#### All methods for "diagonalMatrix" and its subclasses, #### currently "ddiMatrix", "ldiMatrix" ## Purpose: Constructor of diagonal matrices -- ~= diag() , ## but *not* diag() extractor! Diagonal <- function(n, x = NULL) { ## Allow Diagonal(4) and Diagonal(x=1:5) if(missing(n)) n <- length(x) else { stopifnot(length(n) == 1, n == as.integer(n), n >= 0) n <- as.integer(n) } if(missing(x)) ## unit diagonal matrix new("ddiMatrix", Dim = c(n,n), diag = "U") else { stopifnot(length(x) == n) if(is.logical(x)) cl <- "ldiMatrix" else if(is.numeric(x)) { cl <- "ddiMatrix" x <- as.numeric(x) } else if(is.complex(x)) { cl <- "zdiMatrix" # will not yet work } else stop("'x' has invalid data type") new(cl, Dim = c(n,n), diag = "N", x = x) } } ### This is modified from a post of Bert Gunter to R-help on 1 Sep 2005. ### Bert's code built on a post by Andy Liaw who most probably was influenced ### by earlier posts, notably one by Scott Chasalow on S-news, 16 Jan 2002 ### who posted his bdiag() function written in December 1995. bdiag <- function(...) { if(nargs() == 0) return(new("dgCMatrix")) ## else : mlist <- if (nargs() == 1) as.list(...) else list(...) dims <- sapply(mlist, dim) ## make sure we had all matrices: if(!(is.matrix(dims) && nrow(dims) == 2)) stop("some arguments are not matrices") csdim <- rbind(rep.int(0:0, 2), apply(sapply(mlist, dim), 1, cumsum)) ret <- new("dgTMatrix", Dim = as.integer(csdim[nrow(csdim),])) add1 <- matrix(1:0, 2,2) for(i in seq_along(mlist)) { indx <- apply(csdim[i:(i+1),] + add1, 2, function(n) n[1]:n[2]) if(is.null(dim(indx))) ## non-square matrix ret[indx[[1]],indx[[2]]] <- mlist[[i]] else ## square matrix ret[indx[,1],indx[,2]] <- mlist[[i]] } ## slightly debatable if we really should return Csparse.. : as(ret, "CsparseMatrix") } diag2T <- function(from) { i <- if(from@diag == "U") integer(0) else seq_len(from@Dim[1]) - 1:1 new(paste(.M.kind(from), "tTMatrix", sep=''), diag = from@diag, Dim = from@Dim, Dimnames = from@Dimnames, x = from@x, # <- ok for diag = "U" and "N" (!) i = i, j = i) } setAs("diagonalMatrix", "triangularMatrix", diag2T) setAs("diagonalMatrix", "sparseMatrix", diag2T) ## is better than this: ## setAs("diagonalMatrix", "sparseMatrix", ## function(from) ## as(from, if(is(from, "dMatrix")) "dgCMatrix" else "lgCMatrix")) setAs("diagonalMatrix", "CsparseMatrix", function(from) as(diag2T(from), "CsparseMatrix")) setAs("diagonalMatrix", "matrix", function(from) { n <- from@Dim[1] diag(x = if(from@diag == "U") { if(is.numeric(from@x)) 1. else TRUE } else from@x, nrow = n, ncol = n) }) setAs("diagonalMatrix", "generalMatrix", # prefer sparse: function(from) as(from, paste(.M.kind(from), "gCMatrix", sep=''))) .diag.x <- function(m) { if(m@diag == "U") rep.int(if(is.numeric(m@x)) 1. else TRUE, m@Dim[1]) else m@x } .diag.2N <- function(m) { if(m@diag == "U") m@diag <- "N" m } ## given the above, the following 4 coercions should be all unneeded; ## we prefer triangular to general: setAs("ddiMatrix", "dgTMatrix", function(from) { .Deprecated("as(, \"sparseMatrix\")") n <- from@Dim[1] i <- seq_len(n) - 1:1 new("dgTMatrix", i = i, j = i, x = .diag.x(from), Dim = c(n,n), Dimnames = from@Dimnames) }) setAs("ddiMatrix", "dgCMatrix", function(from) as(as(from, "sparseMatrix"), "dgCMatrix")) setAs("ldiMatrix", "lgTMatrix", function(from) { .Deprecated("as(, \"sparseMatrix\")") n <- from@Dim[1] if(from@diag == "U") { # unit-diagonal x <- rep.int(TRUE, n) i <- seq_len(n) - 1:1 } else { # "normal" nz <- nz.NA(from@x, na. = TRUE) x <- from@x[nz] i <- which(nz) - 1:1 } new("lgTMatrix", i = i, j = i, x = x, Dim = c(n,n), Dimnames = from@Dimnames) }) setAs("ldiMatrix", "lgCMatrix", function(from) as(as(from, "lgTMatrix"), "lgCMatrix")) if(FALSE) # now have faster "ddense" -> "dge" setAs("ddiMatrix", "dgeMatrix", function(from) as(as(from, "matrix"), "dgeMatrix")) setAs("matrix", "diagonalMatrix", function(from) { d <- dim(from) if(d[1] != (n <- d[2])) stop("non-square matrix") if(any(from[row(from) != col(from)] != 0)) stop("has non-zero off-diagonal entries") x <- diag(from) if(is.logical(x)) { cl <- "ldiMatrix" uni <- all(x) } else { cl <- "ddiMatrix" uni <- all(x == 1) storage.mode(x) <- "double" } ## TODO: complex new(cl, Dim = c(n,n), diag = if(uni) "U" else "N", x = if(uni) x[FALSE] else x) }) ## ``generic'' coercion to diagonalMatrix : build on isDiagonal() and diag() setAs("Matrix", "diagonalMatrix", function(from) { d <- dim(from) if(d[1] != (n <- d[2])) stop("non-square matrix") if(!isDiagonal(from)) stop("matrix is not diagonal") ## else: x <- diag(from) if(is.logical(x)) { cl <- "ldiMatrix" uni <- all(x) } else { cl <- "ddiMatrix" uni <- all(x == 1) storage.mode(x) <- "double" } new(cl, Dim = c(n,n), diag = if(uni) "U" else "N", x = if(uni) x[FALSE] else x) }) setMethod("diag", signature(x = "diagonalMatrix"), function(x = 1, nrow, ncol = n) .diag.x(x)) ## When you assign to a diagonalMatrix, the result should be ## diagonal or sparse --- ## FIXME: this now fails because the "denseMatrix" methods come first in dispatch replDiag <- function(x, i, j, value) { x <- as(x, "sparseMatrix") if(missing(i)) x[, j] <- value else if(missing(j)) x[i, ] <- value else x[i,j] <- value if(isDiagonal(x)) as(x, "diagonalMatrix") else x } setReplaceMethod("[", signature(x = "diagonalMatrix", i = "index", j = "index", value = "replValue"), replDiag) setReplaceMethod("[", signature(x = "diagonalMatrix", i = "index", j = "missing", value = "replValue"), function(x, i, value) replDiag(x, i=i, value=value)) setReplaceMethod("[", signature(x = "diagonalMatrix", i = "missing", j = "index", value = "replValue"), function(x, j, value) replDiag(x, j=j, value=value)) setMethod("t", signature(x = "diagonalMatrix"), function(x) { x@Dimnames <- x@Dimnames[2:1] ; x }) setMethod("isDiagonal", signature(object = "diagonalMatrix"), function(object) TRUE) setMethod("isTriangular", signature(object = "diagonalMatrix"), function(object) TRUE) setMethod("isSymmetric", signature(object = "diagonalMatrix"), function(object) TRUE) setMethod("chol", signature(x = "ddiMatrix"),# pivot = "ANY" function(x, pivot) { if(any(x@x < 0)) stop("chol() is undefined for diagonal matrix with negative entries") x@x <- sqrt(x@x) x }) ## chol(L) is L for logical diagonal: setMethod("chol", signature(x = "ldiMatrix"), function(x, pivot) x) setMethod("!", "ldiMatrix", function(e1) { if(e1@diag == "N") e1@x <- !e1@x else { ## "U" e1@diag <- "N" e1@x <- rep.int(FALSE, e1@Dim[1]) } e1 }) ## Basic Matrix Multiplication {many more to add} ## --------------------- ## Note that "ldi" logical are treated as numeric diagdiagprod <- function(x, y) { if(any(dim(x) != dim(y))) stop("non-matching dimensions") if(x@diag != "U") { if(y@diag != "U") { nx <- x@x * y@x if(is.numeric(nx) && !is.numeric(x@x)) x <- as(x, "dMatrix") x@x <- as.numeric(nx) } return(x) } else ## x is unit diagonal return(y) } setMethod("%*%", signature(x = "diagonalMatrix", y = "diagonalMatrix"), diagdiagprod, valueClass = "ddiMatrix") formals(diagdiagprod) <- alist(x=, y=x) setMethod("crossprod", signature(x = "diagonalMatrix", y = "diagonalMatrix"), diagdiagprod, valueClass = "ddiMatrix") setMethod("tcrossprod", signature(x = "diagonalMatrix", y = "diagonalMatrix"), diagdiagprod, valueClass = "ddiMatrix") setMethod("crossprod", signature(x = "diagonalMatrix", y = "missing"), diagdiagprod, valueClass = "ddiMatrix") setMethod("tcrossprod", signature(x = "diagonalMatrix", y = "missing"), diagdiagprod, valueClass = "ddiMatrix") diagmatprod <- function(x, y) { dx <- dim(x) dy <- dim(y) if(dx[2] != dy[1]) stop("non-matching dimensions") n <- dx[1] as(if(x@diag == "U") y else x@x * y, "Matrix") } setMethod("%*%", signature(x = "diagonalMatrix", y = "matrix"), diagmatprod) formals(diagmatprod) <- alist(x=, y=NULL) setMethod("crossprod", signature(x = "diagonalMatrix", y = "matrix"), diagmatprod) setMethod("tcrossprod", signature(x = "diagonalMatrix", y = "matrix"), diagmatprod) diagdgeprod <- function(x, y) { dx <- dim(x) dy <- dim(y) if(dx[2] != dy[1]) stop("non-matching dimensions") if(x@diag != "U") y@x <- x@x * y@x y } setMethod("%*%", signature(x = "diagonalMatrix", y = "dgeMatrix"), diagdgeprod, valueClass = "dgeMatrix") formals(diagdgeprod) <- alist(x=, y=NULL) setMethod("crossprod", signature(x = "diagonalMatrix", y = "dgeMatrix"), diagdgeprod, valueClass = "dgeMatrix") setMethod("%*%", signature(x = "matrix", y = "diagonalMatrix"), function(x, y) { dx <- dim(x) dy <- dim(y) if(dx[2] != dy[1]) stop("non-matching dimensions") as(if(y@diag == "U") x else x * rep(y@x, each = dx[1]), "Matrix") }) setMethod("%*%", signature(x = "dgeMatrix", y = "diagonalMatrix"), function(x, y) { dx <- dim(x) dy <- dim(y) if(dx[2] != dy[1]) stop("non-matching dimensions") if(y@diag == "N") x@x <- x@x * rep(y@x, each = dx[1]) x }) ## crossprod {more of these} ## tcrossprod --- all are not yet there: do the dense ones here: ## FIXME: ## setMethod("tcrossprod", signature(x = "diagonalMatrix", y = "denseMatrix"), ## function(x, y = NULL) { ## }) ## setMethod("tcrossprod", signature(x = "denseMatrix", y = "diagonalMatrix"), ## function(x, y = NULL) { ## }) ### ---------------- diagonal o sparse ----------------------------- ## Use function for several signatures, in order to evade ## ambiguous dispatch for "ddi", since there's also Arith(ddense., ddense.) diagOdiag <- function(e1,e2) { # result should also be diagonal r <- callGeneric(.diag.x(e1), .diag.x(e2)) # error if not "compatible" if(is.numeric(r)) { if(is.numeric(e2@x)) { e2@x <- r; return(.diag.2N(e2)) } if(!is.numeric(e1@x)) ## e.g. e1, e2 are logical; e1 <- as(e1, "dMatrix") } else if(is.logical(r)) e1 <- as(e1, "lMatrix") else stop("intermediate 'r' is of type", typeof(r)) e1@x <- r .diag.2N(e1) } setMethod("Ops", signature(e1 = "diagonalMatrix", e2 = "diagonalMatrix"), diagOdiag) ## These two are just for method disambiguation: setMethod("Ops", signature(e1 = "ddiMatrix", e2 = "diagonalMatrix"), diagOdiag) setMethod("Ops", signature(e1 = "diagonalMatrix", e2 = "ddiMatrix"), diagOdiag) ## For almost everything else, diag* shall be treated "as sparse" : ## These are cheap implementations via coercion ## for disambiguation setMethod("Ops", signature(e1 = "diagonalMatrix", e2 = "sparseMatrix"), function(e1,e2) callGeneric(as(e1, "sparseMatrix"), e2)) setMethod("Ops", signature(e1 = "sparseMatrix", e2 = "diagonalMatrix"), function(e1,e2) callGeneric(e1, as(e2, "sparseMatrix"))) ## in general: setMethod("Ops", signature(e1 = "diagonalMatrix", e2 = "ANY"), function(e1,e2) callGeneric(as(e1,"sparseMatrix"), e2)) setMethod("Ops", signature(e1 = "ANY", e2 = "diagonalMatrix"), function(e1,e2) callGeneric(e1, as(e2,"sparseMatrix"))) ## FIXME?: In theory, this can be done *FASTER*, in some cases, via tapply1() setMethod("%*%", signature(x = "diagonalMatrix", y = "sparseMatrix"), function(x, y) as(x, "sparseMatrix") %*% y) ## NB: The previous is *not* triggering for "ddi" o "dgC" (= distance 3) ## since there's a "ddense" o "Csparse" at dist. 2 => triggers first. ## ==> do this: setMethod("%*%", signature(x = "diagonalMatrix", y = "CsparseMatrix"), function(x, y) as(x, "CsparseMatrix") %*% y) ## NB: this is *not* needed for Tsparse & Rsparse ## TODO: Write tests in ./tests/ which ensure that many "ops" with diagonal* ## do indeed work by going throug sparse (and *not* ddense)! setMethod("%*%", signature(x = "sparseMatrix", y = "diagonalMatrix"), function(x, y) x %*% as(y, "sparseMatrix")) setMethod("solve", signature(a = "diagonalMatrix", b = "missing"), function(a, b, ...) { a@x <- 1/ a@x a@Dimnames <- a@Dimnames[2:1] a }) solveDiag <- function(a, b, ...) { if((n <- a@Dim[1]) != nrow(b)) stop("incompatible matrix dimensions") ## trivially invert a 'in place' and multiply: a@x <- 1/ a@x a@Dimnames <- a@Dimnames[2:1] a %*% b } setMethod("solve", signature(a = "diagonalMatrix", b = "matrix"), solveDiag) setMethod("solve", signature(a = "diagonalMatrix", b = "Matrix"), solveDiag) setMethod("crossprod", signature(x = "diagonalMatrix", y = "sparseMatrix"), function(x, y = NULL) { x <- as(x, "sparseMatrix"); callGeneric() }) setMethod("crossprod", signature(x = "sparseMatrix", y = "diagonalMatrix"), function(x, y = NULL) { y <- as(y, "sparseMatrix"); callGeneric() }) setMethod("tcrossprod", signature(x = "diagonalMatrix", y = "sparseMatrix"), function(x, y = NULL) { x <- as(x, "sparseMatrix"); callGeneric() }) setMethod("tcrossprod", signature(x = "sparseMatrix", y = "diagonalMatrix"), function(x, y = NULL) { y <- as(y, "sparseMatrix"); callGeneric() }) ## similar to prTriang() in ./Auxiliaries.R : prDiag <- function(x, digits = getOption("digits"), justify = "none", right = TRUE) { cf <- array(".", dim = x@Dim, dimnames = x@Dimnames) cf[row(cf) == col(cf)] <- sapply(diag(x), format, digits = digits, justify = justify) print(cf, quote = FALSE, right = right) invisible(x) } setMethod("show", signature(object = "diagonalMatrix"), function(object) { d <- dim(object) cl <- class(object) cat(sprintf('%d x %d diagonal matrix of class "%s"\n', d[1], d[2], cl)) prDiag(object) })