setMethod("gsummary", signature(groups = "missing"), function (object, FUN, form, level, groups, omitGroupingFactor = FALSE, invariantsOnly = FALSE, ...) { gCall <- nCall <- gCall[[1]] <-"getGroups") nCall$groups <- eval(gCall, parent.frame()) eval(nCall, parent.frame()) }) setMethod("gsummary", signature(object = "data.frame", groups = "factor"), function (object, FUN, form, level, groups, omitGroupingFactor = FALSE, invariantsOnly = FALSE, ...) { if (missing(FUN)) FUN <- function(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE) groups <- groups[drop = TRUE] gunique <- levels(groups) firstInGroup <- match(gunique, groups) asFirst <- firstInGroup[match(groups, gunique)] value <-[firstInGroup, , drop = FALSE]) row.names(value) <- as.character(gunique) varying <- unlist(lapply(object, function(x, first) any(x != x[first]), first = asFirst)) if (any(varying) && (!invariantsOnly)) { Mode <- function(x) names(which.max(table(x))) if (is(FUN, "function")) { FUN <- list(numeric = FUN, ordered = Mode, factor = Mode) } else { if (!(is.list(FUN) && all(sapply(FUN, class) == "function"))) stop("FUN can only be a function or a list of functions") FF <- FUN FUN <- list(numeric = function(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE), ordered = Mode, factor = Mode) FUN[names(FF)] <- FF } for (nm in names(object)[varying]) { dClass <- data.class(object[[nm]]) if (dClass == "numeric") { value[[nm]] <- as.vector(tapply(object[[nm]], groups, FUN[["numeric"]], ...)) } else { value[[nm]] <- as.vector(tapply(as.character(object[[nm]]), groups, FUN[[dClass]])) if (inherits(object[, nm], "ordered")) { value[[nm]] <- ordered(value[, nm], levels = levels(object[, nm]))[drop = TRUE] } else { value[[nm]] <- factor(value[, nm], levels = levels(object[, nm]))[drop = TRUE] } } } } else { value <- value[, !varying, drop = FALSE] } if (omitGroupingFactor) { if (is.null(form)) { stop("Cannot omit grouping factor without \"form\"") } grpForm <- getGroupsFormula(form, asList = TRUE) if (missing(level)) level <- length(grpForm) grpNames <- names(grpForm)[level] whichKeep <-, grpNames)) if (any(whichKeep)) { value <- value[, whichKeep, drop = FALSE] } else { return(NULL) } } value })