@ - Inactive" = "%@ - インアクティブ"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1684.ibShadowedToolTip"; Class = "NSButton" */ "(Return)" = "(↩)"; /* From: RController.m (hintForFunction) From: RDocumentWinCtrl.m (hintForFunction) */ "(arguments lookup is disabled while R is busy)" = "(引数検索はRがビジーの間は無効になります)"; /* (MiscPrefPane) Entry = "130.title"; Class = "NSTextFieldCell" */ "(was default in RAqua)" = "(RAquaのデフォルト)"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1677.ibShadowedToolTip"; Class = "NSButton" */ "(⌘R)" = "(⌘R)"; /* (MiscPrefPane) Entry = "139.title"; Class = "NSTextFieldCell" */ ".Rhistory" = ".Rhistory"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1499.title"; Class = "NSTextFieldCell" */ "11" = "11"; /* (QuartzPrefPane) Entry = "122.title"; Class = "NSTextFieldCell" */ "12" = "12"; /* (MiscPrefPane) Entry = "144.title"; Class = "NSTextFieldCell" */ "250" = "250"; /* (QuartzPrefPane) Entry = "112.title"; Class = "NSTextFieldCell" */ /* (QuartzPrefPane) Entry = "113.title"; Class = "NSTextFieldCell" */ "5.0" = "5.0"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1513.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "<" = "<"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1501.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "< Back" = "< 戻る"; /* From: RController.m (showWorkingDir) */ "<deleted>" = "<削除済み>"; /* From: RDocumentWinCtrl.m (functionReset) */ /* (RDocument) Entry = "45.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "<functions>" = "<関数>"; /* From: RDocumentWinCtrl.m (functionReset) */ "<sections>" = "<セクション>"; /* From: SearchTable.m (show) */ "<unknown>" = "<不明>"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1514.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ ">" = ">"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "58.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "About R" = "Rについて"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "312.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Activate Quartz Device Window" = "選択したQuartzデバイスをアクティブ化"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1671.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Activate SearchField ⇧⌘H" = "検索フィールドをアクティブ化 ⇧⌘H"; /* Add column - label for a toolbar, keep short! */ "Add Col" = "列追加"; /* From: REditor.m (toolbar) */ "Add Column" = "列を追加"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1719.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Add Column (CHARACTER)" = "列を追加 (CHARACTER)"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1718.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Add Column (NUMERIC)" = "列を追加 (NUMERIC)"; /* From: REditor.m (toolbar) */ "Add New Row" = "新しい行を追加"; /* Add row - label for a toolbar, keep short! */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1720.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Add Row" = "行を追加"; /* (MiscPrefPane) Entry = "129.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Add ~/Library/R…" = "~/Library/R… を追加"; /* From: REditor.m (toolbar) */ "Adds a new column to the right of a group of selected columns or just at the end of the data. The new column type complies with that column left of it.\n\n(%@)\tAdd column of type ‘CHARACTER’\n(%@)\tAdd column of type ‘NUMERIC’" = "選択された列の右端もしくはデータの末尾に列を追加します。列の型はその左の列と同じになります。\n\n(%@)\t'CHARACTER'型の列を追加します\n(%@)\t'NUMERIC'型の列を追加します"; /* From: REditor.m (toolbar) */ "Adds a row below a group of selected rows or at the bottom of the data" = "選択中の行の下あるいはデータの最後に行を追加"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "834.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Align Left" = "左揃え"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "858.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Align Right" = "右揃え"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1634.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "All" = "すべてを選択"; /* From: RController.m (clearWorkSpace) */ "All objects in the workspace will be removed. Are you sure you want to proceed?" = "ワークスペースのオブジェクトはすべて削除されます。続けてよろしいですか?"; /* (MiscPrefPane) Entry = "136.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Always apply" = "常に適用"; /* (EditorPrefPane) Entry = "49.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Application" = "アプリケーション"; /* From: WSBrowser.m (remObject) */ "Are you sure you want to remove object '%@' from the workspace? You cannot undo this action!" = "オブジェクト'%@'を本当に削除してよろしいですか?この操作は取り消しできません!"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1125.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "As defined by .libPaths()" = ".libPaths()での指定に従う"; /* (MiscPrefPane) Entry = "123.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Ask" = "毎回確認する"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1122.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "At System Level (in R framework)" = "システム (Rフレームワーク内)"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1123.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "At User Level" = "ユーザエリア"; /* From: RController.m (toolbar) */ "Authentication" = "認証"; /* From: RController.m (toolbar) */ "Authorize R to run system commands as root" = "root権限でシステムコマンドを実行するために認証を行う"; /* (EditorPrefPane) Entry = "229.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Auto-save documents" = "文書を自動的に保存する"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1513.alternateTitle"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Back" = "戻る"; /* (ColorsPrefPane) Entry = "76.title"; Class = "NSTextFieldCell" */ /* (SyntaxColorsPrefPane) Entry = "125.title"; Class = "NSTextFieldCell" */ "Background" = "背景"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1657.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Balanced Brackets" = "括弧の内容を選択"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "816.title"; Class = "NSMenu" */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "844.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Baseline" = "ベースライン"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "830.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Bigger" = "大きく"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1506.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Binary Format Packages" = "バイナリ形式パッケージ"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "542.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "BioConductor (binaries)" = "BioConductor (バイナリ)"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "563.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "BioConductor (sources)" = "BioConductor (ソース)"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "849.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Bold" = "ボールド"; /* (QuartzPrefPane) Entry = "31.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Bottom Left" = "左下"; /* (QuartzPrefPane) Entry = "32.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Bottom Right" = "右下"; /* (QuartzPrefPane) Entry = "45.title"; Class = "NSBox" */ "Box" = "ボックス"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "5.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Bring All to Front" = "すべてを手前に移動"; /* (EditorPrefPane) Entry = "96.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Built-in editor" = "内蔵エディタ"; /* (EditorPrefPane) Entry = "35.title"; Class = "NSBox" */ "Built-in editor preferences" = "内蔵エディタの設定"; /* (RDocument) Entry = "115.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "CP1250" = "CP1250"; /* (RDocument) Entry = "113.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "CP1251" = "CP1251"; /* (RDocument) Entry = "114.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "CP1252" = "CP1252"; /* (RDocument) Entry = "117.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "CP1253" = "CP1253"; /* (RDocument) Entry = "116.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "CP1254" = "CP1254"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "541.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "CRAN (binaries)" = "CRAN (バイナリ)"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1108.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "CRAN (sources)" = "CRAN (ソース)"; /* From: HelpManager.m (showHelpFor) */ "Can't find help for topic, would you like to expand the search?" = "ヘルプが見つかりませんでした。検索対象を拡大しますか?"; /* From: RController.m (doLoadHistory) */ "Can't open history file %@" = "履歴ファイル %@ を開けません"; /* From: RController.m (didCloseAll) */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1515.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ /* (RDocument) Entry = "94.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Cancel" = "キャンセル"; /* Cancel Editing - label for a toolbar, keep short! From: REditor.m (toolbar) */ "Cancel Editing" = "編集をキャンセル"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1723.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Cancel Object Editing" = "オブジェクトの編集をキャンセル"; /* From: REditor.m (toolbar) */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1723.ibShadowedToolTip"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Cancels object editing without passing data back to R and closes the editor window" = "オブジェクトの編集をキャンセルし、Rに変更内容を反映せずにウィンドウを閉じます"; /* From: RDocumentWinCtrl.m (goHelpSearch) */ "Cannot determine package for the topic." = "このトピックに関するパッケージを決定できません."; /* From: DataManager.m (showHelp) From: HelpManager.m (showHelpUsingFile) From: PackageManager.m (showInfo) From: RDocumentWinCtrl.m (goHelpSearch) */ "Cannot start HTML help server." = "HTMLヘルプサーバを開始できません."; /* From: main.m (sheetDidEnd) */ "Cannot start R" = "Rを起動できません"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "829.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Center" = "中央揃え"; /* (QuartzPrefPane) Entry = "37.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Centered" = "中央"; /* (MiscPrefPane) Entry = "133.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ /* (QuartzPrefPane) Entry = "120.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Change" = "変更"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "322.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Change Working Directory..." = "作業ディレクトリの変更…"; /* From: RController.m (toolbar) */ "Change the size of R console font" = "コンソールのフォントサイズを変更"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "218.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Check For R Updates" = "Rのアップデートを確認"; /* (RDocument) Entry = "161.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Check Rd Document" = "Rd文書のチェック"; /* From: RDocument.m (checkRdDocumentWithFilePath) */ "Check Rd document…" = "Rdドキュメントをチェック…"; /* From: RDocument.m (checkRdDocumentWithFilePath) */ "Check was successful." = "チェックは成功しました"; /* From: RController.m (handleChooseFile) From: RController.m (openDocument) */ "Choose File" = "ファイルを選択"; /* From: PrefPanes/MiscPrefPane.m (chooseWorkingDir) */ "Choose Initial Working Directory" = "初期作業ディレクトリを選択"; /* From: RController.m (handleChooseFile) */ "Choose New File Name" = "新しいファイル名を選択"; /* From: RController.m (setWorkingDir) */ "Choose New Working Directory" = "新しい作業ディレクトリを選択"; /* From: RController.m (doLoadHistory) */ "Choose history File" = "履歴ファイルを選択"; /* (MiscPrefPane) Entry = "145.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Cleanup history entries" = "履歴を消去"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1076.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1066.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ /* (RDocument) Entry = "83.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Clear" = "消去"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1128.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Clear Console" = "コンソール消去"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1495.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Clear History" = "履歴の消去"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "126.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Clear Menu" = "メニューの消去"; /* From: RController.m (clearWorkSpace) */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "243.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Clear Workspace" = "ワークスペースを消去"; /* (SelectEncodingsPanel) Entry = "23.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Clear all" = "選択解除"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "73.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1580.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Close" = "閉じる"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1577.ibShadowedToolTip"; Class = "NSButton" */ "Close Find Panel (⎋)" = "検索パネルを閉じる (⎋)"; /* From: RController.m (didCloseAll) */ "Closing R session" = "Rセッションを終了"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1758.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1757.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Code Folding Submenu" = "Code Folding Submenu"; /* (ColorsPrefPane) Entry = "26.title"; Class = "NSBox" */ /* (SyntaxColorsPrefPane) Entry = "26.title"; Class = "NSBox" */ "Colors" = "色"; /* (EditorPrefPane) Entry = "47.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Command" = "コマンド"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "342.headerCell.title"; Class = "NSTableColumn" */ "Commands" = "コマンド"; /* (SyntaxColorsPrefPane) Entry = "119.title"; Class = "NSTextFieldCell" */ "Comment" = "コメント"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1207.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Comment-out" = "コメント"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1013.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Complete" = "完了"; /* (RConsole) Entry = "5.title"; Class = "NSWindow" */ "Console" = "コンソール"; /* From: RDocument.m (reinterpretInEncoding) */ "Convertion Error" = "変換失敗"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "157.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1729.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Copy" = "コピー"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "822.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Copy Ruler" = "ルーラのコピー"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "859.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Copy Style" = "スタイルのコピー"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1730.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Copy as CSV" = "CSVとしてコピー"; /* From: RDocument.m (reinterpretInEncoding) */ "Couldn't reinterpret the text by using the encoding" = "テキストをこのエンコーディングで再読み込みできませんでした"; /* From: RDocument.m (revertToContentsOfURL) */ "Couldn't revert to saved document" = "保存された文書に戻すことができませんでした"; /* From: RController.m (toolbar) */ "Create a new, empty document in the editor" = "新しい空ファイルをエディタで開く"; /* (SyntaxColorsPrefPane) Entry = "127.title"; Class = "NSTextFieldCell" */ "Current Line" = "現在行"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1489.title"; Class = "NSTextFieldCell" */ "Current Working Directory" = "現在の作業ディレクトリ"; /* From: PackageInstaller.m (installSelected) From: PackageInstaller.m (updateAll) */ "Currently it is not possible to install binary packages from a remote repository as root.\nPlease use the CRAN binary of R to allow admin users to install system-wide packages without becoming root. Alternatively you can either use command-line version of R as root or install the packages from local files." = "現在のところ, リモートリポジトリからroot権限でバイナリパッケージをインストールすることはできません. \n管理者ユーザで, rootにならずにシステム全体向けのパッケージをインストールするためには, CRANのRバイナリを使用して下さい. あるいは, root権限でコマンドライン版のRを使ったり, ローカルファイルからパッケージをインストールする方法もあります. "; /* (SyntaxColorsPrefPane) Entry = "129.title"; Class = "NSTextFieldCell" */ "Cursor" = "カーソル"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1503.placeholderString"; Class = "NSTextFieldCell" */ "Custom Repository URL" = "リポジトリのURL"; /* (SelectEncodingsPanel) Entry = "5.title"; Class = "NSWindow" */ "Customize Encodings List" = "エンコーディングリストのカスタマイズ"; /* From: RChooseEncodingPopupAccessory.m (setupPopUpCell) From: RController.m (updateReInterpretEncodingMenu) */ "Customize List…" = "一覧を編集…"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "160.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Cut" = "カット"; /* From: RDocument.m (insertRdDataTemplate) */ "DATA_NAME" = "DATA_NAME"; /* (QuartzPrefPane) Entry = "125.title"; Class = "NSTextFieldCell" */ "DPI:" = "DPI:"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "501.headerCell.title"; Class = "NSTableColumn" */ "Data" = "データ"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "267.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Data Manager" = "データマネージャ"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1651.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Decrease Indent" = "インデントを減らす"; /* (MiscPrefPane) Entry = "138.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Default" = "デフォルト"; /* (MiscPrefPane) Entry = "106.title"; Class = "NSBox" */ "Default CRAN mirror" = "デフォルトのCRANミラー"; /* (MiscPrefPane) Entry = "23.title"; Class = "NSBox" */ "Default Library Paths" = "デフォルトのライブラリパス"; /* (ColorsPrefPane) Entry = "78.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ /* (SyntaxColorsPrefPane) Entry = "120.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Defaults" = "デフォルト"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "164.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Delete" = "削除"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1496.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Delete entry" = "エントリを削除"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "447.headerCell.title"; Class = "NSTableColumn" */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "701.headerCell.title"; Class = "NSTableColumn" */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "504.headerCell.title"; Class = "NSTableColumn" */ /* (Vignettes) Entry = "94.headerCell.title"; Class = "NSTableColumn" */ "Description" = "説明"; /* (MiscPrefPane) Entry = "132.title"; Class = "NSTextFieldCell" */ "Directory:" = "ディレクトリ:"; /* From: PackageInstaller.m (checkOptions) */ "Do you want me to remember the mirror you selected for future sessions?" = "以後のセッションのために選択されたミラーを記憶しますか?"; /* From: RController.m (didCloseAll) */ "Don't Save" = "保存しない"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "502.ibShadowedToolTip"; Class = "NSScrollView" */ "Double click to load data in the R workspace. " = "パッケージをダブルクリックすると R ワークスペースに読み込まれます. "; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "577.ibShadowedToolTip"; Class = "NSButton" */ "Downloads Selected Packages And Installs In Selected Location (↩)." = "選択されたパッケージをダウンロードし, 選択された場所にインストールします"; /* (MiscPrefPane) Entry = "17.title"; Class = "NSBox" */ "Drag & drop action during R start-up" = "R起動中のドラッグ&ドロップ動作"; /* (RDocument) Entry = "110.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "EUC (jp)" = "EUC (jp)"; /* From: WSBrowser.m (toolbar) */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "163.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "169.title"; Class = "NSMenu" */ "Edit" = "編集"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1740.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Edit Column Names" = "列名を編集"; /* From: WSBrowser.m (toolbar) */ "Edit Object" = "オブジェクトを編集"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "221.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Edit Object…" = "オブジェクトの編集…"; /* From: WSBrowser.m (toolbar) */ "Edit the selected object" = "選択されたオブジェクトを編集"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1071.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1078.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ /* (RDocument) Entry = "82.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Empty" = "空"; /* (SelectEncodingsPanel) Entry = "21.title"; Class = "NSTextFieldCell" */ "Enable the text encodings you would like to be able to use." = "目的のエンコーディングを使用できるようにします。"; /* From: RDocumentController.m (encodingAccessory) */ "Encoding" = "エンコーディング"; /* (RDocument) Entry = "108.title"; Class = "NSTextFieldCell" */ "Encoding:" = "エンコーディング:"; /* From: RController.m (applicationDidFinishLaunching) From: RController.m (windowDidExitFullScreen) */ "Enter Full Screen" = "フルスクリーンにする"; /* From: RController.m (sheetDidEnd) From: RDocument.m (convertRd2PDF) */ "Error" = "エラー"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1082.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ /* (RDocument) Entry = "59.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Exact Search" = "完全一致"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "890.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Execute" = "実行"; /* From: RController.m (applicationDidFinishLaunching) From: RController.m (windowDidEnterFullScreen) */ "Exit Full Screen" = "フルスクリーンを解除"; /* (EditorPrefPane) Entry = "97.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "External Editor" = "外部エディタ"; /* (EditorPrefPane) Entry = "37.title"; Class = "NSBox" */ "External editor settings" = "外部エディタの設定"; /* From: RDocument.m (insertRdFunctionTemplate) */ "FUNCTION_NAME" = "FUNCTION_NAME"; /* From: PackageInstaller.m (reloadURL) */ "Fetching Package List Failed" = "パッケージ一覧の読み込みに失敗しました"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "83.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "81.title"; Class = "NSMenu" */ "File" = "ファイル"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "168.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "159.title"; Class = "NSMenu" */ "Find" = "検索"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "167.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Find Next" = "次を検索"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "162.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Find Previous" = "前を検索"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "154.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Find…" = "検索…"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1764.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Fold" = "畳む"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1759.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Fold Level 0" = "畳む 0"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1760.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Fold Level 1" = "畳む 1"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1769.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Fold Level 2" = "畳む 2"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1770.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Fold Level 3" = "畳む 3"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "854.title"; Class = "NSMenu" */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "836.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Font" = "フォント"; /* From: RController.m (toolbar) */ "Font Size" = "フォントサイズ"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1497.title"; Class = "NSTextFieldCell" */ "Font Size:" = "フォントサイズ:"; /* (EditorPrefPane) Entry = "177.title"; Class = "NSTextFieldCell" */ "Font:" = "フォント:"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "833.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "828.title"; Class = "NSMenu" */ "Format" = "フォーマット"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1752.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Format Source Code" = "ソースコードを整形"; /* From: RDocumentWinCtrl.m (tidyRCode) */ "Formatting…" = "整形中…"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1514.alternateTitle"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Forward" = "進む"; /* From: REditorToolbar.m (updatePreferences) */ "Functions" = "関数一覧"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1084.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ /* (RDocument) Entry = "60.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Fuzzy Search" = "部分一致"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1502.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Fwd >" = "進む >"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1505.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Get List" = "一覧を取得"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "317.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Get Working Directory" = "現在の作業ディレクトリを調べる"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1049.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Go To Line…" = "指定行へ"; /* (RDocument) Entry = "96.title"; Class = "NSTextFieldCell" */ "Go to line:" = "指定行へ:"; /* (RDocument) Entry = "153.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "HTML Preview" = "HTMLでプレビュー"; /* From: DataManager.m (showHelp) From: HelpManager.m (showHelpUsingFile) From: PackageManager.m (showInfo) From: RDocumentWinCtrl.m (goHelpSearch) */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "103.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "106.title"; Class = "NSMenu" */ "Help" = "ヘルプ"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1490.placeholderString"; Class = "NSSearchFieldCell" */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1511.placeholderString"; Class = "NSSearchFieldCell" */ "Help Search" = "ヘルプ検索"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "687.title"; Class = "NSWindow" */ "Help Search Topics" = "ヘルプ検索トピック"; /* From: RController.m (handleCustomPrint) */ "Help for the topic \"%@\" was not found." = "トピック \"%@\" に関するヘルプは見つかりません."; /* (RDocument) Entry = "92.placeholderString"; Class = "NSSearchFieldCell" */ "Help search" = "ヘルプを検索"; /* From: RController.m (handleCustomPrint) */ "Help topic not found" = "ヘルプトピックが見つかりません"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "145.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Hide Others" = "ほかを隠す"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "134.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Hide R" = "Rを隠す"; /* (EditorPrefPane) Entry = "147.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Highlight bracket pairs" = "対応する括弧をハイライト"; /* (EditorPrefPane) Entry = "171.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Highlight current line" = "現在の行をハイライト"; /* From: RController.m (toolbar) */ /* (MiscPrefPane) Entry = "44.title"; Class = "NSBox" */ "History" = "履歴"; /* (RDocument) Entry = "120.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "ISO2022-JP" = "ISO2022-JP"; /* (SyntaxColorsPrefPane) Entry = "118.title"; Class = "NSTextFieldCell" */ "Identifier" = "識別子"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1124.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "In Other Location (Will Be Asked Upon Installation)" = "他の場所(インストール時に指定)"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1650.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Increase Indent" = "インデントを増やす"; /* (EditorPrefPane) Entry = "173.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Indent new lines" = "新しい行をインデント"; /* (MiscPrefPane) Entry = "34.title"; Class = "NSBox" */ "Initial working directory" = "初期作業ディレクトリ"; /* (ColorsPrefPane) Entry = "73.title"; Class = "NSTextFieldCell" */ "Input" = "入力"; /* (RDocument) Entry = "165.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Insert Data Rd Template" = "データRd文書のひな形を挿入"; /* (RDocument) Entry = "164.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Insert Function Rd Template" = "関数Rd文書のひな形を挿入"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1510.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Install Dependencies" = "依存パッケージも含める"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "570.title"; Class = "NSBox" */ "Install Location" = "インストールする場所"; /* From: PackageInstaller.m (setURL) */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1508.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Install Selected" = "選択をインストール"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "548.headerCell.title"; Class = "NSTableColumn" */ "Installed Version" = "導入済みバージョン"; /* From: PackageInstaller.m (setURL) */ "Install…" = "インストール..."; /* From: RController.m (toolbar) */ "Interrupt current R computation" = "実行中の処理を中断"; /* From: PackageInstaller.m (reloadURL) From: PackageInstaller.m (updateAll) */ "Invalid Repository URL" = "リポジトリURLが不正です"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "815.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Italic" = "イタリック"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1072.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1030.headerCell.title"; Class = "NSTableColumn" */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1075.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ /* (RDocument) Entry = "81.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Item" = "項目"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1648.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Item 1" = "Item 1"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1647.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Item 2" = "Item 2"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1646.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Item 3" = "Item 3"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "155.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Jump to Selection" = "選択部分へジャンプ"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "838.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Justify" = "両端揃え"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "839.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "842.title"; Class = "NSMenu" */ "Kern" = "カーニング"; /* (SyntaxColorsPrefPane) Entry = "117.title"; Class = "NSTextFieldCell" */ "Keyword" = "キーワード"; /* (RDocument) Entry = "106.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Latin1" = "Latin1"; /* (RDocument) Entry = "112.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Latin2" = "Latin2"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "848.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "824.title"; Class = "NSMenu" */ "Ligature" = "リガチャ"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1656.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Line" = "行全体"; /* From: RDocumentWinCtrl.m (functionReset) From: REditorToolbar.m (updatePreferences) */ "List of Functions" = "関数の一覧"; /* From: RdEditorToolbar.m (textView) From: RDocumentWinCtrl.m (functionReset) */ "List of Sections" = "セクションの一覧"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1685.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Load Data" = "読み込み"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "247.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Load Default Workspace" = "ワークスペースの読み込み"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1493.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Load History" = "履歴の読み込み"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "250.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Load Workspace File…" = "ファイルからワークスペースを読み込み…"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1492.title"; Class = "NSTextFieldCell" */ "Loading R ..." = "R を読み込み中…"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "596.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Local Binary Package" = "このコンピュータ上のバイナリパッケージ"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "595.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Local Package Directory" = "このコンピュータ上のパッケージディレクトリ"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "597.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Local Source Package" = "このコンピュータ上のソースパッケージ"; /* (QuartzPrefPane) Entry = "117.title"; Class = "NSTextFieldCell" */ "Location:" = "位置:"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "818.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Loosen" = "ゆるく"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "821.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Lower" = "下付き"; /* (RDocument) Entry = "105.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "MacRoman" = "MacRoman"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1083.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Main R Help Page" = "Rヘルプ メインページ"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "29.title"; Class = "NSMenu" */ "MainMenu" = "メインメニュー"; /* (EditorPrefPane) Entry = "159.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Match brackets/quotes" = "括弧/引用符の対応表示"; /* (MiscPrefPane) Entry = "143.title"; Class = "NSTextFieldCell" */ "Max number of entries in history:" = "履歴の最大数:"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1064.title"; Class = "NSMenu" */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1074.title"; Class = "NSMenu" */ /* (RDocument) Entry = "58.title"; Class = "NSMenu" */ "Menu" = "メニュー"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "23.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Minimize" = "しまう"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "319.title"; Class = "NSMenu" */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "318.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Misc" = "その他"; /* From: PackageInstaller.m (checkOptions) */ "Never" = "決してしない"; /* From: RController.m (toolbar) */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "945.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "New Document" = "新規文書"; /* From: Quartz/RQuartz.m (changeDocumentTitle) */ "New Quartz Device" = "新規Quartzデバイス"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "311.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "New Quartz Device Window" = "新しいQuartzデバイスを開く"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1743.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "New Rd Document" = "新規Rd文書"; /* Global string @ */ /* (MiscPrefPane) Entry = "124.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "No" = "いいえ"; /* From: PackageInstaller.m (checkOptions) */ "No CRAN Mirror Found" = "CRANミラーが見つかりません"; /* From: PackageInstaller.m (installSelected) */ "No packages selected, nothing to do." = "パッケージが選択されていないので, 何も実行しません."; /* From: PackageInstaller.m (checkOptions) */ "No valid CRAN mirror was selected.\nYou won't be able to install any CRAN packages unless you set the CRAN option to a valid mirror URL." = "正しいCRANミラーが選択されていません.\nCRANオプションを正しいミラー先URLに設定しなければ, CRANパッケージをインストールすることはできません."; /* (SyntaxColorsPrefPane) Entry = "115.title"; Class = "NSTextFieldCell" */ "Normal" = "ノーマル"; /* (QuartzPrefPane) Entry = "124.title"; Class = "NSTextFieldCell" */ "Note: Change and press return" = "注: 変更してリターンを押して下さい"; /* (MiscPrefPane) Entry = "135.title"; Class = "NSTextFieldCell" */ "Note: Enforce by selecting 'Always apply'. Otherwise used to set the working directory if not specified when R.app is started, e.g. double clicking the R icon. Drag & drop of a file or a directory on the R icon or using 'open -a R.app <dir-or-file>' will override this setting if not enforced." = "注: '常に適用'を選択するとこの値が常に強制されます. そうでない場合は, R.app の起動時に明示的に指定されていない場合(RアプリアイコンをダブルクリックしてRを起動した場合など)にこの値が使われます. すなわち, Rアプリアイコンにファイルやディレクトリをドラッグ&ドロップして起動したり, 'open -a R.app <ディレクトリやファイル>'としてRを起動した場合はこの値は使われません. "; /* (MiscPrefPane) Entry = "131.title"; Class = "NSTextFieldCell" */ "Note: This change is effective only after a restart of R.app" = "注: 変更はR.appを再起動した後に有効になります"; /* (MiscPrefPane) Entry = "141.title"; Class = "NSTextFieldCell" */ "Note: Use a fixed path to always use the same history file, e.g. ~/.Rhistory" = "注: 常に同じ履歴ファイルを使いたい場合は, 固定パスを指定して下さい. ( ~/.Rhistory など )"; /* (EditorPrefPane) Entry = "161.title"; Class = "NSTextFieldCell" */ "Note:\nCommand is executed in a shell" = "注:\nコマンドはシェル内で実行されます"; /* (SyntaxColorsPrefPane) Entry = "114.title"; Class = "NSTextFieldCell" */ "Number" = "数値"; /* Global string @ */ /* (RDocument) Entry = "95.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "OK" = "OK"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "667.headerCell.title"; Class = "NSTableColumn" */ "Object" = "オブジェクト"; /* From: RDocument.m (displayName) */ "Object Editor" = "オブジェクトエディタ"; /* From: DataManager.m (showHelp) From: HelpManager.m (showHelpUsingFile) From: PackageManager.m (showInfo) From: RDocumentWinCtrl.m (goHelpSearch) */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1516.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Ok" = "Ok"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "220.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Open Document..." = "文書を開く…"; /* From: RController.m (toolbar) */ "Open In Editor" = "エディタで開く"; /* (Vignettes) Entry = "63.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Open PDF" = "PDFを開く"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "125.title"; Class = "NSMenu" */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "124.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Open Recent" = "最近使った書類"; /* (Vignettes) Entry = "64.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Open Source" = "ソースコードを開く"; /* From: RController.m (toolbar) */ "Open a new Quartz device window" = "新しいQuartzデバイスのウィンドウを開く"; /* From: RController.m (toolbar) */ "Open document in editor" = "文書をエディタで開く"; /* (MiscPrefPane) Entry = "18.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Open file in editor" = "エディタでファイルを開く"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1107.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Other Directory URL" = "他のディレクトリのURL"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1109.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Other Repository" = "他のリポジトリ"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "543.title"; Class = "NSMenu" */ /* (QuartzPrefPane) Entry = "35.title"; Class = "NSMenu" */ /* (RDocument) Entry = "103.title"; Class = "NSMenu" */ /* (RDocument) Entry = "44.title"; Class = "NSMenu" */ /* (RDocument) Entry = "150.title"; Class = "NSMenu" */ "OtherViews" = "他のビュー"; /* (ColorsPrefPane) Entry = "74.title"; Class = "NSTextFieldCell" */ "Output" = "出力"; /* (QuartzPrefPane) Entry = "111.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Override R Quartz width/height parameters" = "R Quartz の幅/高さパラメータよりも優先する"; /* (RDocument) Entry = "159.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "PDF Preview" = "PDFでプレビュー"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "500.headerCell.title"; Class = "NSTableColumn" */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "697.headerCell.title"; Class = "NSTableColumn" */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "446.headerCell.title"; Class = "NSTableColumn" */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "546.headerCell.title"; Class = "NSTableColumn" */ /* (Vignettes) Entry = "95.headerCell.title"; Class = "NSTableColumn" */ "Package" = "パッケージ"; /* From: PackageInstaller.m (installSelected) */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "559.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Package Installer" = "パッケージインストーラ"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "266.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Package Manager" = "パッケージマネージャ"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1507.placeholderString"; Class = "NSSearchFieldCell" */ "Package Search" = "パッケージ検索"; /* From: PackageInstaller.m (installSelected) */ "Package installation failed" = "パッケージのインストールに失敗しました"; /* From: PackageInstaller.m (installSelected) */ "Package installation was not successful. Please see the R Console for details." = "パッケージのインストールに失敗しました. 詳細についてはRコンソールを参照して下さい."; /* From: PackageInstaller.m (installSelected) From: PackageInstaller.m (updateAll) */ "Package installer" = "パッケージインストーラ"; /* From: PackageInstaller.m (updateAll) */ "Package update failed" = "パッケージのアップデートに失敗しました"; /* From: PackageInstaller.m (updateAll) */ "Package update was not successful. Please see the R Console for details." = "パッケージのアップデートに失敗しました. 詳細についてはRコンソールを参照して下さい."; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "270.title"; Class = "NSMenu" */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "262.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Packages & Data" = "パッケージとデータ"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "538.title"; Class = "NSBox" */ "Packages Repository" = "パッケージリポジトリ"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "77.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Page Setup…" = "ページ設定…"; /* (RDocument) Entry = "68.title"; Class = "NSWindow" */ "Panel" = "パネル"; /* From: RDocumentWinCtrl.m (tidyRCode) */ "Parsing Error" = "構文解析エラー"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "171.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Paste" = "ペースト"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1475.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Paste As Plain Text" = "テキストとしてペースト"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "845.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Paste Ruler" = "ルーラのペースト"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "837.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Paste Style" = "スタイルのペースト"; /* From: PackageInstaller.m (reloadURL) */ "Please consult R Console output for details." = "詳細についてはRコンソールを参照して下さい."; /* From: PackageInstaller.m (reloadURL) From: PackageInstaller.m (updateAll) */ "Please specify a valid URL first." = "まず正しいURLを指定して下さい。"; /* Editor preference group */ "PrefG-Editor" = "ソースエディタ"; /* General preference group */ "PrefG-General" = "一般"; /* Views preference group */ "PrefG-Views" = "ビュー"; /* Colors preference pane */ "PrefP-Colors" = "コンソール\nカラー"; /* Editor preference pane */ "PrefP-Editor" = "エディタ"; /* Quartz preference pane */ "PrefP-Quartz" = "Quartz"; /* Startup preference pane */ "PrefP-Startup" = "起動"; /* Syntax colors preference pane */ "PrefP-Syntax" = "構文カラー"; /* From: AMPrefs/AMPreferenceWindowController.m (initWithAutosaveName) */ "Preferences" = "環境設定"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "129.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Preferences…" = "環境設定…"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1512.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Print" = "プリント"; /* From: RController.m (toolbarWillAddItem) */ "Print this document" = "この文書を印刷"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "78.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Print…" = "プリント…"; /* (ColorsPrefPane) Entry = "72.title"; Class = "NSTextFieldCell" */ "Prompt" = "プロンプト"; /* From: RController.m (toolbar) */ "Quartz" = "Quartz"; /* From: RController.m (toolbar) */ "Quit" = "終了"; /* From: RController.m (toolbar) */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "136.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Quit R" = "Rを終了"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "57.title"; Class = "NSMenu" */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "56.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "R" = "R"; /* From: RConsoleController.m (windowTitleForDocumentDisplayName) */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "21.title"; Class = "NSWindow" */ "R Console" = "Rコンソール"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "794.title"; Class = "NSWindow" */ "R Data Editor" = "Rデータエディタ"; /* From: REditor.m (initData) */ "R Data Editor - error while reading object data" = "Rデータエディタ - オブジェクトの読み込みエラー"; /* From: REditor.m (windowShouldClose) */ "R Data Editor couldn't write object data" = "Rデータエディタはオブジェクトを書き込めません"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "498.title"; Class = "NSWindow" */ "R Data Manager" = "Rデータマネージャ"; /* From: RController.m (sourceFile) */ "R File to Source" = "ソースとして読み込むRファイル"; /* From: RController.m (sourceOrLoadFile) */ "R File to Source/Load" = "読み込むRファイル"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "332.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "R For Mac OS X FAQ" = "MacOS X版RのFAQ"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "111.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "728.title"; Class = "NSWindow" */ "R Help" = "Rヘルプ"; /* From: RController.m (handleShowMessage) */ "R Message" = "Rメッセージ"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "525.title"; Class = "NSWindow" */ "R Package Installer" = "Rパッケージインストーラ"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "444.title"; Class = "NSWindow" */ "R Package Manager" = "Rパッケージマネージャ"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "662.title"; Class = "NSWindow" */ "R Workspace Browser" = "Rワークスペースブラウザ"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1081.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "R for Mac OS X FAQ" = "MacOS X版RのFAQ"; /* (MiscPrefPane) Entry = "137.title"; Class = "NSTextFieldCell" */ "R history file:" = "R履歴ファイル:"; /* (EditorPrefPane) Entry = "165.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ /* (EditorPrefPane) Entry = "164.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1517.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ /* (MiscPrefPane) Entry = "151.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ /* (MiscPrefPane) Entry = "150.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Radio" = "Radio"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "850.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Raise" = "すべてを手前に移動"; /* From: RDocument.m (checkRdDocumentWithFilePath) */ "Rd Check" = "Rdチェック"; /* From: RdEditorToolbar.m (textView) */ "Rd Toolbox" = "Rdツールボックス"; /* From: RDocument.m (checkRdDocumentWithFilePath) From: RDocument.m (convertRd2PDF) */ "Rd file" = "Rdファイル"; /* From: RDocument.m (convertRd2HTML) */ "Rd → HTML…" = "Rd → HTML…"; /* From: RDocument.m (convertRd2PDF) */ "Rd → PDF…" = "Rd → PDF…"; /* (MiscPrefPane) Entry = "140.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Read history file on startup" = "起動時に履歴ファイルを読み込む"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "173.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Redo" = "やり直し"; /* From: WSBrowser.m (toolbar) */ "Refresh" = "更新"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1678.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1500.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Refresh List" = "一覧の更新"; /* From: WSBrowser.m (toolbar) */ "Refresh Objects List" = "オブジェクト一覧を更新"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1644.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1645.title"; Class = "NSMenu" */ "Reinterpret with Encoding" = "エンコーディングを指定して再読み込み"; /* From: WSBrowser.m (toolbar) */ "Remove" = "削除"; /* From: REditor.m (toolbar) */ "Remove Columns" = "列を削除"; /* From: WSBrowser.m (toolbar) */ "Remove Object" = "オブジェクトを削除"; /* From: WSBrowser.m (remObject) */ "Remove Object from Workspace" = "ワークスペースからオブジェクトを削除"; /* Remove row - label for a toolbar, keep short! */ "Remove Row" = "行削除"; /* From: REditor.m (toolbar) */ "Remove Rows" = "行を削除"; /* From: WSBrowser.m (toolbar) */ "Remove Selected Object" = "選択されたオブジェクトを削除"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1722.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Remove Selection" = "選択部分を削除"; /* (MiscPrefPane) Entry = "142.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Remove duplicate entries in history" = "履歴中の重複を除去"; /* From: REditor.m (toolbar) */ "Remove selected columns" = "選択された列を削除"; /* From: REditor.m (toolbar) */ "Removes selected rows" = "選択された行を削除"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "550.headerCell.title"; Class = "NSTableColumn" */ "Repository Version" = "リポジトリにあるバージョン"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "316.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Reset Working Directory" = "作業ディレクトリのリセット"; /* From: Quartz/RDeviceView.m (drawRect) */ "Resizing to %g x %g" = "%g x %g にリサイズ"; /* (QuartzPrefPane) Entry = "123.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Restore defaults" = "デフォルトに戻す"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "112.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Revert" = "元に戻す"; /* (SelectEncodingsPanel) Entry = "24.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Revert to default" = "デフォルト設定"; /* From: RDocument.m (revertToContentsOfURL) */ "Reverting Document" = "文書を元に戻す"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "658.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Run X11 Server" = "X11サーバの起動"; /* Global string @ */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "75.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Save" = "保存"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "80.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Save As…" = "別名で保存…"; /* From: RController.m (toolbar) */ "Save Console Window" = "コンソールウィンドウを保存"; /* From: Quartz/RQuartz.m (saveDocument) */ "Save Content of Quartz Device to PDF file" = "Quartzデバイスの内容をPDFとして保存"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "246.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Save Default Workspace" = "ワークスペースを保存"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1494.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Save History" = "履歴を保存"; /* From: RController.m (saveDocumentAs) */ "Save R Console To File" = "Rコンソールの内容をファイルに保存"; /* From: RController.m (toolbar) */ "Save R console window" = "Rコンソールウィンドウを保存"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "260.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Save Workspace File…" = "ワークスペースをファイルに保存…"; /* From: RdEditorToolbar.m (textView) From: REditorToolbar.m (updatePreferences) */ "Save current document" = "現在の文書を保存"; /* From: RController.m (doSaveHistory) */ "Save history File" = "履歴ファイルの保存"; /* From: RController.m (didCloseAll) */ "Save workspace image?" = "ワークスペースのイメージファイルを保存しますか?"; /* (MiscPrefPane) Entry = "115.title"; Class = "NSBox" */ "Save workspace on exit from R" = "Rの終了時にワークスペースを保存"; /* From: RdEditorToolbar.m (textView) From: REditorToolbar.m (updatePreferences) */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1680.placeholderString"; Class = "NSSearchFieldCell" */ /* (Vignettes) Entry = "62.placeholderString"; Class = "NSSearchFieldCell" */ "Search" = "検索"; /* From: RdEditorToolbar.m (textView) From: REditorToolbar.m (updatePreferences) */ "Search Help" = "ヘルプを検索"; /* From: RdEditorToolbar.m (textView) From: REditorToolbar.m (updatePreferences) */ "Search Panel" = "パネルを検索"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1663.placeholderString"; Class = "NSSearchFieldCell" */ "Search in History [regex] - ⇧⌘H" = "履歴を検索 [正規表現] - ⇧⌘H"; /* From: RdEditorToolbar.m (textView) */ "Sections" = "セクション"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1631.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1632.title"; Class = "NSMenu" */ /* (MiscPrefPane) Entry = "149.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Select" = "選択"; /* From: PackageInstaller.m (installSelected) From: PackageInstaller.m (updateAll) */ "Select Installation Directory" = "インストールディレクトリを選択"; /* From: PackageInstaller.m (installSelected) From: RController.m (installFromDir) */ "Select Package Directory" = "パッケージディレクトリを選択"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "547.ibShadowedToolTip"; Class = "NSScrollView" */ "Select Packages You Want To Install Or Update. Multiple Selections Allowed. " = "インストール/アップデートしたいパッケージを選択して下さい. 複数選択も可能です. "; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "573.ibShadowedToolTip"; Class = "NSMatrix" */ "Select The Appropriate Location. Non-Admin User Should Select \"At User Level\"." = "適切なインストール先を指定して下さい. 管理者権限がない場合は「ユーザエリア」を選択して下さい."; /* (SelectEncodingsPanel) Entry = "22.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Select all" = "すべてを選択"; /* From: PrefPanes/EditorPrefPane.m (changeEditor) */ "Select editor application" = "エディタアプリケーションを選択"; /* From: REngine/Rcallbacks.m (RKL_METHOD_PREPEND) */ "Select one" = "1つ選択"; /* From: REngine/Rcallbacks.m (RKL_METHOD_PREPEND) */ "Select one or more" = "1つ以上を選択"; /* From: PackageInstaller.m (awakeFromNib) */ "Select packages from R %@" = "R %@ からパッケージを選択"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1113.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Select packages from previous R" = "以前の R からパッケージを選択"; /* (EditorPrefPane) Entry = "179.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Select…" = "選択…"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "130.title"; Class = "NSMenu" */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "131.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Services" = "サービス"; /* From: RController.m (toolbar) */ "Set Colors" = "色を設定"; /* (EditorPrefPane) Entry = "162.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Set Editor" = "エディタを設定"; /* From: RController.m (toolbar) */ "Set R Colors" = "Rの色を設定"; /* From: RController.m (toolbar) */ "Set R console colors" = "Rコンソールの色を設定"; /* From: PackageInstaller.m (checkOptions) */ "Set as default?" = "デフォルトに設定しますか?"; /* (RDocument) Entry = "111.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Shift-JIS" = "Shift-JIS"; /* From: AMPrefs/AMPreferenceWindowController.m (toolbar) From: PackageInstaller.m (toggleShowInstalled) */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "150.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Show All" = "すべてを表示"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "819.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Show Colors" = "カラーパネルを表示"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "826.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Show Fonts" = "フォントパネルを表示"; /* From: RController.m (textView) From: RDocumentWinCtrl.m (textView) */ "Show Help for current Function" = "現在位置の関数のヘルプを表示"; /* From: PackageInstaller.m (toggleShowInstalled) */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1065.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Show Installed Only" = "インストール済みのみを表示"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "843.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Show Ruler" = "ルーラを表示"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "412.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Show Workspace" = "ワークスペース内容を表示"; /* (EditorPrefPane) Entry = "158.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Show function hints" = "関数ヒントを表示"; /* (EditorPrefPane) Entry = "148.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Show line numbers" = "行番号の表示"; /* (EditorPrefPane) Entry = "146.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Show syntax coloring" = "構文を色分け"; /* From: RController.m (toolbar) */ "Show/Hide R command history" = "Rコマンドの履歴を表示/非表示"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "855.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Smaller" = "小さく"; /* From: RTextView.m (performDragOperation) */ "Snippet Error" = "スニペットのエラー"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "970.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Source Document" = "ソースとして読み込む"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "72.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Source File..." = "ソースを読み込む…"; /* (MiscPrefPane) Entry = "19.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Source input file" = "ソースとして読み込む"; /* From: RController.m (toolbar) */ "Source or Load in R" = "ソースまたはイメージをRに読み込み"; /* From: RController.m (toolbar) */ "Source script or load data in R" = "スクリプトのソースあるいはオブジェクトイメージをRに読み込み"; /* From: RController.m (toolbar) */ "Source/Load" = "ソース読み込み/オブジェクトイメージのロード"; /* From: RController.m (toolbar) */ "Start X11" = "X11を起動"; /* From: RController.m (toolbar) */ "Start X11 Server" = "X11サーバを起動"; /* From: RController.m (toolbar) */ "Start the X11 window server to allow R using X11 device and Tcl/Tk" = "X11およびTcl/TkデバイスをRから利用するために、X11サーバを起動して下さい"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "451.headerCell.title"; Class = "NSTableColumn" */ "Status" = "状態"; /* (ColorsPrefPane) Entry = "75.title"; Class = "NSTextFieldCell" */ "Stderr" = "Stderr"; /* (ColorsPrefPane) Entry = "77.title"; Class = "NSTextFieldCell" */ "Stdout" = "Stdout"; /* From: RController.m (toolbar) */ "Stop" = "中断"; /* (SyntaxColorsPrefPane) Entry = "116.title"; Class = "NSTextFieldCell" */ "String" = "文字列"; /* (MiscPrefPane) Entry = "146.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Strip comments in history entries" = "履歴中のコメントを除去"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "664.headerCell.title"; Class = "NSTableColumn" */ "Structure" = "構造"; /* (EditorPrefPane) Entry = "163.title"; Class = "NSTextFieldCell" */ "SubEthaEdit" = "SubEthaEdit"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "852.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Subscript" = "下付き"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "827.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Superscript" = "上付き"; /* (SelectEncodingsPanel) Entry = "25.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Switch" = "Switch"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "942.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Switch to Console Window" = "コンソールウィンドウに切り替え"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1117.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Switch to Last Editor Window" = "最近使用したエディタウィンドウ"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1118.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Switch to Last Quartz Window" = "最近使用したQuartzウィンドウ"; /* (QuartzPrefPane) Entry = "121.title"; Class = "NSTextFieldCell" */ "System Font Text" = "システムフォントテキスト"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "832.title"; Class = "NSMenu" */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "823.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Text" = "テキスト"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "559.ibShadowedToolTip"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "The Package Installer Requires An Internet Connection" = "パッケージインストーラの実行にはインターネット接続が必要です"; /* From: PackageInstaller.m (installSelected) */ "The installation location doesn't exist." = "インストール場所が存在しません。"; /* From: PackageInstaller.m (installSelected) */ "The package has not been installed." = "パッケージはインストールされていません。"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "841.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Tighten" = "きつく"; /* (QuartzPrefPane) Entry = "36.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Top Left" = "左上"; /* (QuartzPrefPane) Entry = "34.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Top Right" = "右上"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "699.headerCell.title"; Class = "NSTableColumn" */ "Topic" = "トピック"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1747.title"; Class = "NSMenu" */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1746.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Transformations" = "変換"; /* (ColorsPrefPane) Entry = "71.title"; Class = "NSTextFieldCell" */ "Transparency :" = "透明度 :"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "545.ibShadowedToolTip"; Class = "NSButton" */ "Try To Download The List Of Packages From The Specified URL" = "指定されたURLからパッケージの一覧をダウンロードします"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "668.headerCell.title"; Class = "NSTableColumn" */ "Type" = "型"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "539.ibShadowedToolTip"; Class = "NSTextField" */ "URL Of Repository. Must Begin With \"http://\"" = "リポジトリのURL. \"http://\"で始まっていなければなりません."; /* (MiscPrefPane) Entry = "108.ibShadowedToolTip"; Class = "NSTextField" */ "URL for the default CRAN URL. If left empty, the user will be prompted." = "デフォルトとして使われるCRANのURLです. 空白の場合はユーザに質問します."; /* (MiscPrefPane) Entry = "148.title"; Class = "NSTextFieldCell" */ "URL:" = "URL:"; /* (RDocument) Entry = "104.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "UTF-8" = "UTF-8"; /* From: main.m (sheetDidEnd) */ "Unable to start R: %@" = "Rを起動できません: %@"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1208.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Uncomment" = "コメントを外す"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "835.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Underline" = "アンダーライン"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "158.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Undo" = "取り消し"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1773.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Unfold" = "Unfold"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1766.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Unfold All" = "Unfold All"; /* (RDocument) Entry = "109.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Unicode" = "Unicode"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1748.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Unicode Characters in R Strings to \\uxxxx" = "R文字列中のユニコード文字を \\uxxxx 表記に変換"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1509.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Update All" = "すべてアップデート"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "817.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Use All" = "すべて使用"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "856.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "846.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "857.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Use Default" = "デフォルト"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "820.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "851.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Use None" = "使用しない"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "161.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Use Selection for Find" = "選択部分を用いて検索"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "565.ibShadowedToolTip"; Class = "NSButton" */ "User Should Specify The Package Format For Non-Default Repositories. Usually Archives With \".tar.gz\" Extension Are In \"Source Format\", Packages With \".tgz\" Extesion Are In \"Binary Format\". " = "デフォルト以外のリポジトリを用いる場合には、パッケージフォーマットを指定する必要があります. 通常、拡張子 \".tar.gz\" のアーカイブは「ソース形式」, 拡張子 \".tgz\" のパッケージは「バイナリ形式」です. "; /* From: NSString_RAdditions.m (evaluateAsBashCommandWithEnvironment) */ "User Termination" = "ユーザによる中断"; /* From: RDocument.m (insertRdDataTemplate) */ "VAR_NAME_1" = "VAR_NAME_1"; /* From: RDocument.m (insertRdDataTemplate) */ "VAR_NAME_2" = "VAR_NAME_2"; /* (Vignettes) Entry = "96.headerCell.title"; Class = "NSTableColumn" */ "Vignette" = "ビネット"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1110.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ /* (Vignettes) Entry = "5.title"; Class = "NSWindow" */ "Vignettes" = "ビネット"; /* From: RController.m (applicationDidFinishLaunching) */ "WARNING: You're using a non-UTF8 locale, therefore only ASCII characters will work.\nPlease read R for Mac OS X FAQ (see Help) section 9 and adjust your system preferences accordingly.\n" = "警告: UTF-8以外のロケールでは、ASCII文字のみが利用可能です. \nヘルプから MacOS X版RのFAQ のセクション9を参照し, システム環境設定を変更してください.\n"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "333.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "What's New In This Version?" = "このバージョンで新しくなったのは?"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1027.title"; Class = "NSWindow" */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "19.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "24.title"; Class = "NSMenu" */ /* (RDocument) Entry = "5.title"; Class = "NSWindow" */ /* (RQuartz) Entry = "5.title"; Class = "NSWindow" */ "Window" = "ウィンドウ"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1655.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Word" = "単語"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "252.title"; Class = "NSMenu" */ /* (MainMenu) Entry = "245.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Workspace" = "ワークスペース"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "249.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Workspace Browser" = "ワークスペースブラウザ"; /* (EditorPrefPane) Entry = "153.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Wrap lines" = "行をラップする"; /* Global string @ */ /* (MiscPrefPane) Entry = "125.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Yes" = "はい"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "197.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Zoom" = "拡大/縮小"; /* From: RController.m (applicationDidFinishLaunching) */ "[History restored from " = "[履歴が次のファイルから読み込まれました "; /* From: RController.m (application) From: RController.m (applicationDidFinishLaunching) */ "[Workspace restored from " = "[ワークスペースが次のファイルから読み込まれました "; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "1749.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "\\uxxxx to Character" = "\\uxxxx 表記から文字に変換"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "799.headerCell.title"; Class = "NSTableColumn" */ "a" = "a"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "797.headerCell.title"; Class = "NSTableColumn" */ "b" = "b"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "806.headerCell.title"; Class = "NSTableColumn" */ "c" = "c"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "807.headerCell.title"; Class = "NSTableColumn" */ "d" = "d"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "808.headerCell.title"; Class = "NSTableColumn" */ "e" = "e"; /* From: REditor.m (startDataEntry) */ "editing cancelled" = "編集をキャンセルしました"; /* From: REngine/REngine.m (RKL_METHOD_PREPEND) */ "executing" = "実行中"; /* (QuartzPrefPane) Entry = "118.title"; Class = "NSTextFieldCell" */ "font family:" = "フォントファミリ:"; /* (QuartzPrefPane) Entry = "119.title"; Class = "NSTextFieldCell" */ "font point size:" = "サイズ(ポイント):"; /* (QuartzPrefPane) Entry = "115.title"; Class = "NSTextFieldCell" */ "height (inches):" = "高さ (インチ):"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "462.alternateTitle"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "loaded" = "ロード済み"; /* (MainMenu) Entry = "462.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "not loaded" = "未ロード"; /* From: RDocument.m (checkRdDocumentWithFilePath) From: RDocument.m (convertRd2HTML) From: RDocument.m (convertRd2PDF) From: RDocument.m (insertRdDataTemplate) From: RDocument.m (insertRdFunctionTemplate) From: RDocumentWinCtrl.m (tidyRCode) From: RTextView.m (performDragOperation) */ "press ⌘. to cancel" = "⌘. を押してキャンセル"; /* (QuartzPrefPane) Entry = "114.title"; Class = "NSTextFieldCell" */ "width (inches):" = "幅 (インチ):"; /* (MiscPrefPane) Entry = "134.title"; Class = "NSTextFieldCell" */ "~" = "~"; /* From: RController.m (searchInHistory) */ "…invalid regular expression" = "…誤った正規表現です";