User requests/bug reports:
*	test BioC! the installation doesn't quite work AFAICT! (check prerequisities?)
*	edit object menu disabled
*	multiple packages installation crashes package manager (a couple of users report this)
*	add import/export functionality to read and write old_style history files
*	change everywhere buttons with toolbar whenever possible
*	is possible to crop long output? A-la mathematica using the cocoa browser as in the workspace browser? 
	What really does ESS ? Simon?
*	add arrows to the html browsers for navigation, as it is now it's too limited  
*	for Bioconductor packages installation: allow for an option that uses getBioc script  
*	we need to set a global option for "verbose" output. Some user want to have feedback on
	R commands sent via the GUI, do we ? [SI]
*	the mouse cursor should be spinning on long operations like package manager, etc
	R_busy is not good for that as we want the gui to be responsive.
*	Aqua Tcl/Tk - can we do something about the loop?
Other: (quick ideas - relevant or not ...) [SU]
*	sync of preferences, installed packages, local packages via .Mac
*	save/restore list of packages; upgrade (i.e. install according to previous version)
*	check for dev-tools and fortran compiler before allowing source installation
*	check for X11 before allowing to launch it

Internal feedback:
*	growing up the window in quartz device does not refresh the drawing [SI]
*	we need to assume Latin1Econdig for displaying text in quartz (see example(text))[SI]
*	in R_EditFiles:  the file name is not correctly set at the moment for newly created documents.
*	(find someone to) design some nice icons for the toolbar
*	should cut input longer than R buffer (1024). At the moment long user input is cutted into
	lines of at most 1024 bytes. We could probably cut them into less longer lines to allow
	for virtual any input length.
*	Jan suggested to add coloring to the package installer to distinguish between installed and
	update packages, and non updated ones.
*	REngine should wait R to finish. It would be nice to add a flag to evaluateString method 
	like "wait" set to YES by default. The reason is that calling multiple times REngine
	can crash R [[SU: this is a more general problem, we need synchronization of R activity...
	Is this still relevant or fixed?]]

- general issues:
	- font size handling is a mess - we need a global way to change font type and size for
	  all documents, including console and editor windows
	- RController is not NSDocument-based, which messes up lots of automatic menu handling
	- synchronize stdxx output on rmChild (need a semaphore)
- workspace browser:
	- disable "refresh" while data are fetched
	- use toolbar instead of fixed the button
	- edit/delete should apply to the *selected* object, not the root of the selected object ...
	- dbl-click should be edit
	- doesn't work with large workspaces (check why...)
- data editor:
	- adding rows doesn't shift contents of factors
	- add way to rename a column
	- editing fully NA objects causes problems (try m<-matrix(,5,5))
- code editor:
	- use code completion
- data manager
	- rename to Data Browser
	- add "search" field
	- allow columns to be sorted by clicking on the header 
	- don't query stats/base for datasets, because of the warnings
	- prints "empty env.." to the console .. bad boy
	- isImageData: - check whether compressed images are recognized (I doubt it..)