NEWS for GUI for Mac OS X

-- Release Version 1.81 (8497) - supplied with R 4.4.3 --
-- Release Version 1.81 (8462) - supplied with R 4.4.2 --

Last-update: 2024-06-21
*	Clean up REngine to honor const char types where
	supported by the newer R API.

-- Release Version 1.80 (8416) - supplied with R 4.4.1 --
-- Release Version 1.80 (8376) - supplied with R 4.4.0 --
-- Release Version 1.80 (8338) - supplied with R 4.3.3 --
-- Release Version 1.80 (8281) - supplied with R 4.3.2 --

Last-update: 2023-10-31
*	Add Spanish translation (many thanks to Roberto Villegas-Diaz!)

*	work around a bug in macOS 14.0 (Sonoma) where invalid window
	notifications cause unintended window switching.

-- Release Version 1.79 (8238) - supplied with R 4.3.1 --
-- Release Version 1.79 (8225) - supplied with R 4.3.0 --
-- Release Version 1.79 (8198) - supplied with R 4.2.3 --
-- Release Version 1.79 (8160) - supplied with R 4.2.2 --
-- Release Version 1.79 (8095) - supplied with R 4.2.1 --

Last-update: 2022-06-24
*	Suppress spurious IsMenuKeyEvent: error output in stderr

-- Release Version 1.78 (8075) - supplied with R 4.2.0 --

Last-update: 2022-04-18
*	When a package is installed "At User Level" using the Package
	Installer and library doesn't exist then the user library is
	added to the front of .libPaths() upon creation. This avoids
	the necessity to re-start R to make R_LIBS_USER setting

*	R editor code folding fix: glyph generation for folded regions
	assumed that all requested glyphs will be replaced. However,
	more recent macOS versions perform glyph-insertion for larger
	regions that may require some glyphs to be retained. The
	result was code disappearing beyond the folded region. (#2)

Last-update: 2022-04-03
*	For R >= 4.2.0 user package library is set to
	~/Library/R/<arch>/<ver> where <arch> is either of x86_64 or
	arm64 depending on the architecture of R. This matches the
	default R_LIBS_USER setting for CRAN R releases.

-- Release Version 1.77 (8051) - supplied with R 4.1.3 --
-- Release Version 1.77 (8007) - supplied with R 4.1.2 --
-- Release Version 1.77 (7985) - supplied with R 4.1.1 --

Last-update: 2021-05-29
*	Documentation/FAQ updates [BDR]

-- Release Version 1.76 (7976) - supplied with R 4.1.0 --

Last-update: 2021-05-19
*	fix segfault in select.list() due to missing
	SelectListWindow connection

-- Release Version 1.75 (7975) --

Last-update: 2021-05-09
*	add and empty Touch Bar to the R console to avoid
	performance issues in the default Apple
	implementation on some machines.

*	Fix warnings about connecting outlets

-- Release Version 1.74 (7950) - supplied with R 4.0.5 --
-- Release Version 1.74 (7936) - supplied with R 4.0.4 --

Last-update: 2021-02-12
*	Force content re-size in R document windows to fix
	layout issues in Catalina/Big Sur.

*	Remove opacity from R document windows.

*	Ensure the text view in editor windows has focus
	when created.

*	Remove indirect calls to parserContextForPosition:.

-- Release Version 1.73 (7892) - supplied with R 4.0.3 --

Last-update: 2020-07-01
*	Fix crashes (seg-faults) on Catalina due to selectors
	in some objects no longer being implemented by the OS.
	Affects mainly the R script editor.

-- Release Version 1.72 (7847) - supplied with R 4.0.2 --
-- Release Version 1.72 (7845) - supplied with R 4.0.1 --

Last-update: 2020-05-12
*	Avoid hard-coded colors so that text doesn't disappear
	in dark mode. Note that the user still has to adjust
	the custom colors (console, text/highlighting etc.).

-- Release Version 1.71 (7827) - supplied with R 4.0.0 --

Last-update: 2020-03-05
*	Upgraded project and XIBs to Xcode 8.0 and higher.
	Removed obsolete targets, set minimum to macOS 10.11.

-- Release Version 1.70 (7735) - supplied with R 3.6.2 --
-- Release Version 1.70 (7685) - supplied with R 3.6.1 --
-- Release Version 1.70 (7657) - supplied with R 3.6.0 --
-- Release Version 1.70 (7632) - supplied with R 3.5.3 --
-- Release Version 1.70 (7613) - supplied with R 3.5.2 --
-- Release Version 1.70 (7543) - supplied with R 3.5.1 --
-- Release Version 1.70 (7521) - supplied with R 3.5.0 --
-- Release Version 1.70 (7507) - supplied with R 3.4.4 --
-- Release Version 1.70 (7464) - supplied with R 3.4.3 --
-- Release Version 1.70 (7434) - supplied with R 3.4.2 --
-- Release Version 1.70 (7375) - supplied with R 3.4.1 --
-- Release Version 1.70 (7338) - supplied with R 3.4.0 --

Last-update: 2017-04-19
*	Add local help server to transport security exception list
	such that help works on macOS 10.11 and higher.

-- Release Version 1.69 (7328) - supplied with R 3.3.3 --

Last-update: 2017-03-07
*	Fix crash on macOS Sierra due to delayed setRuleThickness:

Last-update: 2016-12-07
*	Do not require discrete GPU on dual-GPU machines/laptops.
	This can save battery if the system is configured to use
	integrated GPU at the cost of performace.

Last-update: 2016-11-17
*	Replace deprecated convertPointFromBase: to avoid
	warning messages in the script editor

-- Release Version 1.68 (7288) - supplied with R 3.3.2 --
-- Release Version 1.68 (7238) - supplied with R 3.3.1 --
-- Release Version 1.68 (7203) - supplied with R 3.3.0 --

Last-update: 2016-03-11
*	 Make RLogoNew.icns the current logo.

-- Release Version 1.67 (7152) - supplied with R 3.2.4 --

Last-update: 2016-03-02
*	Added RLogoNew.icns based on the 2015/6 R logo and containing
        'x2' PNGs for use on retina screens.
        (The PNGs were made with Photoshop and converted to .icns by
	iconutil -c icns.)
	This logo should be used with R >= 3.3.0.

Last-update: 2016-01-18
*	fix segfault on exceptions in the event loop due to
	changes in R which caused the construction of the error
	string to segfault as the GUI tried to assemble all
	information on the error.

*	fix exception in the data entry in case the OS has requested
	data from the table after the data has been already
	released. Apparently it can happen in more recent OS X
	versions where the UI is released lazily. (PR#16561)

-- Release Version 1.66 (7061) - supplied with R 3.2.3 --
-- Release Version 1.66 (6996) - supplied with R 3.2.2 --
-- Release Version 1.66 (6956) - supplied with R 3.2.1 --

Last-update: 2015-04-20
*	fix HTTP help startup to use new R 3.2.0 API

*	adapt to changed variable names in hsearch$match

Last-update: 2015-04-23
*	adapt to  .BioC_version_associated_with_R_version
	now being a function

-- Release Version 1.65 (6932) - supplied with R 3.2.0 --
-- Release Version 1.65 (6912) - supplied with R 3.1.3 --
-- Release Version 1.65 (6832) - supplied with R 3.1.2 --
-- Release Version 1.65 (6784) - supplied with R 3.1.1 --

Last-update: 2014-04-16
*	replace defunct .find.package with find.package

-- Release Version 1.64 (6734) - supplied with R 3.1.0 --

Last-update: 2014-04-10
*	enforce activity on Mavericks when busy to prevent AppNap

*	change default configuration to Release which is agnostic
	to the SDK used; auto-detect the build name

-- Release Version 1.63 (6659) - supplied with R 3.0.3 --

Last-update: 2013-12-11 [RG]
*	minor fixes

Last-update: 2013-11-05 [RG]
*	history patch by Randy Lai

-- Release Version 1.62 (6558) - supplied with R 3.0.2 --

Last-update: 2013-06-26
*	Compile Rinit.m with -O0 since ObjC optimizations
	break in Mac OS X 10.9 DP

-- Release Version 1.61 (6492) - supplied with R 3.0.1 --

Last-update: 2013-04-05 [BDR]
*	Custom q() function now checks for allowed inputs.

-- Release Version 1.60 (6476) - supplied with R 3.0.0 --

Last-update: 2013-03-04 [BDR]
*	SVN branch as branches/MacGUI-2-x
*	Require R >= 3.0.0 (earlier versions should use the branch).

Last-update: 2013-03-04 [BDR]
*	Remove toolbar icon to start X11 (which is often Xquartz, and
	unneeded since 10.5).
*	Add MLion64 configuration for 64-bit builds assuming >= 10.8
	(will be needed once Xcode supports 10.9 since the 10.7 sdk will go)
	and SnowLeopard64 (64-bit only, current OS)

-- Release Version 1.53 (6451) - supplied with R 2.15.3 --

Last-update: 2013-02-06 [HJBB]
*	Fix crash while using block indent

Last-update: 2013-01-21
*	revert part of r6244 that moved 'odoc' proccessing to far
	down and thus broke the documented behavior on drag&drop startup

Last-update: 2013-01-20 [HJBB]
*	Avoid superfluous lex output on stdout
*	Treat a<-1 as a <- 1 and not a < -1

Last-update: 2012-12-28 [BDR]
*	New targets Lion and Lion64 for use with Xcode 4.5+
*	Use hooks in Rinterface.h where possible
*	No longer call getQuartzFunctions() since package grDevices in
	R-devel knows if it is being called from

Last-update: 2012-12-16 [BDR]
*	Change version tests for R-devel to >= 3.0.0.
*	More cleanup of conditional code for R < 2.10.0, 
	including removing the residue of the pre-2.7.0 quartz() device.
*	Private copies of R headers are no longer used.

Last-update: 2012-10-26 [BDR]
*	Add stubs for loadhistory() and savehistory() so the 
	readline-based ones are not used.

-- Release Version 1.52 (6335) - supplied with R 2.15.2 --

Last-update: 2012-10-22 [BDR]
*	Use --gui=qaua for startup.
*	The R-MacOSX FAQ has been modernized: some parts were many years 
	out of date.

Last-update: 2012-09-19 [BDR]
*	Set ptr_R_FlushConsole (long overdue!).
*	REditor: represent NA strings as ' <NA> ' so they are preserved,
	and empty strings are not mapped to NA.
*	The .Internal()s in GUI-tools.R have been replaced by .Call()s.
*	Some long-obsolete conditional code has been removed from clarity.
	R >= 2.10.0 is now required.
*	options("BioC.Repos") is now set from the value in R itself.
	This will be needed when BioC 2.11 is released on Oct 2.
	It also respects the setting of the BioC mirror.

Last-update: 2012-08-28 [HJBB]
*	Improved handling of larger documents
*	Fixed a crash if the R script editor has to handle
	_very_ long lines

Last-update: 2012-08-24 [HJBB]
*	Added Code Folding of { ... } multi-line blocks
	in R Script Editor (MacOSX >= 10.7); see gutter and/or
	Menu > Format > Code Folding > ...

Last-update: 2012-08-11 [HJBB]
*	Fixed bug for not working code completion if in the
	completion scope strings wrapped by '' are involved

Last-update: 2012-07-31 [HJBB]
*	Fixed broken block selection
*	Fixed minor issue while dragging an item to RConsole or 
	R Script editor if insertion cursor is located at an 
	empty line

-- Release Version 1.52 (6188) - supplied with R 2.15.1 --

Last-update: 2012-05-16
*	Do not execute .First twice if it is defined in .Rprofile
	(this is done by having GUI tools save it in
	 .__RGUI__..First and then compare with the version
	 present after loading the workspace and preventing
	 re-execution if it is identical)
Note that this is the initialization sequence in the GUI:
 1) GUI preferences are loaded and the environemnt initialized
    accordingly (LANG, R_LIBS, R_HOME, ...)
 2) R is started with --no-save --no-restore-data --gui=cocoa
 3) The GUI-tools are loaded (reporting the GUI version)
 4) open document requests are acquired
    - if none are open, the workspace is loaded
 5) history is loaded if requested in preferences
 6) all open document requests are processed
    - for directories the path is changed, .Rprofile sourced
      (if present), .RData loaded (if present) and history loaded
    - for files the directory is changed to the enclosing directory
      and the file is sourced/loaded/opened (depending on type)
 7) .First is executed if present
 8) Quartz preferences are set
 9) auto-reopen is called for documents

-- Release Version 1.51 (6148) - supplied with R 2.15.0 --

Last-update: 2012-03-02 [HJBB]
*	Fixes for Lion (among others drag-n-drop while is not
	running) and performance updates

-- Release Version 1.50 (6126) - supplied with R 2.14.2 --

Last-update: 2012-02-22 [HJBB]
*	Added full screen mode for RConsole and script windows for Mac OSX 10.7
	or higher.

Last-update: 2012-02-18 [HJBB]
*	Added trackpad three-finger swiping for toggling history drawer 
	visibility in RConsole and for going back and forward in help
	web pages
*	Added two-finger zoom gesture support to help web pages to
	increase and decrease resp. the text size

Last-update: 2012-02-09 [HJBB]
*	Added Rd file support:
	- Rd file extension is now affiliated to
	- Rd documents will have a list of sections in the toolbar
	- to create a new empty Rd doc Menu > File > New Rd Document
	- the Rd document's toolbar contains a toolbox with the following
	  -- Insert Function/Data Template
	  -- Check Rd Document
	  -- HTML/PDF Preview
	- syntax coloring is adopted from the settings for R code
*	Enhanced R's prompt() function if called without default 
	namespace 'utils':
	- added function argument 'interactive = FALSE'
	- if interactive == FALSE prompt() will call utils:::prompt()
	- if interactive == TRUE then prompt() will open the generated
	  Rd document in
	  -- if filename == NULL or filename == NA will open
	     an untitled Rd document with the generated Rd code
	  -- if filename is a valid path will open that Rd file

Last-update: 2012-02-08 [HJBB]
*	In Script Editor "function list" selection
	follows cursor position.
*	For dragging files which have not the extension *.R or *.Rdata
	holding down the ALT key will insert the relative path only
*	Added support for dragging *.R and *.Rdata files to
	RConsole or Script Editor to insert template
	"source()" and "load()" resp. For these file
	extensions holding down CMD key while dragging
	will use the relative file path only. By holding down the ALT 
	key while dragging only the pure relative path will be inserted.
	By holding down the ALT and CMD key only the full path will be
	For dragged *.R files the entire parameter setting and 
	value(s) of the paramater 'chdir' is/are highlighted.
	The highlighted parts of the template can be reached 
	by press TAB (next )and SHIFT+TAB (prev). A TAB for the
	last highlighted part will place the cursor at the end of
	the inserted template. This mechanism is part of the new
	implemented user-definable text macro system.
*	"Copy" for RConsole and Script Editor will also add
	rich text format (RTF) data to the pasteboard in order
	to be able to paste text syntax highlighted.

Last-update: 2012-02-02 [HJBB]
*	Added under menu Format > "Format Source Code".
	This command will format the selection or the entire
	R document by using "deparse()". According to "deparse()" 
	the selection or the document has to contain valid 
	R statement(s) otherwise parsing errors will be 
	displayed. Comments will be kept as they are but indented.
	Empty lines will also be preserved. For a selection 
	whose first line is indented one has also to select 
	the beginning of first line in order to preserve the 
	indentation level. "deparse()"'s width.cutoff argument 
	will be set either to the preference value 
	RScriptEditorFormatWidthCutoff or, if that value is 
	zero, to the current windows width. 
	One can set that value by executing the following 
	line without quotes: 
	"defaults write org.R-project.R 
	RScriptEditorFormatWidthCutoff -int 50"
	in the Terminal. If a parsing error will be displayed
	the command will try to jump to the erroneous line.

Last-update: 2012-01-30 [HJBB]
*	In R Script editor pressing ENTER after a simple
	if(), for(), while(), or function() clause or if
	current line has more opened parenthesis than
	closed will only indent the next line. This behavior
	is active for preference setting "Indent new lines".
	This feature is disabled by default since it's in
	beta status. It can be enabled if you
	execute the following command as one line and no
	quotes in the Terminal:
	"defaults write org.R-project.R 
	RScriptEditorIndentNewLineAfterSimpleClause -string YES"

Last-update: 2012-01-27 [HJBB]
*	Improved "function list" for R scripts to list
	object declarations for setMethod, setReplaceMethod,
	setClass as "- a_method (a_class)" and "- (a_class)"

Last-update: 2012-01-24 [HJBB]
*	Added Format > Transformation >
	- "Unicode Characters in R Strings to \uxxxx"
	-- converts all non-ASCII characters inside of
	   R strings of the selected text or current
	   word to \uxxxx sequences
	- "\uxxxx to Characters"
	-- converts all \uxxxx sequences of the selected
	   text or current word to according characters

Last-update: 2012-01-19 [HJBB]
*	In R Console ESC will only try to interrupt
	the current task or will clear the command
	line if no task is running [removed completion
*	Assigned standard key equivalent CMD+D for 
	"Don't Save" button while quitting R for all
	localized GUI versions

Last-update: 2012-01-18 [HJBB]
*	Added R services to Apple's services
	- "R – Run selection in Console"
	-- for a text selection in any app:
	    take the selected text and execute it
		in the R Console
	-- for selected R files
	    source these selected R files in R
		Console one by one
	- "R – Open selection"
	-- opens a new untitled R script document
	   and pastes the selected text coming from
	   any app into that new document
	[note: these have to be enabled in Preferences >
	Keyboard > Services after re-logging in]

Last-update: 2012-01-17 [HJBB]
*	Improved function name parsing for toolbar list:
	- invalid function names were displayed in red
	- trial to avoid listing of function declarations
	  inside argument lists
	- hierarchic indentations for function declarations
	  inside other functions
	- added two pragma marker for structuring the 
	  function list:
	  "#pragma mark -" will insert a separator line
	  "#pragma mark foo" will insert "foo" in blue
	  [note: both pragma marker have to be typed at
	  the beginning of a line]

Last-update: 2012-01-09 [HJBB]
*	In RConsole pressing the ESC key will invoke
	"completion" as in standard application if no
	R command runs including system(..., wait=TRUE)
	and if current console input line is not empty
	otherwise pressing ESC key or STOP button will
	try to terminate the running R command and, if
	a system(..., wait=TRUE) runs, it will kill the
	system command, or if current console input line
	is empty it will send CTRL+D to R in order to be
	able to jump out from uncompleted commands like

-- Release Version 1.43 (5989) - supplied with R 2.14.1 --

Last-update: 2011-12-24 [HJBB]
*	Font setting in RConsole will now be stored

Last-update: 2011-12-22 [HJBB]
*	In RConsole pressing the ESC key will invoke
	"completion" as in standard application if no
	R command runs including system(..., wait=TRUE)
	otherwise pressing ESC key or STOP button will
	try to terminate the running R command and, if
	a system(..., wait=TRUE) runs, it will kill the
	system command

Last-update: 2011-12-17 [HJBB]
*	Switching off syntax colouring and toggling wrap
	text in Preferences will update all open script
	editor documents
*	Fixed user range for completion in a case where 
	there's no string to complete
*	Fixed issue for main menu commands which execute
	R code such as "Show Workspace" etc. if user invoked
	these commands by using the mouse only

Last-update: 2011-12-16
*	fix function argument hint not showing up for
	the same function when used twice in sequence
	(thanks to David Winsemius for reporting)

Last-update: 2011-12-15 [HJBB]
*	fixed issue after opening a script file or
	creating a new empty one that the edit status
	was set to "was edited"

Last-update: 2011-11-05
*	enable support for R framework inside the
	bundle (via @rpath), allowing for relocatable
	self-contained R

-- Release Version 1.42 (5933) - supplied with R 2.14.0 --
-- Release Version 1.42 (5910) - supplied with R 2.13.2 --

Last-update: 2011-10-03
*	disable all automatic features in text views

Last-update: 2011-07-29
*	Work around auto-completion changes in
	Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion)

Last-update: 2011-07-14 [HJBB]
*	R Script Editor
	- fixed: ignore quoted brackets for highlighting
	  balanced brackets

-- Release Version 1.41 (5874) - supplied with R 2.13.1 --

Last-update: 2011-07-03 [HJBB]
*	R Data Editor
	- added possibility to (de)select non-contiguous
	  columns via holding down <COMMAND> key while
	  mouse click
	- "Copy (as CSV)" now copies selected row or column

Last-update: 2011-07-03 [HJBB]
*	Edit Object <SHIFT+COMMAND+E>
	- in Workspace Browser is invokes editing of selected
	- in any editor if something is selected it takes the
	  selection as object name and invokes obj <- edit(obj)
	- in any editor if nothing is selected it takes the
	  current word due to cursor position, checks if found
	  word is a valid object name in ls(), and if so invokes
	  obj <- edit(obj)

Last-update: 2011-06-27 [HJBB]
*	R Data Editor
	- after initialising resize columns due content
	- added table context menu
	- added key equivalents to each command (see context
	  menu or toolbar tooltip)
	- added chance to cancel the entire object editing
	- added chance to edit column names (via context menu
	  or double-click into column header - (SHIFT+)TAB for
	  navigation, ESC for cancelling)
	- type of added column comply with column type left
	  of the new one (can be explicitly chosen via context

Last-update: 2011-06-10 [HJBB]
*	fixed R Data Editor to display and edit strings of
	any size
*	R Script Editor completion now suggests var, function,
	parameter, etc. names even if they aren't defined
	in R's workspace (by parsing the R script buffer if
	it is not larger the 3MB)

Last-update: 2011-05-25
*	fix: using moveLeft: or moveWordLeft: in the console
	while there is a non-empty selection starting at the
	beginning of the command line now correctly cancels
	the selection.

Last-update: 2011-05-03
*	errors in the console are shown in a separate color

-- Release Version 1.40 (5751) - supplied with R 2.13.0 --

Last-update: 2011-04-01
*	help view responds to <Cmd><Enter> (execute selection)
	However, it is only supported for example sections of
	help files and involves conversion from HTML so there
	may be cases where some more unusual HTML entities
	are not converted.

Last-update: 2011-03-29
*	auto-saved documents are now restored automatically
	after a crash (even if they were unnamed)

Last-update: 2011-03-28
*	improved Data Manager
	- made table sortable and searchable
	- added Refresh List
	- now one can select more than one data set to
	  load them into the workspace

Last-update: 2011-03-24
*	auto-save is now enabled in the editor by default
	(period is set to 3 minutes) and can be enabled
	or disabled in the preferences

Last-update: 2011-03-23 [HJBB]
*	improved History
	- added possibility to search in History via
	  regular expression
	- pressing ENTER or RETURN will insert selected
	  item into RConsole
	- if History will open for the first time
	  select last item
	- shortcut SHIFT+CMD+H activates history search

Last-update: 2011-03-22 [HJBB]
*	Preferences for Editor and Syntax Highlighting
	- cleaned preferences
	- added 'Highlight current line'
	- added 'Indent New Lines'
	- added color setting for 'Background' (incl. 
	- added color seting for 'Current Line'
	- added color setting for 'Cursor'

Last-update: 2011-03-21
*	fixed crash when adding rows in a data frame
	containing strings (PR#14434)

Last update: 2011-03-19 [HJBB]
*	Implemented Menu > Format > 
	- Reinterpret with Encoding...
	- Increase Indent (of current line or selection)
	- Decrease Indent (of current line or selection)

*	Added Menu > Select >
	- All
	- Word
	- Line
	- Balanced Brackets

*	Fixed on runtime changing of Preference item
	'Wrap Lines'

*	RConsole and R Editor are listening at two finger
	zoom gesture of trackpads to de/increase font size

Last update: 2011-03-18 [HJBB]
*	Enabled and implemented Main Menu > File > Revert

*	If Match braces/quotes is activated and something is
	selected in RConsole or R Editor the typing of ({"'`[
	will wrap the selection with the typed character and
	its complement

*	Fixed MoveToLeftEndOfLine and
	moveToLeftEndOfLineAndModifySelection in RConsole
	to remain the cursor inside the active input line

Last update: 2011-03-17 [HJBB]
*	Improved the Save Panel for R scripts; now it offers
	a new list of encodings which is customizable by the
	user and displays the names of these encodings
	localized. Any changes will be stored permanently.

Last update: 2011-03-17 [HJBB]
*	Now the Open Panel allows to open more than one file

Last update: 2011-03-15
* is now more strict about file types. It no
	longer attempts to read any file as text. However,
	plain text UTI is added such that the GUI can handle
	URL and file types that are declared as text.

Last update: 2011-03-14 [HJBB]
*	Applied Deepayan Sarkar's base package 'rcompgen'
	for code completion. This includes the ability to
	complete $ or @ variables and function parameters.
	It is customizable by the user via rc.settings()
	and rc.options(). More details at the help page for
	'rcompgen'. For the R Editor it also works in
	multi-line mode.
	Examples: [ | := cursor position]

	.Platform$| -> will show all names
	plot(x, xl|) -> will show 'xlab=' and 'xlim'
	plot(|) -> show all parameter

	To append e.g. a ( to all functions you can set
	rc.settings(func=TRUE). To allow to complete installed
	package names set rc.settings(ipck=TRUE); then the
	behavior changes for library(|), now one gets a 
	list of all installed packages.

Last update: 2011-03-04 [HJBB]
*	Overhaul of the entire R Script Editor:
	- new line numbering including the chance to select
	a line by clicking into the gutter or a bunch of lines
	by dragging the mouse in the gutter
	- improved syntax highlighting by using flex and it'll
	be done on demand which increases the speed enormously;
	supports multi-line strings etc.
	- improved the declared function name parsing; show 
	names in red if the name is invalid and grayed if the
	function is commented out

Last update: 2011-02-13 [HJBB]
*	Implemented 'Search in Help files' (generally in each
	WebView) via CMD+F etc. if the WebView has the focus.

*	The function hint in the status bar of the RConsole
	and R Editor tries to follow the current cursor position

*	Improved the general closing behavior of windows to
	make the last touched window the key window

*	Fixed issue for 'Choose New Working Directory'; now the
	working directory will be taken by the user's selection
	and not the actual current directory inside the panel

*	Fixed printing CMD+P of each help page and the RConsole

*	Changed the behavior of SHIFT+CMD+N 'New Quartz Device
	Window' slightly; after opening it sets the input focus
	to RConsole for convenience

Last update: 2011-02-10 [HJBB]
*	Added menu item 'Show Help for current Function' CTRL+H
	to context menu of RConsole and each Script Editor. It
	parses backwards from the current cursor's position to
	to find the current function and opens the help page.
	If the user did select a text chunk CTRL+H will try
	to come up with help page of the selected text.
	If nothing was found it sets the focus to the Help 
	Search Field.

-- Release Version 1.36 (5691) - supplied with R 2.12.2 --

Last update: 2011-02-03
*	bug fix: help window no longer pops up when is enabled

Last update: 2011-01-23
*	add an option to specify the encoding of the text
	file when saving a document.
*	add detection and support for Unicode files

*	fix help type deprecation in Data Manager

-- Release Version 1.35 (5665) - supplied with R 2.12.1 --
--                      (5632) - supplied with R 2.12.0 --

Last update: 2010-10-04
*	Add an additional message at startup showing which 
	history file has been used (if enabled in the history
	section of the Startup preferences).

*	Added the (all=TRUE) clause to clearing the workspace
	(see Sep 26, 2010 email of prof. Ripley).

-- Release Version 1.34 (5589) - supplied with R 2.11.1 --

Last update: 2010-05-23
*	When identifying old R versions allow any size of
	the minor version (only one character was used before)
*	Change q()/quit() to map to the Quit command of the
	application. NOTE: the GUI still asks independently
	about unsaved documents regardless of the `save'
	argument, so unlike command-line R quit("yes")
	can be cancelled by the user if there are unsaved
*	Change default history file name to .Rapp.history
	temporarily until R/ history interaction is
	resolved. If you are upgrading and experience R GUI
	apparently not saving your history, go to Preferences
	-> Startup, click on the "Default" button next to the
	"R history file" text box and close the preferences.

-- Release Version 1.33 (5582) - supplied with R 2.11.0 --

Last update: 2010-04-26
*	fixed bug which caused Quit -> Save to not save the
	work space
*	when a preference pane is closed the active text
	field's content is saved as if <Enter> was pressed

	(Note: closing the application while a preference
	pane is open still does NOT save the value)

-- Release Version 1.32 (5573) - supplied with R 2.11.0 --

Last update: 2010-04-12
*	GUI redefines q()/quit() function to issue an error
	when used unless the RGUI.base.quit option is TRUE,
	to avoid inadvertent use of q()/quit() instead of
	"Quit R" (<Command><Q>). The original function can
	still be called	as base::quit() if the use is
	deliberate (with all its consequences).
*	work around browseEnv() refusing work on an empty
	environment which prevents updating the workspace
	browser when all items were removed (PR#8647)
*	added a new menu item "Paste As Plain Text" which
	corresponds to pasting + striping text attributes
	of the pasted text (wish PR#7927)

-- Release Version 1.31 (5537) - supplied with R 2.10.1 --

Last-update: 2009-12-12
*	Use dynamic help package index in Package Manager
	(PR#14134) and Data Manager
*	Added "" preference entry. If set to
	YES then the configured R browser is used to display
	help pages instead of the internal one.

-- Release Version 1.30 (5511) - supplied with R 2.10.0 --

Last-update: 2009-10-21
*	Fix main help link in R 2.10+

*	Fix help search in the help window in R 2.10+

*	Fix a bug in edit() that would not show any files
	(it also fixes the issue of vignette code not appearing)

*	Attempt to fix a potential crash when R error handling
	kicks in during REPL iteration.

Last-update: 2009-10-15 [RG]
*	Make sure there is a quartz document before closing the
	Quartz window. Happened by 'remote' creation of a window,
	e.g. Rcmdr and AppleScript, if the Quartz window was never
	made the key window before trying to close it.

Last-update: 2009-10-15
*	Use dynamic html help system in R 2.10+

Last-update: 2009-10-06
*	Update REPL to use the official embedding API for R 2.10+

Last-update: 2009-10-01
*	PowerPC 64-bit is not longer included in the regular
	targets, use "LeopardPPC64" to compile a ppc64 build.

	SnowLeaoprd target was added as a native 32+64 Intel build

-- Release Version 1.29 (5464) - supplied with R 2.9.2 --

Last-update: 2009-06-26
*	fix SET_VECTOR_ELT on characters bug in the object editor

-- Release Version 1.28 (5395) - supplied with R 2.9.0 --
   (also supplied with R 2.9.1 as revision 5442)

Last-update: 2009-03-27
*	deselect all wells before closing color preference panes
	(fixes PR#13625)

Last-update: 2009-03-24
*	add customizable script inside that is loaded
	on startup. This allows us to phase out legacy functions
	formerly in utils. The first step is to move them to,
	the next step is to move the C code from R aqua internals into
	the GUI and the final step is to get rid of the R wrappers
	where possible.

*	adjust paths to BioC for R 2.10.0

Last-update: 2009-02-10
*	fix back/forward buttons in Package Manager to work again

Last-update: 2009-01-09
*	fix data editor to not crash when adding rows/columns to an
	empty data frame.

Last-update: 2009-01-06
*	fix Package Installer to use correct target directory
	when installing packages from local files or directories

-- Release Version 1.27 (5301) - supplied with R 2.8.1 --

Last-update: 2008-11-06
*	adjust paths to BioC for R 2.9.0

-- Release Version 1.26 (5253) - supplied with R 2.8.0 --

Last-update: 2008-10-17 [SU]
*	run .First() if present after (early) 'open' events have been

*	load .Rprofile (if present) before loading .RData on
	drag and drop to be consistent with the regular R startup.

Last-update: 2008-08-28 [SU]
*	fixes to make some of the (older) code more 64-bit robust

-- Release Version 1.25 (5166) - supplied with R 2.7.1 --

Last-update: 2008-06-16 [SU]
*	fix moveToBeginningOfLineAndModifySelection: (<Cmd><Shift><Left>)
	to behave as expected; implement deleteToBeginningOfLine:
	Note that *BeginningOfLine*: is still implemented the same as
	*BeginningOfParagraph*: which may lead to some confusion when
	working with multi-line commands (but this was always the case).

Last-update: 2008-05-05 [SU]
*	bugfix: .Rprofile was loaded twice if the startup and
	open directories were the same (PR#11380)

-- Release Version 1.24 (5102) - supplied with R 2.7.0 --

Last-update: 2008-04-22 [SU]
*	work around a bug in Cocoa that caused a crash on
	"Customize Toolbar" in the editor.

*	add DPI setting to the Quartz preference pane
	(empty means NA i.e. auto-detect from display)

*	.Rprofile in the current directory is now sourced
	on startup. Although this was always documented,
	it was not happening in more recent versions.

Last-update: 2008-04-05 [SU]
*	add support for "\r", "\b" and "\a" in console output 

*	The GUI now prints a warning if a non-UTF8 locale is used,
	because all system and display functions rely on UTF-8.

Last-update: 2008-02-20 [SU]
*	fixes crash when an externally run script produces output on
	stderr and takes longer than the remote call timeout (e.g. when
	installing packages from sources that produce errors/warnings)
*	process output of the system call immediately (improved
	visibility of package installation output etc.)

*	added "Deployment64" configuration for 64-bit builds of the GUI

Last-update: 2008-02-12 [SU]
*	fixed an issue where pressing <Esc> or "Stop" would put R into
	an infinite loop
*	fixed bold fonts not appearing on Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)

-- Release Version 1.23 (4932) - supplied with R 2.6.2 --

Last-update: 2008-02-02 [SU]
*	reduce Quartz memory footprint substantially

*	improve stability by preventing re-entrant event processing
	(among others fixes lattice+maximize crash in Quartz)

*	add comment/uncomment items

Last-update: 2008-02-01 [SU]
*	fix spurious crashes in the editor (prematurely released colors)
	(thanks to Carolyn J Buck-Gengler for reporting)

Last-update: 2007-12-31 [SU]
*	execute (<Cmd><Enter>) in editor sends the current line if no
	characters are selected

-- Release Version 1.22 (4860) - supplied with R 2.6.1 --

Last-update: 2007-11-15 [SU]
*	fix exceptions in Quartz when trying to plot in a miniaturized
	window (thanks to CO Taylor for reporting)

Last-update: 2007-10-23 [SU]
*	fix missing

Last-update: 2007-10-19 [SU]
*	minor Leopard-related fixes. It is now safe to cross-build
	R and the GUI in Leopard for Tiger.

-- Release Version 1.21 (4808) - supplied with R 2.6.0 --

Last-update: 2007-08-14 [SU]
*	Use full path in local package installation to avoid
	tilde expansion (which causes package update to fail).

Last-update: 2007-08-13 [RG]
*	Re-enabled make keywindow line in RQuartz.m

Last-update: 2007-07-28 [SU]
*	fix encoding issue when opening a file via Open Document that
	has non-ASCII characters in its path name

Last-update: 2007-07-25 [SU]
*	add "Clear Console" (<Cmd><Opt><L>) menu item

*	fix font handling for the console: the font size toolbar is now
	correctly initialized the value is consistently stored

Last-update: 2007-07-19 [SU]
*	fix lock-ups in the editor when brace-highlighting and auto-close
	happen at the same time (thanks to Andrew Beckman for reporting).
*	added 'Debug all exceptions' and 'Redirect stdout/err' preferences.
	Previously those tasks were available only in the debug build.
	In order to debug problems with the GUI use
	defaults write org.R-project.R 'Debug all exceptions' YES
	If the crash is so bad that you can't see the output in the console,
	also add:
	defaults write org.R-project.R 'Redirect stdout/err' NO
	and capture the output from the Console log. To reset both settings
	back to normal, use
	defaults delete org.R-project.R 'Debug all exceptions'
	defaults delete org.R-project.R 'Redirect stdout/err'

	One more notheworthy preference is 'Disable R signal handlers' which
	if set to YES disables the menu that handles crashes in R (disabling
	it is a good idea for debugging, because the menu can cause a crash
	itself as it interacts with the UI)
	Finally 'Ignore stderr' preference if set to YES:
	defaults write org.R-project.R 'Ignore stderr' YES
	suppresses forwarding of all stderr output so that it is not displayed
	in R. This can be useful if the GUI or some 3rd party programs
	produce noise on stderr that cannot be handled otherwise. Note, however,
	that this will suppress all stderr including errors from programs
	that you start via system(), so use with care. (It has no effect
	if 'Redirect stdout/err' is set to NO)

Last-update: 2007-07-18 [SU]
*	set stderr/out timeout only after a successful connection,
	this should eliminate "tossing reply message" errors while R starts

-- Release Version 1.20 (4535) - supplied with R 2.5.1 --

Last-update: 2007-07-01 [SU]
*	add preference UI for automatic brackets/quotes matching

*	include back-quotes to auto-matching

*	fix a problem caused by thread timeout if R takes too
	long to start.

Last-update: 2007-05-30 [SU]
*	add timeout to stdout/err thread to avoid deadlocks in
	packages that abuse stdout/err

Last-update: 2007-05-17 [SU]
*	add exception handling to the outermost event loop (REngine)
	this should catch most causes for a crash and provide detailed
	information while recovering the session from such errors

*	improve file completion (directories get a trailing / and
	~-style paths can be completed including the initial part)

*	auto.close.parens now includes string delimiters (' and ")

*	deleting an initial bracket (using plain backspace or delete)
	will also delete the closing bracket if they are linked and there is
	no text between them (e.g. typing an opening bracket and pressing
	backspace will delete it and the automatically generated closing one).

*	improve auto-completion: it uses different tokens for file completion
	and expression completion
	(partially based on suggestions by Hans-Jörg Bibiko)

Last-update: 2007-05-06 [RG]
*	Window menu cleanup and a few more dangling windows. Most of the
	windowController workaround code now resides in RDocumentController

Last-update: 2007-05-01 [SU]
*	expand tilde in

Last-update: 2007-04-26 [SU]
*	Adjust Bioconductor repositories and get ready for 2.1

-- Release Version 1.19 (4308) - supplied with R 2.5.0 --

Last-update: 2007-04-25 [SU]
*	Both R NEWS and NEWS are shown for the "What's new" menu.

*	local package repository is now in
	where x.y is the R version (as in R version x.y.z) to prevent
	clashes between R versions
	(was ~/Library/R/library)
	It is possible to symlink x.y to .. in order to get the previous

Last-update: 2007-02-22 [SU]
*	Add support for automatically closing brackets. Typing an opening
	bracket	automatically adds a closing bracket as well (this applies
	to round, square and curly brackets). However, the closing bracket
	can be subsequently	overwritten.

	This new feature can be disabled by setting auto.close.parens
	preference to NO
*	New shortcuts have been added:
	<Alt> + <-> and <Ctrl> + <=> for left assignment arrow
	<Alt> + <=> for "!="

Last-update: 2007-02-21 [SU]
*	Cache value for working directory to prevent superfluous
	repaints that may lead to copy/paste PDF issues. (Thanks
	to Demitri Muna for helpful hints)

-- Release Version 1.18 (4045) - supplied with R 2.4.1 --

Last-update: 2006-12-15 [SU]
*	Add support for 64-bit version of the GUI (both ppc64 and x86_64

Last-update: 2006-12-06 [SU]
*	Adapt to API change in R-devel (R_ParseVector)

Last-update: 2006-11-30 [SU]
*	Fix errors popping up if the working directory is no longer
	existent (reported by Demitri Muna).

Last-update: 2006-10-13 [RG]
*	Passed focus back to RConsole after ?... returns no help
	topic found and user dismisses the alert panel

-- Release Version 1.17 (3868) - supplied with R 2.4.0 --

Last-update: 2006-10-04 [SU]
*	Updated Bioconductor repository URL for R 2.4.0 and R-devel
*	Changes in the Makefile (add -g even for deployment and allow
	ppc machines to compile; other cleanups)

Last-update: 2006-10-02 [SU]
*	Implemented lazy syntax-highlighting in the editor: the syntax
	highlighting is only updated on a limited region and if the
	change affects further text, its update is postponed until
	editing is done in such region. It is not perfect, but should
	solve speed issues when typing quotes.
*	Remove NSAlert introduced in last commit as it pops up for
	most documents where the GUI is used as pager

Last-update: 2006-09-28 [RG]
*	Enables call to super in RDocumentController. On failure
	will display an NSAlert message allowing the user to cancel or
	continue anyway. Did not run ./update.strings yet but strings
	are inside NLS(...)

Last-update: 2006-09-28 [RG]
*	Caught another dangling window (RQuartz.m)

Last-update: 2006-09-28 [SU]
*	Locales containing additional flags (e.g. en_GB@currency=EUR)
	didn't use UTF-8. Current fix is to strip the flags, although
	that may result in an incorrect variant of the locale to be used.
	The underlying problem is the interpretation in R, so there is
	not much we can do about it right now.
*	Fix bug causing crashes when opening documents
*	Fix GUI version defined in header files

Last-update: 2006-09-13 [RG]
*	Switch to openDocumentsToContentsOfURL:display:error
* now recognizes a .RData file when opened with d&d
*	Fixed a bunch of cases where 'dangling' menus occurred after
	'do cmd', e.g. from AppleScript

Last-update: 2006-09-05 [SU]
*	Update to work with current R 2.4.0 alpha and R-devel

Last-update: 2006-08-27 [RG]
*	Added pref setting for saveOnExitKey to startup prefpane
*	Prevent loading of .RData from user home dir (if working dir
	is different)
*	Show which .RData is loaded on startup

Last-update: 2006-08-10 [RG]
*	Added check for quartz width/height preferences (missing in
	newQuartzDevice: in RController.m)

Last-update: 2006-07-14 [SU]
*	Cleanup in initialization code (use Rinterface.h when
*	Add "Disable R signal handlers" preference which allows
	to disable the new signal handlers introduced in R 2.3.0
	The valid values are YES and NO. The default for deployment
	build is NO and for development build is YES.

Last-update: 2006-07-13 [SU]
*	Added support for save.on.exit preference with possible
	values yes/no/ask. Currently not settable via UI but e.g.:
	defaults write org.R-project.R save.on.exit -string no

Last-update: 2006-06-19 [SU]
*	Fixed detection of previous R version for package update
*	Add support for device name in Quartz

Last-update: 2006-06-17 [SU]
*	Fixed broken "update all" in package installer

-- Release Version 1.16 (3198) - supplied with R 2.3.1 --

Last-update: 2006-05-24 [SU]
*	Update BioC repositories and add "repos" when installing
	packages (mainly to fetch dependencies)

Last-update: 2006-05-22 [SU]
*	Add options for installing dependent packages in PI
*	Allow .libPaths()[1] as package installation target
*	Create user location upon installation if not present
*	Fix default BioC repositories location

Last-update: 2006-05-21 [SU]
*	Fixed parallel open for certain files.
*	Fixed issues with closing documents
*	Add shortcuts for "Switch to Last Quartz Window" and
	"Switch to Last Editor Window"
*	Clean up in the document controller - single path for
	all R source files

Last-update: 2006-05-17 [SU]
*	Fixed 'open' for files without extension (uses native
	document handling again)

Last-update: 2006-05-04 [SU]
*	Fixed extension when saving Quartz Graphics
*	Fall back to "open" in handleShowFiles: if a document
	cannot be loaded (e.g. due to invalid encoding)

Last-update: 2006-05-02 [SU]
*	Fixed problems with incompatible libraries

Last-update: 2006-04-27 [SU]
*	Fixed missing icon in editor preferences
*	Updated legacy R.xcode project

-- Release Version 1.15 (3106) - supplied with R 2.3.0 --

Last-update: 2006-04-24 [SU]
*	Added icons for R documents, scripts and data
*	Fixed document types and extensions
*	Fixed workspace pollution upon startup
*	Fix drag'n'drop: events sent while was starting
	were often lost. Loading now implies directory change
	and all folder drops result in workspace restoration.

Last-update: 2006-04-13 [SU]
*	Added support for multi-arch build of R

Last-update: 2006-03-01 [SU]
*	Fixed crash on invalid history files

Last-update: 2006-02-21 [SU]
*	Fixes for internal header changes in R-devel
*	Fixed script stage for R target to work with paths
	that contain spaces (Xc2.2).
*	Fixed Debug config to not strip debug symbols

Last-update: 2006-02-10 [SU]
*	Updated Xcode 2.0 project to produce correct Info.plist
*	Updated Xcode 2.2 project: Deployment target is now
	universal build using 10.4u SDK. You will need to
	symlink /Library into the SDK before building!
	All other configs are native.
*	Fixed Makefile to build sush correctly and re-build if SVN revision changed.

Last-update: 2006-02-08 [SU]
*	Added Makefile for building universal that actually
	works. Note that Xcode build for Intel does NOT work due
	to bugs in gcc. You must use patched gcc 4.0.3 (see ) but that
	compiler is not supported by Xcode, that's why we need
	the Makefile.

Last-update: 2006-02-06 [SU]
*	Added support for universal build
*	Changed the way Info.plist and strings are updated,
	there is no longer need for *.src.*
*	Switched to Xcode 2.2+ project. From now on build
	using Xcode 2.1 or older is no longer supported.

Last-update: 2006-01-05 [SU]
*	Updated Japanese localization (thanks to Masafumi Okada)

-- Release Version 1.14 (2129) - supplied with R 2.2.1 --

Last-update: 2006-01-02 [SU]
*	Added dutch localization (thanks to Aaike De Wever)
*	Minor cleanups and RC build

Last-update: 2005-12-16 [SU]
*	Fixed bug in apple script prcessing that required an event
	to be fired (e.g. moving the mouse) before the command was
	processed. [Thanks to Jonathan Paisley for the hint]

Last-update: 2005-11-10 [SU]
*	Fixed a memory leak in the Quartz device (font handling)

Last-update: 2005-11-03 [SU]
*	Deferred vignettes list retrieval until vignettes
	are requested to reduce start-up time on slow

Last-update: 2005-10-31 [SU]
*	Replaced all remaining CStrings with UTF8Strings
	(fixes help search topic display problem)

Last-update: 2005-10-28 [SU]
*	Fixed encoding bug in REngine parser invocation
	(fixes Quartz saving bug reported by Denis Chabot)
*	Added safeguards to WriteConsole callback
*	Fixed invalid html docs link

Last-update: 2005-10-19 [RG]
*	External editor: Enabled names with embedded spaces.

-- Release Version 1.13 (1915) - suppplied with R 2.2.0 --

Last-update: 2005-10-07 [SU]
*	Package installer: add search menu option to select packages
	installed in a previous R version. This allows an easy upgrade
	from an older R version.
*	Work-around for a bug in browse.pkg of R 2.2.0 release
*	Fixed bug in pkg installation from "other repository"

Last-update: 2005-10-05 [SU]
*	Fixed package installation from files/directories
*	<ESC> is now equivalent to break (and the STOP button)
*	Added support for vignette sources
*	Double-clicking a vignette opens its PDF
*	Fix application termination. It should cancel logout/shutdown
	only if the user requested so (it always cancelled it before).

Last-update: 2005-10-03 [SU]
*	Added support for vignettes.

Last-update: 2005-09-06 [RG]
*	Fixed history file name.

Last-update: 2005-07-20 [SU]
*	Fixed RController initialization bug (responsible for random
	segfaults at stratup)
*	Added (undocumented) function for saving contents
	of Quartz devices as-is to various formats.

-- Release Version 1.12 (1622) - supplied with R 2.1.1 --

Last-update: 2005-07-01 [SU]
*	Fixed Quartz live-resize bug
*	Updated FAQ for 2.1.1

Last-update: 2005-06-20 [SU]
*	Fixed package installer to handle Bioconductor repository properly
*	Added Xcode 2.1 project
*	Added preference to disable function arguments hints (applies to
	both console and editor)

Last-update: 2005-05-30 [SU]
*	Added "protected mode" to REngine which disables events for the
	duration of short, atomic operations like arguments lookup or
	code completion. This should fix recent crashes caused by longer

Last-update: 2005-05-27 [SU]
*	Re-write of the Quartz text handling; should fix some exceptions
	and	fix problmes with font metrics (the previous one provided
	bogus values)

Last-update: 2005-05-19 [SU]
*	Don't run system events if ProcessEvents is called too frequently
	(calls to the system loop will be at least 150ms apart)
	Solves speed issues where loops were slower in the GUI than on
	command line

-- Release Version 1.11 - supplied with R 2.1.0 Patched (2005-05-12) --

Last-update: 2005-05-12 [SU]
*	Fixed crash in PI when filter (search) was on and installation failed

Last-update: 2005-05-11 [SU]
*	Added support for function arguments lookup in the console
*	Added status line to the console (only used for the args lookup so far)
*	Added better warnings in package installer and cleaned up previous
*	Set cursor color to match the input/normal text
*	Make sure the help window is key after runnig help from the console
*	Use status line for all commands executed by REngine
*	Added code/file completion to the editor
*	Added global code/file completion shortcut <Ctr><.> (as in Xcode)
	<Tab> still works in the console, but obviously not in the editor
*	Added status line and arguments lookup in the editor
*	Fixed buttons availability in package installer
*	Added re-entrance tracking to the REngine. Currently CodeCompletion
	and editor's argument lookup honor the preventReentrance flag.
	It is disabled by default but can be enabled by:
	defaults write org.R-project.R "REngine prevent reentrance" YES
	We need some testing to see if reentrance at a wrong time can crash R

Last-update: 2005-05-10 [SU]
*	Added help search history to search field in editor, fixed menu issues
*	Re-designed help browser - added support for search field history
*	Sort packages in package installer by name (case-insensitively)
*	Added package search/filter to package installer (with recent search
	menu and the option to show installed packages only)
*	Cleanup of the package installer interface - buttons are grayed
	when busy and the list doesn't just disappear
*	Added "Update All" functionality to the package installer (supports
	internet repositories including custom one)
*	Fixed custom repository source install (used binary in R 2.1 patched)
*	Remember custom URL across sessions. Show the field only when relevant.
*	Reload package list after instalaltion so the newly installed versions
	are reflected in the list
*	Change package installer to use contriburl and type parameters (to
	make it compatible with R 2.2 - the CRAN parameter is deprecatred)
*	Fixed bug in single-item select.list() calculating wrong list height

Last-update: 2005-05-09 [SU]
*	Fixed CPU hogging while waiting for system() to finish.
	Calling PE too often slowed down source package installation a lot.

Last-update: 2005-05-06 [SU]
*	Fixed history handling to work with UTF-8 paths
*	Fixed race condition in preference notification

Last-update: 2005-05-05 [RG]
*	Fixed selecting the .Rhistory file from the correct, newly
	set working dir after drag&drop

Last-update: 2005-05-02 [SU]
*	Updated syntax highlighting to recognize identifiers containing numbers
*	Optimized syntax highlighting - scans only one line unless quotes
	change multi-line strings. Should yied huge speedup for large files.

-- Release Version 1.10 - this revision is supplied with R 2.1.0 --

Last-update: 2005-04-26 [SU]
*	Changed version to 1.10 - release!
*	Make sure preferences are saved before R quits
*	Fixed crash/exception on font change in the console
*	Added force.LANG and ignore.system.locale preference entries.
	There is no GUI for those, but they can be set using "defaults".
	ignore.system.locale is boolean and sets locale to en_US.UTF-8.
	force.LANG is a string that replaces the LANG seting. If present,
	but empty, LANG is not touched. force.LANG has higher precedence.
	These are useful to override system's locale settings for one reason
	or another.

Last-update: 2005-04-25 [SU]
*	Bumped up version to 1.10 (pre) - getting ready for the release
*	Don't use syntax highlighting for show.files documents
*	Optimized line number rendering (huge speed-up for large files)
*	Fixed encoding in saved filed (was UTF-16 instead of UTF-8)
*	Fixed syntax highlighting for newly opened files

Last-update: 2005-04-25 [RG]
*	Fixes in the editor preference pane
*	Fixed document closing behavior
*	Show R NEWS file when asked "What's new?"

Last-update: 2005-04-20 [SU]
*	Added support for default CRAN mirror (preference and check
	in Package Installer)
*	Fixed brace highlighting bugs that caused exceptions and crashes
	in the editor (note to developers: NSTextField is very unhappy
	when something changes contents inside the "edited:" callback - if
	you wish to make changes, you must do it synchronously *after* the
	edited:	callback is done. Our NSTextStorage subclass allows this).
*	Use more efficient backend for editor documents

Last-update: 2005-04-18 [SU, RG]
*	Updated NIB localization script. The operation must be specified
	on the command line, deliberately there is no default anymore
*	Updated FAQ
*	Fixed failing "Save" in editor on OS X 10.4 (Tiger) [RG]

Last-update: 2005-04-15 [SU]
*	Fixed bug in AMPrefs causing an attempt to release a system font
*	Added progress indicator to package installer
*	Fixed package installer to work with R 2.1 (it did not unless CRAN
	mirror was set manually before)
*	Reverted REngine back to --gui=cocoa in order to not break
	compatibility with R 2.0 (corresponding change was made in R 2.1)

Last-update: 2005-04-13 [RG]
*	Fixed a bug in drawing on a miniaturized active Quartz window [RG]

Last-update: 2005-04-12 [SU]
*	Fixed a bug in the code completion (uncaught exception when
	completion of the complete was attempted)
*	Fixed R engine to use --gui=aqua (necessary for R 2.1.0)
*	Display FAQ distributed with (was: fw version of it)

Last-update: 2005-04-04 [SU]
*	Some more cleanup in the editor toolbar, added Save item
*	Added go-to-line (<Cmd><L>) capability in editor

Last-update: 2005-03-31 [SU]
*	Added editor toolbar
*	Added help search capability to editor
*	Added pop-up list of functions to edtior
*	Made editor and console use new toolbar look in OS X 10.4 
*	Assume UTF-8 when loading documents by default
*	Make `system' call modal even for root. This should fix
	installation of packages when authentication is on.
	Still, we have no way of interrupting root tasks.
*	Add startup debugging messages (Development target only)

Last update: 2005-03-07 [RG]
*	Re-enabled width & height parms in quartz()
*	Enabled history entry delete by button
*	Optional removal of duplicate previous entry from history
*	Optional (through pref pane) cleanup of history entries
	(stripping of irrelevant chars, lines and/or comments)

Last update: 2005-03-04 [SI]
*	added callback for select.list (do_selectlist) R function,
	the code needs some cleaning though.
Last update: 2005-02-28 [RG]
*	Made all history files R compatible
*	Updated relevant prefpanes
*	Enabled double clicking on a file or dropping a file on
	the R icon to set the working dir during start-up of R

Last update: 2005-02-25 [RG]
*	Enabled dropping dirs on the R icon to set the working dir
*	Note: It is possible to 'open -a .', which will open
	R in the directory in which the open command is executed.

Last update: 2005-02-23 [SU]
*	Changed help file handling to use customized print method
	(applies to R-devel only and requires change in R itself!)

Last update: 2005-02-18 [SI]
*	added French localization; changed credits

Last update: 2005-02-18 [RG]
*	Added support for .Rhistory files (import, export
	and editing)
*	Added support for persistent history files

Last update: 2005-02-16 [RG]
*	Fixed some consistency issues with help
*	Made the R Console searchfield initially an exact search
*	Enabled expanded search if help topic not found

Last update: 2005-02-13 [SU]
*	Fixed crash in console after output w/o EOL

Last update: 2005-02-12 [RG]
*	Separated prefpanes for General and Editor
*	Enabled line wrapping in editor

Last update: 2005-02-10 [RG]
*	Added pref pane for syntax highlight colors

Last update: 2005-02-05 [SU]
*	Added localization in all Obj-C code; updated l10n scripts
*	Added scripts for localization of Obj-C code

Last update: 2005-02-03 [RG]
*	Added simple line number support in source editor.
*	Fixed some issues around deleteBackward in editor
*	Brace highlighting in editor re-enabled
*	Fixed some minor issues on repositioning and resizing of Quartz

Last update: 2005-02-01 [SU]
*	Added forward/back buttons in help browser window
*	Added update.localization script for automated update of
	localized NIB files.
*	Switched over to Cocoa API for auto-completion. Unfortunately
	the system is somewhat limited, so it's far from perfect.
	It seems that we need to implement our own drop-down to make
	it behave more intuitively (so, please, hold your horses before
	reporting bugs on this one...).

Last update: 2005-01-19 [SU]
*	Fixed typo in loc. strings (which caused an exception on start)
*	Fixed bug in RController causing R-GUI to not compile for
	most recent R-devel
*	Added some more UTF-8 support

Last update: 2005-01-13 [SU]
*	Fixed compatibility issue with R-devel (2.1.0)
*	Enable UTF-8 support for R-devel (2.1.0). This finally fixes
	most encoding issues and allows support for many languages
*	Changed REngine to use UTF-8

Last update: 2005-01-12 [RG, SU]
*	Fixed openRecent behaviour [RG]
*	Fixed crash in the timer (REPL is non-delayed now) [SU]
*	Fixed document open/save bugs [SU]

Last update: 2005-01-11 [SU]
*	Added undo checkpoint at <Enter> in the editor
*	Remove undo stack in the console after prompt to prevent
	entries from previous lines to mess up the console (we
	may want to add some more sohpisticated undo policy later)
*	Fixed R startup issue which required <ESC> to be hit sometimes
	(introduced in 2005-01-10 commit)
*	Fixed undo issues (the correct manager is used)
*	Fixed NSRunStorage exceptions (pasting large chunks or
	huge output works now) - console now uses direct text storage
	messages for better reliability and speed
*	This is the just the beginning in the process of dismantling
	RController into RConsole* classes. RController should handle
	only application-wide issues. Any console-related functionality
	should go to one of the RConsole classes.
*	Changed document handling to proper MVC - both the editor and
	the console consist of three parts:
	- the document class handling new/open/save etc.
	- window controller handling interactions with the window
	- text storage class handling text manipulations
	Especially the separation of the text storage may be very
	useful for content checking (hidden chars) and highlighting.
*	Added Rcommand document type which represents the console
	as a document (for now not fired at launch time). The
	corresponding NIB file is RConsole and the RConsole* classes.

Last update: 2005-01-10 [SU]
*	Changed the way R is started to get out of the timer/notifi-
	cation context. This is somewhat experimental, because is
	is quite complex (using runDelayedREPL and posting <ESC>)

Last update: 2004-12-30 [SU]
*	Fixed bug in color preferences causing an exception to be
	thrown when chenging transparency of a pure white bg
*	Added support for transparent background to editor windows
*	Fixed bug in RDocument (window could not be identified)
*	Make console window key after setting up R
*	Some Quartz cleanup [RG]

Last update: 2004-12-29 [SU]
*	Removed superfluous and wrong color handling code - should
	fix crashes related to new documents.
Last update: 2004-12-29 [RG]
*   Fixed 'Open With' R (opening a file from Finder with R)
*   Fixed opening many 'New Document' windows
*   Removed dummy NSLog statements in RDocumentController
    (likely all 3 issues above were caused by defaultColor
	 initialization in RDocument)
*	Fixed RQuartz window zoom and deminiaturize (now redisplays)
*   Improved RQuartz window location handling
*   Fixed handling of radio buttons in Editor and Misc
    PrefPanes (behaviour changed between OSX 10.3.6 and

Last update: 2004-12-27 [SU]
*	Fixed a potentially dangerous bug in stdout/err thread code
	(writing one byte off the end of a dynamic buffer)
*	Fixed improper R loop start
*	Added new target "Debug" - it should be used for deployed
	binaries that will contain debug information. The
	development target uses zero-link which makes it unusable
	for any deployment.
*	Added exception debugging code - exceptions are traced
	and dumped on the console (Debug/Development only).
*	Changed R loop start to happen during the AFL notification
	instead of a timer (experimenal, see note below).
*	Made most of the console writing code thread-safe.

NOTE: there seems to be a serious issue: R's SETJMP interferes
	with Obj-C exception handling (or vice-versa). There is now
	some experimental code in this commit that tries to explore
	the possibilities, but it's not a final solution yet.

Last update: 2004-12-10 [RG]
*	Quartz window location and size preferences
	implemented. Font not done yet.

Last update: 2004-12-08 [RG]
*	(re-)enabled printing of docs in editor,
	for now, clears and restores background color
	before printing
*	changed horizontalPagination from Auto to Fit
*	enabled printing help pages with print button
*	kept full path for editor app or script
*	informational panel if help topic is not found

Last update: 2004-12-07 [RG, SU]
*	changed showing and changing of working directory to
	abbreviate paths using ~ where possible [SU]
*	fixed path handling to use NSString and NSFileManager -
	this fixes issues with non-ASCII paths [SU]
*	minor cleanup in preference panes (code+NIBs) [SU]
*	added initial working directory setup in misc PP [RG]
*	added support for the new preference system in all PPs
	(fixes things broken in the last commit) [RG]

Last update: 2004-12-05 [SU]
*	fixed casting issues in AMPrefs
*	added handleHelpSearch callback, moved the corresponding
	code out of Rcallbacks, converted SearchTable to use
*	moved preferences controller from Rcontroller into its
	own class PrefWindowController - makes more sense and is now
	handled by NIB instead of manual allocation
*	Added proper Preferences class handling all preferences
*	cleanup of Rcontroller and prefs handling - currently
	only color preferences use the new system, therefore other
	preferences don't work (yet)!
*	moved preference keys to PreferenceKeys.h header
*	added support for configurable working directory (but the
	corresponding prefs pane still needs to be implemented)

Last update: 2004-11-29 [RG, SU]
*	improved structure of RDocumentController, made edit
	default in MiscPrefPane [RG]
*	fixed handling of file names - use NSString wherever possible
	to avoid encoding problems [SU]
*	fixed some occurrences of non-UTF-8 strings in the R communication
	path (among others fixes sourcing and file-competion issues of
	filenames containing non-ASCII characters) [SU]

Last update: 2004-11-27 [RG]
*	cleaned storing preferences EditorPrefPane and
	added New editor selection panel
*	fixed storing preferences MiscPrefPane
*	fixed blanks in filename paths for openDocument
*	fixed Save Document As for Quartz window

Last update: 2004-11-24 [SU]
*	fixed bug in UTF-8 handling; removed the use of auto-release
	pools in Re_.. callbacks.
	Still ToDo: R doesn't understand UTF-8 so the GUI should use
	cString default encoding (even if we can't change it programmatically)

-- Release Version 1.01 - this revision is supplied with R 2.0.1 --

Last update: 2004-11-16 [SU]
*	fixed handling of line endings: PC endings (\r\n) are now supported
	as R console input (also fixes some problems with AppleScript)
*	added transport buffer for ReadConsole to be logically correct.
	this also remedies the compilation warning in RController
*	fixed a bug in isAdmin() - uninitialized variable

Last update: 2004-11-14 [SU]
*	added isAdmin() in Tools/Authorization to query the admin status
	of the current user (more precisely membership in the "admin" group)
*	changed default package installation target - for admin users the
	default is now system-wide installation
*	clean-up of the MiscPrefPane, removed redundant code from RController
*	added support for R_LIBS option: in MiscPrefs there is a flag that
	can be set resulting in ~/R/Library to be added to R_LIBS. This
	obsoletes hack in Rprofile which modified .libPaths without respecting
	or updating R_LIBS which in turn broke some R CMD ... scripts.
	Note that this setting has no effect if the hack is still in place
	(most notably in the R 2.0.0 release)
*	added R_GUI_VERSION_STR define
*	R_GUI_APP_VERSION environment variable is set by such that R
	code can check the existence and version of the

Last update: 2004-11-06 [SI]
*	added Rob Goedman (for external editor support) code.
*	added standard copyright notes everywhere. Please check and
	add specific credits to users contributed code if any.
Last update: 2004-11-05 [SU]
*	fixed a small leak and early deallocation of the keywordList (this fixes
	crash observed when editing a file dropped on R while R is initialized).
	retain all colors, too, to make sure they don't get deallocated
*	added SortedDataSource which provides a persistent table as data source.
	it is used by DataManager now and should by used by all managers later.
	the sorting part is not implemented yet, though.

Last update: 2004-10-30 [SU]
*	moved callbacks for data manager, package manager, package installer
	and system command out to a separate handler. This means rather major
	changes in the code and the way data is stored in those managers (removed
	all global variables for the above managers). There are now two handlers in
	REngine - one mandatory (REPL) and one optional (Cocoa).
*	separated authorization code - it lives now in Authorization.c in Tools
*	minor cleanups - the method names are now more consistent across classes

Last update: 2004-10-25 [SU]
*	added brace highlighting (partially based on code by Rob Goedman)
*	reversed declaration order of RQuartz copy operation: PDF first,
	TIFF second. This may help some PDF editors ... We may want to make this
	configurable and/or have two separate copy commands.

Last update: 2004-10-22 [SI]
*	added first embrional version of R preferences using AMPreferencePane class
	by Andreas Mayer. At the moment only color preferences are implemented.
	Quartz and misc preferences pane are there but not yet working.
	The preferences are still saved/loaded using NSDefaults
	You may need to "svn update" from the shell better than from inside of XCode
Last update: 2004-10-22 [SU]
*	newly typed text outside insertion scope is appended at the end (thanks to
	Byron for the idea)
*	converted InfoPlist.string to UTF-8 so it's easier to maintain and edit
*	added SVN build information to Info.plists and strings
*	removed BUILD_FOR_R_2_1_x flag and replaced by canonical version check
Last update: 2004-10-22 [SI]
*	fixed metric info problem with Quartz device. Apparently a leading pad was
	added to the textcontainer used to acquire the metric info. Thanks to Byron
	Ellys for this fix.
*	saveWorkSpaceFile fixed. It was impossible to create a new file.
*	introduced sourceOrLoadFile: in alternative to sourceFile. This is now connected to
	Source/Load button in the R Console Window toolbar.
*	added readFromFile method in RDocument to allow data loading with binary files. It allows
	also for drag and drop of image data on the R Icon
*	removed button from workspace browser window, added corresponding toolbar icon/button

Last update: 2004-10-21 [SI]
*	in data editor: the runModalForSession has been replaced by a modalForWindow
	to remove the problem with high CPU consuming (thanks to Byron Ellys for the fix)
*	column numbers instead of column names are used to identify columns (thanks to 
	Byron Ellys for the fix)

Last update: 2004-10-18 [SU]
*	fixed working directory selection
*	added sourceCurrentDocument: implementation; if the document is dirty,
	a temporary file is created, sourced and finally deleted

-- Release Version 1.00 - this revision is supplied with R 2.0.0 --

Last update: 2004-10-15 [SU]
*	code cleanups to get rid of most warnings
*	fixed linking issues caused by run_Rmainloop conflicting with R
*	fixed resizing behavior of the help window
*	disable continuous spell checking by default

Last update: 2004-10-14 [SU]
*	fixed output synchronization. all console output sources eventually
	use writeConsoleDirectly: and the insertion point is controlled by
*	add more flexible flush support (flushROutput and FlushStdConsole)
*	fixed document handling to be consistent with Cocoa; this means
	that menu items are handled implicitly by the first responder
	(where possible) and most default actions apply to the editor.
	Old versions of R GUI didn't have this, but mainly because there
	was no good editor supplied.
*	removed all global flags (IsRTF, IsREdit, ...)
*	toolbar icons changed (new icons added, some re-worked)
*	added menu+shortcut for "switch to console"
*	moved some menu items to logically more suitable places
	(e.g. "New document" is in "File" ...)
*	changed drop-document handling; the document is loaded in the editor
	(it can be easily executed by <Cmd><Enter> if necessary)
*	fixed activation of Quartz to use FR dispatching (this way it's not
	enabled in the console or editor where it doesn't make any sense)

Last update: 2004-10-13 [SI]
*	added support for activation of quartz device
	and creation of new quartz deivce from the GUI
	This functionality was present in the old Aqua GUI.
Last update: 2004-10-11 [SI]
*	first svn release

Last update: 2004-10-10 [SU]
*	fixed ?/help handling removed in the last update
*	fixed improper memory handling of external input
*	added queue to the console input to allow multiple simultaneous
	inputs while R is still working
*	fixed color handling - input text has now the correct color
*	added some constraints that prevent user from accidentally
	leaving the prompt area
*	fixed focus issues with the help window
*	don't unnecessarily repeat console input before commit
*	doProcessEvents: processes exactly one event in the blocking mode
*	added first release of R FAQ. To build it use [SI]
	makeinfo -D UseExternalXrefs --html --force --no-split RMacOSX-FAQ.texi
*	added "Docs" target to automatically build above FAQ
*	added sush dependency to R target - now it is possible to build
	the entire project from scratch by simply typing "xcodebuild"
	on the command line. Although it's the default, more precise
	specification of the target and build style can be used such as:
	xcodebuild -target R -buildstyle Deployment

Last update: 2004-10-09 [SU]
*	fixes in REngine (mem mgmt, 0 ptr fix); added executeString method
*	fixed package loading (use executeString and check the result)
*	huge cleanup of the R/Obj-C interface (stage 1). the interface is
	separated from RController by REPLHandler protocol. the R-side
	implementation is in Rcallbacks and RController implements the
	REPL protocol
*	changed output/console/prompt handling. this also makes sure that
	a prompt is always printed at the beginning of the line, no matter
	whether the previous output line is unfinished
*	raise the line buffer size from 1k to 32k, also it's not hard-coded now,
	but can be changed on the fly.
*	replace all evaluateString: with executeString: if the return value is
	not needed (ignoring the return value of eval.. causes memory leaks)
*	after history paste make textView the first respondent
Last update: 2004-10-08 [SI]
*	added toolbar colors icon and functionality. User can set font colors for
	the R Console window. Settings are saved automatically on exit. Just for
	fun: added also transparency of the R Console window.
*	console font size saved in the preferences
*	the color of the cursors is set to be the same as the prompt one

Last update: 2004-10-04 [SI]
*	fixed problem with applescript. Now uses scriptSuite and scriptTerminology
*	in sendIpunt: a fake keydown event is now generate to wake the event loop
	this is needed for both applescript and menu interaction
*   help(topic) and ?topic	are now handled internally and the help page is
	shown in the internal browser. 
	This is only a temporary solution. The correct approach is to create a
	new API to be called on each .show_help_on_topic_as_HTML call. Too late
	for release 2.0.0 of R.
*	Every call to Rengine evaluateString and parse causes R to be set in busy 
	state this allows for feedback to the user at any REngine use.
*	added support to save quartz device to PDF file. This is currently done
	using devcopy onto the pdf device. Native Cocoa methods like 
	[NSView dataWithPDFInsideRect] don't work at the moment because we don't
	use NSGraphicsContext. Should probably be done for the next release.
*	added clipboard copying into TIFF, PICT and PDF format
*	added support for printing of the graphics device, the console and the
	other editor windows
*	user input is now splitted in lines terminated by '\n'. This allows for
	copy and paste of bug documents. There's no limit to the input buffer
	apart from free memory. The input is just splitted in lines but if lines
	are longer than the maximum allowed by R (1024 currently) no action
	is taken, lines are just passed to R for at most 1024 bytes.
Last update: 2004-09-28 [SU]
*	added PLAIN_STDERR optional define flag (enabled in development style)
*	fixed rmRows bug in data editor

Last update: 2004-09-26
*	fixed stderr/stdout problems, now using threads and correctly in synch
*	R console window gets focus on startup
*	changed credits
*	implemented edit and remove functionality ot the workspac browser
*	FIXME: the data editor still needs to be fixed for row adding
	REQUIRES r-devel 2004-09-26
Last update: 2004-09-10
*	Implemented edit functionality for data frames and matrix
*	Implemented the Help system. 
*	Splitviews in Package Manager, Data Manager and Help Search Interface
*	Implemented help search interface
*	Implemented the workspace browser
*	Implemented quartz device in cocoa
*	Fixed duplicate definition of variable IsReadConsoleTime.
*	Adjusted to work with XCode 1.5
	REQUIRES r-devel 2004-09-10

Last update: 2004-08-28
*	Fixed a package.manager: memory leaks and incorrect refreshing
*   Implemented the data manager
*   --gui=cocoa sets RGUI_TYPE to "AQUA", so now quartz is the default
	graphics device
*   Implemented package installer both for network and local repositories
	and file and to global or local destinations. 
	FIXME: need to implement authorization
*	fixed font text windows	
*   implemented "run X11 server" and added both menu and toolbar items.
*   added "Check For R Updates" menu item functionality
	REQUIRES: r-devel 2004-08-27
Last update: 2004-08-20
*   Implemented open document both for menus and drag and drop on the R icon
*	Opening file is either: load data or source a script whenever this is possible.
*	Implemented the internal editor via NSDocument class. R can open plain text and
	rtf files.
*	Implemented
*	Implemented  file.edit/R_EditFiles. FIXME: the file name is not correctly set
	at the moment for newly created document.
*	Implemented AppleScript support.
*	Implemented in toolbar: font size change, load data/source script, new editor window,  
							save R console, load file in editor
*	Implemented options(width=???) on font size and/or Console width change.
*	Implemented: setwd, changewd, showd and timer to show the current working directory
	in a textview
*	Implemented file.choose/R_ChooseFile
*	Implemented: show, clear, load and save of workspace
*	Implemented package manager for loading and detaching package with html help index
	REQUIRES: r-devel 2004-08-20

Last update: 2004-08-14
*   Implemented console buffering. This make the R console output spedier.
	This has been implemented in the same way it was for the aqua module
	(see: src/modules/aqua/aquaconsole.c)
*   In previous version Code Completion blocked R, now fixed.
*   Implemented the History and Logs drawers. Stdout/Stderr are redirected
	to the Logs drawer (still not asyncronously).
*   Implemented load, save and clear history. Double clicking on history items
	paste the content of the item in the console at current cursor position
*   Implemented the tool bar for "stop", "quit", "history", "quartz" and "logs". Icons
	are horrible though.
*   added environment variable in info.plist

First release: 2004-08-10

SI	Stefano M Iacus
SU	Simon Urbanek
RG	Rob J Goedman
HJBB	Hans-J. Bibiko
BDR	Brian D Ripley