#### ------- All "Ops" group methods for all Matrix classes ------------ ### === ### Note that the "Ops" group consists of ### sub-groups "Arith", "Compare", and "Logic" ### ----- ------- ----- ### where 'Arith' := '"+"', '"-"', '"*"', '"^"', '"%%"', '"%/%"', '"/"' ### 'Compare' := '"=="', '">"', '"<"', '"!="', '"<="', '">="' ### 'Logic' := '"&"', '"|"' (( but *not* '"!"' since that has ### only one argument )) ## in shell, find them with ## egrep 'Method\("(Ops|Compare|Arith|Logic)"' R/*R ### "Ops" ---- remember Ops = {Arith, Compare, Logic} [Logic: since R 2.4.1] ### ----- ### Note: diagonalMatrix are handled by special methods -> ./diagMatrix.R ### -------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ### -- 0 -- (not dense *or* sparse) ----------------------------------- ##-------- originally from ./Matrix.R -------------------- ## Some ``Univariate'' "Arith": setMethod("+", signature(e1 = "Matrix", e2 = "missing"), function(e1) e1) ## "fallback": setMethod("-", signature(e1 = "Matrix", e2 = "missing"), function(e1) { warning("inefficient method used for \"- e1\"") 0-e1 }) ## old-style matrices are made into new ones setMethod("Ops", signature(e1 = "Matrix", e2 = "matrix"), function(e1, e2) callGeneric(e1, Matrix(e2))) ## callGeneric(e1, Matrix(e2, sparse=is(e1,"sparseMatrix")))) setMethod("Ops", signature(e1 = "matrix", e2 = "Matrix"), function(e1, e2) callGeneric(Matrix(e1), e2)) ## bail-outs -- on highest possible level, hence "Ops", not "Compare"/"Arith" : setMethod("Ops", signature(e1 = "Matrix", e2 = "Matrix"), function(e1, e2) { d <- dimCheck(e1,e2) .bail.out.2(.Generic, class(e1), class(e2)) }) setMethod("Ops", signature(e1 = "Matrix", e2 = "ANY"), function(e1, e2) .bail.out.2(.Generic, class(e1), class(e2))) setMethod("Ops", signature(e1 = "ANY", e2 = "Matrix"), function(e1, e2) .bail.out.2(.Generic, class(e1), class(e2))) ## "General principle" ## - - - - - - - - - ## For "Arith" it is sufficient (though not optimal, once we have "iMatrix"!) ## to define "dMatrix" methods and coerce all other "[nli]Matrix" to "dMatrix" setMethod("Arith", signature(e1 = "Matrix", e2 = "Matrix"), function(e1, e2) callGeneric(as(e1, "dMatrix"), as(e2, "dMatrix"))) ## For "Compare", this would be feasible too, but is clearly suboptimal, ## particularly for "==" and "!=" ## and for "lMatrix" and "nMatrix" should not coerce at all ## setMethod("Compare", signature(e1 = "Matrix", e2 = "Matrix"), ## function(e1, e2) { ## if(is.na(match(.Generic, c("==", "!=")))) ## callGeneric(as(e1, "dMatrix"), as(e2, "dMatrix")) ## else { ## no coercion needed for "==" or "!=" ## } ## }) ## Working entirely on "matching" x slot: ## can be done for matching-dim "*geMatrix", and also ## matching-{dim + uplo} for *packed* (only!) symmetric+triangular .Ops.via.x <- function(e1,e2) { d <- dimCheck(e1, e2) e1@x <- callGeneric(e1@x, e2@x) e1 } ##-------- originally from ./dMatrix.R -------------------- ## Note that there extra methods for o ! setMethod("Arith", signature(e1 = "dMatrix", e2 = "dMatrix"), ## "+", "-", "*", "^", "%%", "%/%", "/" ## Going -> dense* (= ddense*) -> dgeMatrix function(e1, e2) { d <- dimCheck(e1,e2) callGeneric(as(e1, "denseMatrix"), as(e2, "denseMatrix")) }) ## "Compare" -> returning logical Matrices setMethod("Compare", signature(e1 = "numeric", e2 = "dMatrix"), function(e1,e2) { ## "swap RHS and LHS" and use the method below: switch(.Generic, "==" =, "!=" = callGeneric(e2, e1), "<" = e2 > e1, "<=" = e2 >= e1, ">" = e2 < e1, ">=" = e2 <= e1) }) setMethod("Compare", signature(e1 = "dMatrix", e2 = "numeric"), function(e1, e2) { ## result will inherit from "lMatrix" lClass <- class2(cl <- class(e1), "l") cl1 <- getClassDef(cl) fullCl <- if(extends(cl1, "symmetricMatrix")) "lsyMatrix" else "lgeMatrix" r <- callGeneric(e1@x, e2) r0 <- callGeneric(0, e2) d <- e1@Dim ## trivial case first (beware of NA) if(isTRUE(r0 && all(r))) { r <- new(fullCl) r@Dim <- d r@Dimnames <- e1@Dimnames r@x <- rep.int(TRUE, prod(d)) } else if(extends(cl1, "denseMatrix")) { full <- !isPacked(e1) # << both "dtr" and "dsy" are 'full' if(full || identical(r0, FALSE) || extends(cl1,"symmetricMatrix")) r <- new(lClass, x = r, Dim = d, Dimnames = dimnames(e1)) else { ## packed matrix with structural 0 and r0 is not FALSE: ##--> result cannot be packed anymore ## [dense & packed & not symmetric ] ==> must be "dtp*" : if(!extends(cl1, "dtpMatrix")) stop("internal bug in \"Compare\" method for \"dMatrix\"; please report") rx <- rep.int(r0, d[1]*d[2]) rx[indTri(d[1], upper = (e1@uplo == "U"))] <- r r <- new(fullCl, x = rx, Dim = d, Dimnames = dimnames(e1)) } } else { ## dsparseMatrix => lClass is "lsparse*" if(extends(cl1, "triangularMatrix") && e1@diag == "U") { e1 <- .diagU2N(e1, cl = cl1) if(extends(cl1, "CsparseMatrix")) { r <- callGeneric(e1@x, e2) } else { ## CARE: assume that diagU2N appends the diagonal entries at end ! r <- c(r, rep.int(callGeneric(1, e2), d[1])) } } if(identical(r0, FALSE)) { ## things remain sparse if(!any(is.na(r)) && ((Ar <- all(r)) || !any(r))) { r <- new(lClass) r@Dim <- d r@Dimnames <- dimnames(e1) if(Ar) { # 'TRUE' instead of 'x': same sparsity: r@x <- rep.int(TRUE, length(e1@x)) for(n in intersect(c("i","j","p"), slotNames(r))) slot(r, n) <- slot(e1, n) } else { ## all FALSE: keep empty 'r' matrix ## but may need a valid 'pointer' slot: if(extends(lClass, "CsparseMatrix")) r@p <- rep.int(0:0, 1+ncol(r)) else if(extends(lClass, "RsparseMatrix")) r@p <- rep.int(0:0, 1+nrow(r)) } } else { # some TRUE, FALSE, NA : go via unique 'Tsparse' M <- asTuniq(e1) nCl <- class2(class(M), 'l') # logical Tsparse r <- new(nCl) r@x <- callGeneric(M@x, e2) ## copy "the other slots" (important for "tr"/"sym"): ## "%w/o%" <- function(x,y) x[is.na(match(x, y))] sN <- slotNames(nCl) for(n in sN[is.na(match(sN, "x"))]) slot(r, n) <- slot(M, n) if(extends(cl1, "CsparseMatrix")) r <- as(r, "CsparseMatrix") else if(extends(cl1, "RsparseMatrix")) r <- as(r, "RsparseMatrix") } } else { ## non sparse result if(getOption("verbose")) message(sprintf("sparse to dense (%s) coercion in '%s'", lClass, .Generic)) rx <- rep.int(r0, d[1]*d[2]) rx[1:1 + encodeInd(non0ind(e1), nr = d[1])] <- r r <- new(fullCl, x = rx, Dim = d, Dimnames = dimnames(e1)) } } r }) ## "dMatrix <-> work with 'x' slot {was originally just for "Compare": setMethod("Ops", signature(e1 = "dMatrix", e2 = "dMatrix"), function(e1, e2) { d <- dimCheck(e1,e2) if((dens1 <- is(e1, "denseMatrix"))) gen1 <- is(e1, "generalMatrix") if((dens2 <- is(e2, "denseMatrix"))) gen2 <- is(e2, "generalMatrix") if(dens1 && dens2) { ## both inherit from ddense* if(!gen1) e1 <- as(e1, "dgeMatrix") if(!gen2) e2 <- as(e2, "dgeMatrix") ## now, both are dge {ddense* & general*} r <- callGeneric(e1@x, e2@x) r <- new(paste(.M.kind(r), "geMatrix", sep=''), x = r, Dim = d, Dimnames = dimnames(e1)) } else { if(!dens1 && !dens2) { ## both e1 _and_ e2 are sparse ## should not happen since we have o methods stop("Mistaken intended method dispatch -- please report to ", packageDescription("Matrix")$Author) } ## else if(dens1 && !dens2) ## go to dense r <- callGeneric(e1, as(e2, "denseMatrix")) else ## if(!dens1 && dens2) r <- callGeneric(as(e1, "denseMatrix"), e2) ## criterion "2 * nnz(.) < ." as in sparseDefault() in Matrix() [./Matrix.R] : if(2 * nnzero(r, na.counted = TRUE) < prod(d)) r <- as(r, "sparseMatrix") } r }) ### -- I -- dense ----------------------------------------------------------- ##-------- originally from ./dgeMatrix.R -------------------- ## ----- only work with NAMESPACE importFrom(methods, ..) setMethod("Arith", signature(e1 = "dgeMatrix", e2 = "dgeMatrix"), ## "+", "-", "*", "^", "%%", "%/%", "/" function(e1, e2) { ## NB: triangular, symmetric, etc may need own method d1 <- e1@Dim d2 <- e2@Dim eqD <- d1 == d2 if (!eqD[1]) stop("Matrices must have same number of rows for arithmetic") same.dim <- eqD[2] if (same.dim) { d <- d1 dn <- dimNamesCheck(e1, e2) } else { # nrows differ ----> maybe recycling if(d2[2] %% d1[2] == 0) { # nrow(e2) is a multiple e1@x <- rep.int(e1@x, d2[2] %/% d1[2]) d <- d2 dn <- e2@Dimnames } else if(d1[2] %% d2[2] == 0) { # nrow(e1) is a multiple e2@x <- rep.int(e2@x, d1[2] %/% d2[2]) d <- d1 dn <- e1@Dimnames } else stop("number of rows are not compatible for ", .Generic) } ## be smart and preserve, e.g., triangular, or symmetric ## but this sucks: For these, ## 'uplo' and 'diag' also must coincide or be dealt with properly ## ==> triangular, symmetric, etc may need own method ## also since their @x is `non-typical' ## if(same.dim) { ## if(extends(class(e1), class(e2))) { ## e2@x <- callGeneric(e1@x, e2@x) ## e2@Dimnames <- dn ## e2 ## } ## else if(extends(class(e2), class(e1))) { ## e1@x <- callGeneric(e1@x, e2@x) ## e1@Dimnames <- dn ## e1 ## } ## } ## else new("dgeMatrix", Dim = d, Dimnames = dn, x = callGeneric(e1@x, e2@x)) }) setMethod("Arith", signature(e1 = "dgeMatrix", e2 = "numeric"), function(e1, e2) { d <- e1@Dim le <- length(e2) if(le == 1 || le == d[1] || prod(d) == le) { # matching dim e1@x <- callGeneric(e1@x, as.vector(e2)) e1 } else stop ("length of 2nd arg does not match dimension of first") }) setMethod("Arith", signature(e1 = "numeric", e2 = "dgeMatrix"), function(e1, e2) { d <- e2@Dim le <- length(e1) if(le == 1 || le == d[1] || prod(d) == le) { # matching dim e2@x <- callGeneric(as.vector(e1), e2@x) e2 } else stop ("length of 1st arg does not match dimension of 2nd") }) ##-------- originally from ./ddenseMatrix.R -------------------- ## Cheap version: work via "dgeMatrix" and use the group methods there: ## FIXME(?): try to preserve "symmetric", "triangular", ... setMethod("Arith", signature(e1 = "ddenseMatrix", e2 = "ddenseMatrix"), function(e1, e2) callGeneric(as(e1, "dgeMatrix"), as(e2, "dgeMatrix"))) setMethod("Arith", signature(e1 = "ddenseMatrix", e2 = "numeric"), function(e1, e2) callGeneric(as(e1, "dgeMatrix"), e2)) setMethod("Arith", signature(e1 = "numeric", e2 = "ddenseMatrix"), function(e1, e2) callGeneric(e1, as(e2, "dgeMatrix"))) ## "Logic" ## ------- ##-------- originally from ./ldenseMatrix.R -------------------- ## These all had "Logic", but now are for all "Ops": setMethod("Ops", signature(e1="lgeMatrix", e2="lgeMatrix"), .Ops.via.x) setMethod("Ops", signature(e1="ngeMatrix", e2="ngeMatrix"), .Ops.via.x) setMethod("Ops", signature(e1="ldenseMatrix", e2="ldenseMatrix"), function(e1,e2) { d <- dimCheck(e1, e2) callGeneric(as(e1, "lgeMatrix"), as(e2, "lgeMatrix")) }) setMethod("Ops", signature(e1="ndenseMatrix", e2="ndenseMatrix"), function(e1,e2) { d <- dimCheck(e1, e2) callGeneric(as(e1, "ngeMatrix"), as(e2, "ngeMatrix")) }) setMethod("Logic", signature(e1 = "logical", e2 = "Matrix"), function(e1, e2) callGeneric(e1, as(e2, "lMatrix"))) setMethod("Logic", signature(e1 = "Matrix", e2 = "logical"), function(e1, e2) callGeneric(as(e1, "lMatrix"), e2)) ### "ANY" here means "any non-Matrix" (since "Ops"(ANY) has already bailout above): setMethod("Logic", signature(e1 = "ANY", e2 = "Matrix"), function(e1, e2) callGeneric(as.logical(e1), as(e2, "lMatrix"))) setMethod("Logic", signature(e1 = "Matrix", e2 = "ANY"), function(e1, e2) callGeneric(as(e1, "lMatrix"), as.logical(e2))) setMethod("Logic", signature(e1 = "logical", e2 = "lMatrix"), ## "swap RHS and LHS" and use the method below: function(e1,e2) callGeneric(e2, e1)) ## This is modelled after the "Compare" ("dMatrix", "numeric") above setMethod("Logic", signature(e1 = "lMatrix", e2 = "logical"), function(e1, e2) { ## result will typically be "like" e1: r <- callGeneric(e1@x, e2) r0 <- callGeneric(FALSE, e2) d <- e1@Dim ## trivial case first (beware of NA) if(isTRUE(r0 && all(r))) { r <- new(if(d[1] == d[2]) "lsyMatrix" else "lgeMatrix") r@Dim <- d r@Dimnames <- e1@Dimnames r@x <- rep.int(TRUE, prod(d)) } else if(extends(cl1 <- getClassDef(cl <- class(e1)), "denseMatrix")) { full <- !isPacked(e1) # << both "dtr" and "dsy" are 'full' if(full || identical(r0, FALSE) || extends(cl1,"symmetricMatrix")) r <- new(cl, x = r, Dim = d, Dimnames = dimnames(e1)) else { ## packed matrix with structural 0 and r0 is not FALSE: ##--> result cannot be packed anymore ## [dense & packed & not symmetric ] ==> must be "ltp*" : if(!extends(cl1, "ltpMatrix")) stop("internal bug in \"Logic\" method for \"lMatrix\"; please report") rx <- rep.int(r0, d[1]*d[2]) rx[indTri(d[1], upper = (e1@uplo == "U"))] <- r r <- new("lgeMatrix", x = rx, Dim = d, Dimnames = dimnames(e1)) } } else { ## lsparseMatrix if(identical(r0, FALSE)) { ## things remain sparse if(!any(is.na(r)) && ((Ar <- all(r)) || !any(r))) { r <- new(cl) r@Dim <- d r@Dimnames <- dimnames(e1) if(Ar) { # 'TRUE' instead of 'x': same sparsity: r@x <- rep.int(TRUE, length(e1@x)) for(n in intersect(c("i","j","p"), slotNames(r))) slot(r, n) <- slot(e1, n) } else { ## all FALSE: keep empty 'r' matrix ## but may need a valid 'pointer' slot: if(extends(cl, "CsparseMatrix")) r@p <- rep.int(0:0, 1+ncol(r)) else if(extends(cl, "RsparseMatrix")) r@p <- rep.int(0:0, 1+nrow(r)) } } else { # some TRUE, FALSE, NA : go via unique 'Tsparse' M <- asTuniq(e1) nCl <- class(M) # logical Tsparse r <- new(nCl) r@x <- callGeneric(M@x, e2) ## copy "the other slots" (important for "tr"/"sym"): ## "%w/o%" <- function(x,y) x[is.na(match(x, y))] sN <- slotNames(nCl) for(n in sN[is.na(match(sN, "x"))]) slot(r, n) <- slot(M, n) if(extends(cl1, "CsparseMatrix")) r <- as(r, "CsparseMatrix") else if(extends(cl1, "RsparseMatrix")) r <- as(r, "RsparseMatrix") } } else { ## non sparse result if(getOption("verbose")) message(sprintf("sparse to dense (%s) coercion in '%s'", cl, .Generic)) rx <- rep.int(r0, d[1]*d[2]) if(extends(cl1, "triangularMatrix") && e1@diag == "U") r <- c(r, rep.int(callGeneric(1, e2),d[1])) rx[1:1 + encodeInd(non0ind(e1), nr = d[1])] <- r fullCl <- if(extends(cl1, "symmetricMatrix")) "lsyMatrix" else "lgeMatrix" r <- new(fullCl, x = rx, Dim = d, Dimnames = dimnames(e1)) } } r }) ### -- II -- sparse ---------------------------------------------------------- ## Have lgC o lgC and then lgT o lgT Logic - quite similarly - ## Here's the common functionality .do.Logic.lsparse <- function(e1,e2, d, dn, isOR, ij1, ij2) { ii <- WhichintersectInd(ij1, ij2, nrow=d[1]) I1 <- ii[[1]] I2 <- ii[[2]] ## 1) common indices i <- ij1[I1, 1] j <- ij1[I1, 2] if(isOR) { ## i.e. .Generic == "|" i.e. not "&" x <- e1@x[I1] | e2@x[I2] ## 2) "e1 o FALSE": x2 <- e1@x[- I1] # == callGeneric(e1@x[- I1], FALSE) ## 3) "0 o e1": x3 <- e2@x[- I2] # == callGeneric(FALSE, e2@x[- I2]) i <- c(i, ij1[-I1, 1], ij2[-I2, 1]) j <- c(j, ij1[-I1, 2], ij2[-I2, 2]) x <- c(x, x2, x3) } else { ## AND x <- e1@x[I1] & e2@x[I2] } if(any(!x)) { ## drop 'FALSE's i <- i[x] j <- j[x] x <- x[x] } new("lgTMatrix", Dim = d, Dimnames = dn, i = i, j = j, x = x) } setMethod("Logic", signature(e1="lgCMatrix", e2="lgCMatrix"), function(e1, e2) { d <- dimCheck(e1, e2) dn <- dimNamesCheck(e1, e2) ## Very easy case first : if(identical(e1@i, e2@i) && identical(e1@p, e2@p)) { e1@x <- callGeneric(e1@x, e2@x) return(e1) } ## else : .Call(Tsparse_to_Csparse, .do.Logic.lsparse(e1, e2, d = d, dn = dn, isOR = .Generic == "|", ij1 = .Call(compressed_non_0_ij, e1, TRUE), ij2 = .Call(compressed_non_0_ij, e2, TRUE)), FALSE) }) setMethod("Logic", signature(e1="lgTMatrix", e2="lgTMatrix"), function(e1,e2) { d <- dimCheck(e1, e2) dn <- dimNamesCheck(e1, e2) ## Very easy case first : if(identical(e1@i, e2@i) && identical(e1@j, e2@j)) { e1@x <- callGeneric(e1@x, e2@x) return(e1) } ## else : cld <- getClassDef("lgTMatrix") .do.Logic.lsparse(e1, e2, d = d, dn = dn, isOR = .Generic == "|", ij1 = non0ind(e1, cld), ij2 = non0ind(e2, cld)) }) ## Now the other "Ops" for the "lgT" and "lgC" cases: setMethod("Arith", signature(e1="lgCMatrix", e2="lgCMatrix"), function(e1, e2) callGeneric(as(e1, "dgCMatrix"), as(e2, "dgCMatrix"))) setMethod("Arith", signature(e1="lgTMatrix", e2="lgTMatrix"), function(e1, e2) callGeneric(as(e1, "dgTMatrix"), as(e2, "dgTMatrix"))) ## FIXME: These are really too cheap: currently almost all go via dgC*() : ## setMethod("Compare", signature(e1="lgCMatrix", e2="lgCMatrix"), ## setMethod("Compare", signature(e1="lgTMatrix", e2="lgTMatrix"), ## setMethod("Compare", signature(e1="lsparseMatrix", e2="lsparseMatrix"), ## function(e1, e2) callGeneric(as(e1, "dgCMatrix"), as(e2, "dgCMatrix"))) setMethod("Compare", signature(e1="lsparseMatrix", e2="lsparseMatrix"), function(e1, e2) callGeneric(as(e1, "CsparseMatrix"), as(e2, "CsparseMatrix"))) ## setMethod("Compare", signature(e1="lgTMatrix", e2="lgTMatrix"), ## coerce to Csparse ## function(e1, e2) callGeneric(as(e1, "dgCMatrix"), as(e2, "dgCMatrix"))) ##--- Sparse ... ---------- .Ops.lsparse <- function(e1, e2) { ## of course, this is still suboptimal, e.g. if both are "lsT" or "lsC" if(is(e1, "TsparseMatrix")) callGeneric(as(e1, "lgTMatrix"), as(e2, "lgTMatrix")) else callGeneric(as(e1, "lgCMatrix"), as(e2, "lgCMatrix")) } setMethod("Ops", signature(e1="lsparseMatrix", e2="lsparseMatrix"), .Ops.lsparse) setMethod("Logic", signature(e1="lsparseMatrix", e2="ldenseMatrix"), .Ops.lsparse) setMethod("Logic", signature(e1="ldenseMatrix", e2="lsparseMatrix"), function(e1, e2) { if(is(e2, "TsparseMatrix")) callGeneric(as(e1, "lgTMatrix"), as(e2, "lgTMatrix")) else callGeneric(as(e1, "lgCMatrix"), as(e2, "lgCMatrix")) }) ##-------- originally from ./dgCMatrix.R -------------------- setMethod("Arith", signature(e1 = "dgCMatrix", e2 = "dgCMatrix"), ## "+", "-", "*", "^", "%%", "%/%", "/" function(e1, e2) { d <- dimCheck(e1, e2) dn <- dimNamesCheck(e1, e2) ij1 <- non0ind(e1) ij2 <- non0ind(e2) switch(.Generic, "+" = , "-" = ## special "T" convention: repeated entries are *summed* .Call(Tsparse_to_Csparse, new("dgTMatrix", Dim = d, Dimnames = dn, i = c(ij1[,1], ij2[,1]), j = c(ij1[,2], ij2[,2]), x = c(callGeneric(e1@x, 0),callGeneric(0,e2@x))), FALSE), "*" = { ## X * 0 == 0 * X == 0 --> keep common non-0 ii <- WhichintersectInd(ij1, ij2, nrow=d[1]) ij <- ij1[ii[[1]], , drop = FALSE] .Call(Tsparse_to_Csparse, new("dgTMatrix", Dim = d, Dimnames = dn, i = ij[,1], j = ij[,2], x = e1@x[ii[[1]]] * e2@x[ii[[2]]]), FALSE) }, "^" = { ii <- WhichintersectInd(ij1, ij2, nrow=d[1]) ## 3 cases: ## 1) X^0 := 1 (even for X=0) ==> dense ## 2) 0^Y := 0 for Y != 0 ===== ## 3) x^y : ## FIXME: dgeM[cbind(i,j)] <- V is not yet possible ## nor dgeM[ i_vect ] <- V ## r <- as(e2, "dgeMatrix") ## ... r <- as(e2, "matrix") Yis0 <- is0(r) r[complementInd(ij1, dim=d)] <- 0 ## 2) r[1:1 + ij2[ii[[2]], , drop=FALSE]] <- e1@x[ii[[1]]] ^ e2@x[ii[[2]]] ## 3) r[Yis0] <- 1 ## 1) as(r, "dgeMatrix") }, "%%" = , "%/%" = , "/" = ## 0 op 0 |-> NaN => dense callGeneric(as(e1, "dgeMatrix"), e2) ) }) setMethod("Arith", signature(e1 = "dgCMatrix", e2 = "numeric"), function(e1, e2) { if((l2 <- length(e2)) == 0) stop("",.Generic,"numeric(0) is undefined") f0 <- callGeneric(0, e2) if(all(is0(f0))) { # remain sparse if(l2 > 1) { # length(e2) > 1 : "recycle" e2 "carefully" n <- prod(d <- dim(e1)) if(n < l2) stop("",.Generic,"numeric()") if(n %% l2 != 0) ## identical warning as in main/arithmetic.c warning(gettextf("longer object length\n\tis not a multiple of shorter object length")) ## TODO: construction of [1:1 + in0 %%l2] via one .Call() ## 0-based indices: in0 <- encodeInd(.Call(compressed_non_0_ij, e1, TRUE), d[1]) e2 <- e2[1:1 + in0 %% l2] } e1@x <- callGeneric(e1@x, e2) e1 } else { ## non-sparse, since '0 o e2' is not (all) 0 r <- as(e1, "matrix") if(length(e2) == 1) { r[] <- f0 r[non0ind(e1) + 1:1] <- callGeneric(e1@x, e2) as(r, "dgeMatrix") } else { as(callGeneric(r, e2), "dgeMatrix") } }}) setMethod("Arith", signature(e1 = "numeric", e2 = "dgCMatrix"), function(e1, e2) { if((l1 <- length(e1)) == 0) stop("numeric(0)",.Generic," is undefined") f0 <- callGeneric(e1, 0) if(all(is0(f0))) { # remain sparse if(l1 > 1) { # length(e1) > 1 : "recycle" e1 "carefully" n <- prod(d <- dim(e2)) if(n < l1) stop("numeric()",.Generic,"") if(n %% l1 != 0) ## identical warning as in main/arithmetic.c warning(gettextf("longer object length\n\tis not a multiple of shorter object length")) ## TODO: construction of [1:1 + in0 %% l1] via one .Call() ## 0-based indices: in0 <- encodeInd(.Call(compressed_non_0_ij, e2, TRUE), d[1]) e1 <- e1[1:1 + in0 %% l1] } e2@x <- callGeneric(e1, e2@x) e2 } else { ## non-sparse, since '0 o e2' is not (all) 0 r <- as(e2, "matrix") if(length(e1) == 1) { r[] <- f0 r[non0ind(e2) + 1:1] <- callGeneric(e1, e2@x) as(r, "dgeMatrix") } else { as(callGeneric(e1, r), "dgeMatrix") } }}) ##-------- originally from ./Csparse.R -------------------- ## TODO : Consider going a level up, and do this for all "Ops" setMethod("Arith", signature(e1 = "CsparseMatrix", e2 = "CsparseMatrix"), function(e1, e2) callGeneric(as(as(e1, "dMatrix"), "dgCMatrix"), as(as(e2, "dMatrix"), "dgCMatrix"))) setMethod("Arith", signature(e1 = "CsparseMatrix", e2 = "numeric"), function(e1, e2) { if(length(e2) == 1) { ## e.g., Mat ^ a f0 <- callGeneric(0, e2) if(is0(f0)) { # remain sparse, symm., tri.,... e1@x <- callGeneric(e1@x, e2) return(e1) } } ## all other (potentially non-sparse) cases: give up symm, tri,.. callGeneric(as(e1, paste(.M.kind(e1), "gCMatrix", sep='')), e2) }) setMethod("Compare", signature(e1 = "CsparseMatrix", e2 = "CsparseMatrix"), function(e1, e2) { d <- dimCheck(e1,e2) ## How do the "0" or "FALSE" entries compare? ## Depends if we have an "EQuality RELation" or not: EQrel <- switch(.Generic, "==" =, "<=" =, ">=" = TRUE, "!=" =, "<" =, ">" = FALSE) if(EQrel) { ## The (0 op 0) or (FALSE op FALSE) comparison gives TRUE ## -> result becomes *dense*; the following may be suboptimal return( callGeneric(as(e1, "denseMatrix"), as(e2, "denseMatrix"))) } ## else: INequality: 0 op 0 gives FALSE ---> remain sparse! cD1 <- getClassDef(class(e1)) cD2 <- getClassDef(class(e2)) ## NB non-diagonalMatrix := Union{ general, symmetric, triangular} gen1 <- extends(cD1, "generalMatrix") gen2 <- extends(cD2, "generalMatrix") sym1 <- !gen1 && extends(cD1, "symmetricMatrix") sym2 <- !gen2 && extends(cD2, "symmetricMatrix") tri1 <- !gen1 && !sym1 tri2 <- !gen2 && !sym2 G <- gen1 && gen2 S <- sym1 && sym2 && e1@uplo == e2@uplo T <- tri1 && tri2 && e1@uplo == e2@uplo if(T && e1@diag != e2@diag) { ## one is "U" the other "N" if(e1@diag == "U") e1 <- diagU2N(e1) else ## (e2@diag == "U" e2 <- diagU2N(e2) } else if(!G && !S && !T) { ## e.g. one symmetric, one general ## coerce to generalMatrix and go : if(!gen1) e1 <- as(e1, "generalMatrix", strict = FALSE) if(!gen2) e2 <- as(e2, "generalMatrix", strict = FALSE) } dn <- dimNamesCheck(e1, e2) ## the result object: newC <- sub("^.", "l", class(e1)) r <- new(newC) ## Very easy case: if(identical(e1@i, e2@i) && identical(e1@p, e2@p)) { if(extends(cD2, "nMatrix")) { ## non-equality of identical pattern matrices: all FALSE } else { # have 'x' slot r@x <- callGeneric(e1@x, e2@x) ## and all others are '0 op 0' which give FALSE r@i <- e1@i r@p <- e1@p } r@Dim <- d r@Dimnames <- dn r } else { ## now the 'x' slots ``match'' insofar as they are for the ## same "space" (triangle for tri* and symm*; else rectangle) ## not non0ind() which gives more; ## want only those which correspond to 'x' slot ij1 <- .Call(compressed_non_0_ij, e1, TRUE) ij2 <- .Call(compressed_non_0_ij, e2, TRUE) ii <- WhichintersectInd(ij1, ij2, nrow=d[1]) I1 <- ii[[1]] I2 <- ii[[2]] ## 1) common x <- callGeneric(e1@x[I1], e2@x[I2]) ## 2) "e1 o 0": x2 <- callGeneric(e1@x[- I1], 0) ## 3) "0 o e1": x3 <- callGeneric(0, e2@x[- I2]) i <- c(ij1[I1, 1], ij1[-I1, 1], ij2[-I2, 1]) j <- c(ij1[I1, 2], ij1[-I1, 2], ij2[-I2, 2]) x <- c( x, x2, x3) if(any(!x)) { # drop 'FALSE's i <- i[x] j <- j[x] x <- x[x] } as(new("lgTMatrix", Dim = d, Dimnames = dn, i = i, j = j, x = x), "lgCMatrix") } }) ## The same, e1 <-> e2 : setMethod("Arith", signature(e1 = "numeric", e2 = "CsparseMatrix"), function(e1, e2) { if(length(e1) == 1) { f0 <- callGeneric(e1, 0) if(is0(f0)) { e2@x <- callGeneric(e1, e2@x) return(e2) } } callGeneric(e1, as(e2, paste(.M.kind(e2), "gCMatrix", sep=''))) }) ##-------- originally from ./sparseMatrix.R -------------------- ## "Arith" short cuts / exceptions setMethod("-", signature(e1 = "sparseMatrix", e2 = "missing"), function(e1) { e1@x <- -e1@x ; e1 }) ## with the following exceptions: setMethod("-", signature(e1 = "nsparseMatrix", e2 = "missing"), function(e1) callGeneric(as(as(e1, "dMatrix"), "dgCMatrix"))) setMethod("-", signature(e1 = "pMatrix", e2 = "missing"), function(e1) callGeneric(as(e1, "ngTMatrix"))) ## Group method "Arith" ## have CsparseMatrix methods (-> ./Csparse.R ) ## which may preserve "symmetric", "triangular" -- simply defer to those: setMethod("Arith", signature(e1 = "sparseMatrix", e2 = "sparseMatrix"), function(e1, e2) callGeneric(as(e1, "CsparseMatrix"), as(e2, "CsparseMatrix"))) setMethod("Arith", signature(e1 = "sparseMatrix", e2 = "numeric"), function(e1, e2) callGeneric(as(e1, "CsparseMatrix"), e2)) setMethod("Arith", signature(e1 = "numeric", e2 = "sparseMatrix"), function(e1, e2) callGeneric(e1, as(e2, "CsparseMatrix"))) setMethod("Compare", signature(e1 = "sparseMatrix", e2 = "sparseMatrix"), function(e1, e2) callGeneric(as(e1, "CsparseMatrix"), as(e2, "CsparseMatrix")))