
if ($ARGV[0] eq '') {
	print "\n Usage: filterNLS <file1> [<file2> ...]\n\nGenerates Localizable.strings in UTF-8 encoding from sources that use NLS/NLSC macros.\nUses external utilities genstrings and iconv.\n\n";
	exit 0;

open OUT, ">temp.conv.m";
while (($fn=shift) ne '') {
	print "Reading $fn ...\n";
	open IN, $fn;
	while (<IN>) {
		$curFn="$3" if (/([-+])\s*(\(.*?\))\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/);
		$comm="From: $fn ($curFn)";
		while(/NLS\((\@\".*?\")\)/g) {
			$c="Global string $1" if ($1 eq '@"Yes"' || $1 eq '@"No"' || $1 eq '@"OK"' || $1 eq '@"Save"');
			print OUT "NSLocalizedString($1, \@\"$c\");\n";
		while(/NLSC\((\@\".*?\"),\s*(\@\".*?\")\)/g) {
			print OUT "NSLocalizedString($1, $2);\n";
#		s/NLS\((\@\".*?\")\)/"NSLocalizedString($1, \@\"\")"/g;
#		s/NLSC\((\@\".*?\"),\s*(\@\".*?\")\)/"NSLocalizedString($1, $2)"/g;
#		print "$_";
	close IN;
close OUT;
print "Generating all strings ...\n";
system "rm -f Localizable.strings";
system "genstrings temp.conv.m";
print "Converting to UTF-8 ...\n";
system "mv Localizable.strings loc.str.utf16";
system "iconv -f UTF-16 -t UTF-8 loc.str.utf16 > Localizable.strings";
system "rm -f loc.str.utf16 temp.conv.m";
print "Done.\n";