## Utilities for the Harwell-Boeing and MatrixMarket formats readone <- function(ln, iwd, nper, conv) { ln <- gsub("D", "E", ln) inds <- seq(0, by = iwd, length = nper + 1) (conv)(substring(ln, 1 + inds[-length(inds)], inds[-1])) } readmany <- function(conn, nlines, nvals, fmt, conv) { if (!grep("[[:digit:]]+[DEFGI][[:digit:]]+", fmt)) stop("Not a valid format") Iind <- regexpr('[DEFGI]', fmt) nper <- as.integer(substr(fmt, regexpr('[[:digit:]]+[DEFGI]', fmt), Iind - 1)) iwd <- as.integer(substr(fmt, Iind + 1, regexpr('[\\.\\)]', fmt) - 1)) rem <- nvals %% nper full <- nvals %/% nper ans <- vector("list", nvals %/% nper) for (i in seq_len(full)) ans[[i]] <- readone(readLines(conn, 1, ok = FALSE), iwd, nper, conv) if (!rem) return(unlist(ans)) c(unlist(ans), readone(readLines(conn, 1, ok = FALSE), iwd, rem, conv)) } readHB <- function(file) { if (is.character(file)) file <- if (file == "") stdin() else file(file) if (!inherits(file, "connection")) stop("'file' must be a character string or connection") if (!isOpen(file)) { open(file) on.exit(close(file)) } hdr <- readLines(file, 4, ok = FALSE) Title <- sub('[[:space:]]+$', '', substr(hdr[1], 1, 72)) Key <- sub('[[:space:]]+$', '', substr(hdr[1], 73, 80)) totln <- as.integer(substr(hdr[2], 1, 14)) ptrln <- as.integer(substr(hdr[2], 15, 28)) indln <- as.integer(substr(hdr[2], 29, 42)) valln <- as.integer(substr(hdr[2], 43, 56)) rhsln <- as.integer(substr(hdr[2], 57, 70)) if (!(t1 <- substr(hdr[3], 1, 1)) %in% c('C', 'R', 'P')) stop(paste("Invalid storage type:", t1)) if (t1 != 'R') stop("Only numeric sparse matrices allowed") ## _FIXME: Patterns should also be allowed if (!(t2 <- substr(hdr[3], 2, 2)) %in% c('H', 'R', 'S', 'U', 'Z')) stop(paste("Invalid storage format:", t2)) if (!(t3 <- substr(hdr[3], 3, 3)) %in% c('A', 'E')) stop(paste("Invalid assembled indicator:", t3)) nr <- as.integer(substr(hdr[3], 15, 28)) nc <- as.integer(substr(hdr[3], 29, 42)) nz <- as.integer(substr(hdr[3], 43, 56)) nel <- as.integer(substr(hdr[3], 57, 70)) ptrfmt <- toupper(sub('[[:space:]]+$', '', substr(hdr[4], 1, 16))) indfmt <- toupper(sub('[[:space:]]+$', '', substr(hdr[4], 17, 32))) valfmt <- toupper(sub('[[:space:]]+$', '', substr(hdr[4], 33, 52))) rhsfmt <- toupper(sub('[[:space:]]+$', '', substr(hdr[4], 53, 72))) if (!is.na(rhsln) && rhsln > 0) { h5 <- readLines(file, 1, ok = FALSE) } ptr <- readmany(file, ptrln, nc + 1, ptrfmt, as.integer) ind <- readmany(file, indln, nz, indfmt, as.integer) vals <- readmany(file, valln, nz, valfmt, as.numeric) if (t2 == 'S') new("dsCMatrix", uplo = "L", p = ptr - 1:1, i = ind - 1:1, x = vals, Dim = c(nr, nc)) else new("dgCMatrix", p = ptr - 1:1, i = ind - 1:1, x = vals, Dim = c(nr, nc)) } readMM <- function(file) { if (is.character(file)) if (file == "") file <- stdin() else file <- file(file) if (!inherits(file, "connection")) stop("'file' must be a character string or connection") if (!isOpen(file)) { open(file) on.exit(close(file)) } if ((hdr <- scan(file, nmax = 1, what = character(0), quiet = TRUE)) != "%%MatrixMarket") stop("file is not a MatrixMarket file") typ <- tolower(scan(file, nmax = 1, what = character(0), quiet = TRUE)) if (!typ %in% "matrix") stop(paste("type '", typ, "' not recognized", sep = "")) repr <- tolower(scan(file, nmax = 1, what = character(0), quiet = TRUE)) if (!repr %in% c("coordinate", "array")) stop(paste("representation '", repr, "' not recognized", sep = "")) elt <- tolower(scan(file, nmax = 1, what = character(0), quiet = TRUE)) if (!elt %in% c("real", "complex", "integer", "pattern")) stop(paste("element type '", elt, "' not recognized", sep = "")) sym <- tolower(scan(file, nmax = 1, what = character(0), quiet = TRUE)) if (!sym %in% c("general", "symmetric", "skew-symmetric", "hermitian")) stop(paste("symmetry form '", sym, "' not recognized", sep = "")) nr <- scan(file, nmax = 1, what = integer(0), comment.char = "%", quiet = TRUE) nc <- scan(file, nmax = 1, what = integer(0), quiet = TRUE) nz <- scan(file, nmax = 1, what = integer(0), quiet = TRUE) if (repr == "coordinate" && elt == "real") { els <- scan(file, nmax = nz, what = list(i = integer(0), j = integer(0), x = numeric(0)), quiet = TRUE) if (sym == "general") return(new("dgTMatrix", Dim = c(nr, nc), i = els$i - 1:1, j = els$j - 1:1, x = els$x)) if (sym == "symmetric") return(new("dsTMatrix", uplo = "L", Dim = c(nr, nc), i = els$i - 1:1, j = els$j - 1:1, x = els$x)) } }