c Part of R package KernSmooth c Copyright (C) 1995 M. P. Wand c c Unlimited use and distribution (see LICENCE). cccccccc FORTRAN subroutine blkest.f cccccccccc c For computing blocked polynomial estimates c required for the direct plug-in bandwidth c selector of Ruppert, Sheather and Wand. c Last changed: 26/04/95 subroutine blkest(X,Y,n,q,qq,Nval,Xj,Yj,coef,Xmat,wk,qraux, + sigsqe,th22e,th24e) integer n,q,qq,Nval,nj,i,j,k,idiv,ilow,iupp,info double precision RSS,X(n),Y(n),Xj(n),Yj(n),coef(qq),wk(n), + Xmat(n,qq),qraux(qq),fiti,th22e,th24e,sigsqe, + ddm,ddddm,work(1) c It is assumed that the (X,Y) data are c sorted with respect to the X's. RSS = 0.0d0 th22e = 0.0d0 th24e = 0.0d0 idiv = n/Nval do j = 1,Nval c For each member of the partition ilow = (j-1)*idiv + 1 iupp = j*idiv if (j.eq.Nval) iupp = n nj = iupp - ilow + 1 do k = 1,nj Xj(k) = X(ilow+k-1) Yj(k) = Y(ilow+k-1) end do c Obtain a q'th degree fit over current c member of partition c Set up "X" matrix do i = 1,nj Xmat(i,1) = 1.0d0 do k = 2,qq Xmat(i,k) = Xj(i)**(k-1) end do end do call dqrdc(Xmat,n,nj,qq,qraux,0,work,0) info=0 call dqrsl(Xmat,n,nj,qq,qraux,Yj,wk,wk,coef,wk,wk, + 00100,info) do i = 1,nj fiti = coef(1) ddm = 2*coef(3) ddddm = 24*coef(5) do k = 2,qq fiti = fiti + coef(k)*Xj(i)**(k-1) if (k.le.(q-1)) then ddm = ddm + k*(k+1)*coef(k+2)*Xj(i)**(k-1) if (k.le.(q-3)) then ddddm = ddddm + + k*(k+1)*(k+2)*(k+3)*coef(k+4)*Xj(i)**(k-1) endif endif end do th22e = th22e + ddm**2 th24e = th24e + ddm*ddddm RSS = RSS + (Yj(i)-fiti)**2 end do end do sigsqe = RSS/(n-qq*Nval) th22e = th22e/n th24e = th24e/n return end cccccccccc End of blkest.f cccccccccc