#### "Namespace private" Auxiliaries such as method functions #### (called from more than one place --> need to be defined early) .isR_24 <- (paste(R.version$major, R.version$minor, sep=".") >= "2.4") .isR_25 <- (paste(R.version$major, R.version$minor, sep=".") >= "2.5") ## Need to consider NAs ; "== 0" even works for logical & complex: is0 <- function(x) !is.na(x) & x == 0 isN0 <- function(x) is.na(x) | x != 0 all0 <- function(x) !any(is.na(x)) && all(x == 0) allTrue <- function(x) !any(is.na(x)) && all(x) allFalse <- function(x) !any(is.na(x)) && !any(x) ## maybe we should have this in base, maybe via an .Internal(paste0(.)) -> do_paste(.. op=2) paste0 <- function(...) paste(..., sep = '') ## For %*% (M = Matrix; v = vector (double or integer {complex maybe?}): .M.v <- function(x, y) callGeneric(x, as.matrix(y)) .v.M <- function(x, y) callGeneric(rbind(x), y) .M.DN <- function(x) if(!is.null(dn <- dimnames(x))) dn else list(NULL,NULL) .if.NULL <- function(x, orElse) if(!is.null(x)) x else orElse .has.DN <- ## has non-trivial Dimnames slot? function(x) !identical(list(NULL,NULL), x@Dimnames) .bail.out.1 <- function(fun, cl) { stop(gettextf('not-yet-implemented method for %s(<%s>).\n ->> Ask the package authors to implement the missing feature.', fun, cl), call. = FALSE) } .bail.out.2 <- function(fun, cl1, cl2) { stop(gettextf('not-yet-implemented method for %s(<%s>, <%s>).\n ->> Ask the package authors to implement the missing feature.', fun, cl1, cl2), call. = FALSE) } ## This should be done in C and be exported by 'methods': [FIXME - ask JMC ] copyClass <- function(x, newCl, sNames = intersect(slotNames(newCl), slotNames(x))) { r <- new(newCl) for(n in sNames) slot(r, n) <- slot(x, n) r } ## chol() via "dpoMatrix" cholMat <- function(x, pivot, ...) { px <- as(x, "dpoMatrix") if (isTRUE(validObject(px, test=TRUE))) chol(px) else stop("'x' is not positive definite -- chol() undefined.") } dimCheck <- function(a, b) { da <- dim(a) db <- dim(b) if(any(da != db)) stop(gettextf("Matrices must have same dimensions in %s", deparse(sys.call(sys.parent()))), call. = FALSE) da } dimNamesCheck <- function(a, b) { ## assume dimCheck() has happened before nullDN <- list(NULL,NULL) h.a <- !identical(nullDN, dna <- dimnames(a)) h.b <- !identical(nullDN, dnb <- dimnames(b)) if(h.a || h.b) { if (!h.b) dna else if(!h.a) dnb else { ## both have non-trivial dimnames r <- dna # "default" result for(j in 1:2) { dn <- dnb[[j]] if(is.null(r[[j]])) r[[j]] <- dn else if (!is.null(dn) && any(r[[j]] != dn)) warning(gettextf("dimnames [%d] mismatch in %s", j, deparse(sys.call(sys.parent()))), call. = FALSE) } r } } else nullDN } rowCheck <- function(a, b) { da <- dim(a) db <- dim(b) if(da[1] != db[1]) stop(gettextf("Matrices must have same number of rows in %s", deparse(sys.call(sys.parent()))), call. = FALSE) ## return the common nrow() da[1] } colCheck <- function(a, b) { da <- dim(a) db <- dim(b) if(da[2] != db[2]) stop(gettextf("Matrices must have same number of columns in %s", deparse(sys.call(sys.parent()))), call. = FALSE) ## return the common ncol() da[2] } ## Note: !isPacked(.) i.e. `full' still contains ## ---- "*sy" and "*tr" which have "undefined" lower or upper part isPacked <- function(x) { ## Is 'x' a packed (dense) matrix ? is(x, "denseMatrix") && ## unneeded(!): any("x" == slotNames(x)) && length(x@x) < prod(dim(x)) } emptyColnames <- function(x) { ## Useful for compact printing of (parts) of sparse matrices ## possibly dimnames(x) "==" NULL : dimnames(x) <- list(dimnames(x)[[1]], rep("", dim(x)[2])) x } ### TODO: write in C and port to base (or 'utils') R indTri <- function(n, upper = TRUE) { ## == which(upper.tri(diag(n)) or ## which(lower.tri(diag(n)) -- but much more efficiently for largish 'n' stopifnot(length(n) == 1, n == (n. <- as.integer(n)), (n <- n.) >= 0) if(n <= 2) return(if(n == 2) as.integer(if(upper) n+1 else n) else integer(0)) ## First, compute the 'diff(.)' fast. Use integers one <- 1:1 ; two <- 2:2 n1 <- n - one n2 <- n1 - one r <- rep.int(one, n*n1/two - one) r[cumsum(if(upper) 1:n2 else c(n1, if(n >= 4) n2:two))] <- if(upper) n:3 else 3:n ## now have "dliu" difference; revert to "liu": cumsum(c(if(upper) n+one else two, r)) } prTriang <- function(x, digits = getOption("digits"), maxp = getOption("max.print"), justify = "none", right = TRUE) { ## modeled along stats:::print.dist upper <- x@uplo == "U" m <- as(x, "matrix") cf <- format(m, digits = digits, justify = justify) if(upper) cf[row(cf) > col(cf)] <- "." else cf[row(cf) < col(cf)] <- "." if(.isR_24) print(cf, quote = FALSE, right = right, max = maxp) else print(cf, quote = FALSE, right = right) invisible(x) } prMatrix <- function(x, digits = getOption("digits"), maxp = getOption("max.print")) { d <- dim(x) cl <- class(x) cat(sprintf('%d x %d Matrix of class "%s"\n', d[1], d[2], cl)) if(prod(d) <= maxp) { if(is(x, "triangularMatrix")) prTriang(x, digits = digits, maxp = maxp) else { if(.isR_24) print(as(x, "matrix"), digits = digits, max = maxp) else print(as(x, "matrix"), digits = digits) } } else { ## d[1] > maxp / d[2] >= nr : m <- as(x, "matrix") nr <- maxp %/% d[2] n2 <- ceiling(nr / 2) print(head(m, max(1, n2))) cat("\n ..........\n\n") print(tail(m, max(1, nr - n2))) } ## DEBUG: cat("str(.):\n") ; str(x) invisible(x)# as print() S3 methods do } nonFALSE <- function(x) { ## typically used for lMatrices: (TRUE,NA,FALSE) |-> (TRUE,FALSE) if(any(ix <- is.na(x))) x[ix] <- TRUE x } nz.NA <- function(x, na.value) { ## Non-Zeros of x ## na.value: TRUE: NA's give TRUE, they are not 0 ## NA: NA's are not known ==> result := NA ## FALSE: NA's give FALSE, could be 0 stopifnot(is.logical(na.value) && length(na.value) == 1) if(is.na(na.value)) x != 0 else if(na.value) isN0(x) else x != 0 & !is.na(x) } ## Number of "structural" non-zeros --- this is nnzmax() in Matlab ## of effectively non-zero values = nnz() " " ## Our nnzero() is like Matlab's nnz() -- but more sophisticated because of NAs ## This is now exported! nnzero <- function(x, na.counted = NA) { ## na.counted: TRUE: NA's are counted, they are not 0 ## NA: NA's are not known (0 or not) ==> result := NA ## FALSE: NA's are omitted before counting cl <- class(x) ## speedup: cld <- getClassDef(cl) if(!extends(cld, "Matrix")) sum(nz.NA(x, na.counted)) else { ## Matrix iSym <- extends(cld, "symmetricMatrix") if(extends(cld, "pMatrix")) # is "sparse" too nrow(x) else if(extends(cld, "sparseMatrix")) { nn <- if(extends(cld, "nMatrix")) # <==> no 'x' slot switch(.sp.class(cl), "CsparseMatrix" = length(x@i), "TsparseMatrix" = length(x@i), "RsparseMatrix" = length(x@j)) else ## consider NAs in 'x' slot: sum(nz.NA(x@x, na.counted)) if(iSym) (nn+nn - sum(nz.NA(diag(x), na.counted))) else nn } else if(extends(cld, "diagonalMatrix")) sum(nz.NA(diag(x), na.counted)) else { ## dense, not diagonal: Can use 'x' slot; nn <- sum(nz.NA(as_geClass(x, cl)@x, na.counted)) if(iSym && length(x@x) < prod(dim(x))) ## packed symmetric ## n(n+1)/2 |--> n^2 nn <- (nn + nn) - as.integer(sqrt(2*nn)) nn } } } ## For sparseness handling, return a ## 2-column (i,j) matrix of 0-based indices of non-zero entries: non0ind <- function(x, classDef.x = getClassDef(class(x))) { if(is.numeric(x)) return(if((n <- length(x))) (0:(n-1))[isN0(x)] else integer(0)) ## else stopifnot(extends(classDef.x, "sparseMatrix")) non0.i <- function(M, cM = class(M)) { if(extends(cM, "TsparseMatrix")) return(unique(cbind(M@i,M@j))) if(extends(cM, "pMatrix")) return(cbind(seq_len(nrow(M)), M@perm) - 1:1) ## else: C* or R* isC <- extends(cM, "CsparseMatrix") .Call(compressed_non_0_ij, M, isC) } if(extends(classDef.x, "symmetricMatrix")) { # also get "other" triangle ij <- non0.i(x, classDef.x) notdiag <- ij[,1] != ij[,2]# but not the diagonals again rbind(ij, ij[notdiag, 2:1]) } else if(extends(classDef.x, "triangularMatrix")) { # check for "U" diag if(x@diag == "U") { i <- seq_len(dim(x)[1]) - 1:1 rbind(non0.i(x, classDef.x), cbind(i,i)) } else non0.i(x, classDef.x) } else non0.i(x, classDef.x) } ## nr= nrow: since i in {0,1,.., nrow-1} these are 1:1 "decimal" encodings: ## Further, these map to and from the usual "Fortran-indexing" (but 0-based) encodeInd <- function(ij, nr) ij[,1] + ij[,2] * nr encodeInd2 <- function(i,j, nr) i + j * nr decodeInd <- function(code, nr) cbind(code %% nr, code %/% nr) complementInd <- function(ij, dim) { ## Purpose: Compute the complement of the 2-column 0-based ij-matrix ## but as 1-based indices n <- prod(dim) if(n == 0) return(integer(0)) ii <- 1:n ii[-(1 + encodeInd(ij, nr = dim[1]))] } unionInd <- function(ij1, ij2) unique(rbind(ij1, ij2)) intersectInd <- function(ij1, ij2, nrow) { ## from 2-column (i,j) matrices where i in {0,.., nrow-1}, ## return only the *common* entries decodeInd(intersect(encodeInd(ij1, nrow), encodeInd(ij2, nrow)), nrow) } WhichintersectInd <- function(ij1, ij2, nrow) { ## from 2-column (i,j) matrices where i \in {0,.., nrow-1}, ## find *where* common entries are in ij1 & ij2 m1 <- match(encodeInd(ij1, nrow), encodeInd(ij2, nrow)) ni <- !is.na(m1) list(which(ni), m1[ni]) } ### There is a test on this in ../tests/dgTMatrix.R ! uniqTsparse <- function(x, class.x = c(class(x))) { ## Purpose: produce a *unique* triplet representation: ## by having (i,j) sorted and unique ## ----------------------------------------------------------- ## The following is not quite efficient {but easy to program, ## and as() are based on C code (all of them?) ## ## FIXME: Do it fast for the case where 'x' is already 'uniq' switch(class.x, "dgTMatrix" = as(as(x, "dgCMatrix"), "dgTMatrix"), "dsTMatrix" = as(as(x, "dsCMatrix"), "dsTMatrix"), "dtTMatrix" = as(as(x, "dtCMatrix"), "dtTMatrix"), ## do we need this for "logical" ones, there's no sum() there! "lgTMatrix" = as(as(x, "lgCMatrix"), "lgTMatrix"), "lsTMatrix" = as(as(x, "lsCMatrix"), "lsTMatrix"), "ltTMatrix" = as(as(x, "ltCMatrix"), "ltTMatrix"), ## do we need this for "logical" ones, there's no sum() there! "ngTMatrix" = as(as(x, "ngCMatrix"), "ngTMatrix"), "nsTMatrix" = as(as(x, "nsCMatrix"), "nsTMatrix"), "ntTMatrix" = as(as(x, "ntCMatrix"), "ntTMatrix"), ## otherwise: stop("not yet implemented for class ", class.x)) } ## Note: maybe, using ## ---- xj <- .Call(Matrix_expand_pointers, x@p) ## would be slightly more efficient than as( , "dgTMatrix") ## but really efficient would be to use only one .Call(.) for uniq(.) ! drop0 <- function(x, clx = c(class(x))) { if(!extends(clx, "CsparseMatrix")) clx <- sub(".Matrix$", "CMatrix", clx) ## FIXME: Csparse_drop should do this, but it ## drops triangularity and symmetry : ## .Call(Csparse_drop, as_CspClass(x, clx), 0) as_CspClass(.Call(Csparse_drop, as_CspClass(x, clx), 0.), clx) } uniq <- function(x) { if(is(x, "TsparseMatrix")) uniqTsparse(x) else if(is(x, "sparseMatrix")) drop0(x) else x } asTuniq <- function(x) { if(is(x, "TsparseMatrix")) uniqTsparse(x) else as(x,"TsparseMatrix") } ## is 'x' a uniq Tsparse Matrix ? is_not_uniqT <- function(x, nr = nrow(x)) is.unsorted(x@j) || any(duplicated(encodeInd2(x@i, x@j, nr))) ## is 'x' a TsparseMatrix with no duplicated entries (to be *added* for uniq): is_duplicatedT <- function(x, nr = nrow(x)) any(duplicated(encodeInd2(x@i, x@j, nr))) if(FALSE) ## try an "efficient" version uniq_gT <- function(x) { ## Purpose: produce a *unique* triplet representation: ## by having (i,j) sorted and unique ## ------------------------------------------------------------------ ## Arguments: a "gT" Matrix stopifnot(is(x, "gTMatrix")) if((n <- length(x@i)) == 0) return(x) ii <- order(x@i, x@j) if(any(ii != 1:n)) { x@i <- x@i[ii] x@j <- x@j[ii] x@x <- x@x[ii] } ij <- x@i + nrow(x) * x@j if(any(dup <- duplicated(ij))) { } ### We should use a .Call() based utility for this! } t_geMatrix <- function(x) { x@x <- as.vector(t(array(x@x, dim = x@Dim))) # no dimnames here x@Dim <- x@Dim[2:1] x@Dimnames <- x@Dimnames[2:1] ## FIXME: how to set factors? x } ## t( [dl]trMatrix ) and t( [dl]syMatrix ) : t_trMatrix <- function(x) { x@x <- as.vector(t(as(x, "matrix"))) x@Dim <- x@Dim[2:1] x@Dimnames <- x@Dimnames[2:1] x@uplo <- if (x@uplo == "U") "L" else "U" # and keep x@diag x } fixupDense <- function(m, from, cldm = getClassDef(class(m))) { if(extends(cldm, "triangularMatrix")) { m@uplo <- from@uplo m@diag <- from@diag } else if(extends(cldm, "symmetricMatrix")) { m@uplo <- from@uplo } m } ## -> ./ldenseMatrix.R : l2d_Matrix <- function(from, cl = class(from), cld = getClassDef(cl)) { ## stopifnot(is(from, "lMatrix")) fixupDense(new(sub("^l", "d", cl), x = as.double(from@x), Dim = from@Dim, Dimnames = from@Dimnames), from, cld) ## FIXME: treat 'factors' smartly {not for triangular!} } ## -> ./ndenseMatrix.R : n2d_Matrix <- function(from, cl = class(from), cld = getClassDef(cl)) { ## stopifnot(is(from, "nMatrix")) fixupDense(new(sub("^n", "d", cl), x = as.double(from@x), Dim = from@Dim, Dimnames = from@Dimnames), from, cld) ## FIXME: treat 'factors' smartly {not for triangular!} } n2l_Matrix <- function(from, cl = class(from), cld = getClassDef(cl)) { fixupDense(new(sub("^n", "l", cl), x = from@x, Dim = from@Dim, Dimnames = from@Dimnames), from, cld) ## FIXME: treat 'factors' smartly {not for triangular!} } ## -> ./ddenseMatrix.R : d2l_Matrix <- function(from, cl = class(from), cld = getClassDef(cl)) { fixupDense(new(sub("^d", "l", cl), x = as.logical(from@x), Dim = from@Dim, Dimnames = from@Dimnames), from, cld) ## FIXME: treat 'factors' smartly {not for triangular!} } n2l_spMatrix <- function(from) { ## stopifnot(is(from, "nMatrix")) new(sub("^n", "l", class(from)), ##x = as.double(from@x), Dim = from@Dim, Dimnames = from@Dimnames) } gt2tT <- function(x, uplo, diag, cld = getClassDef(class(x))) { ## coerce *gTMatrix to *tTMatrix {general -> triangular} i <- x@i j <- x@j sel <- if(uplo == "U") { if(diag == "U") i < j else i <= j } else { if(diag == "U") i > j else i >= j } i <- i[sel] j <- j[sel] if(extends(cld, "nMatrix")) # no 'x' slot new("ntTMatrix", i = i, j = j, uplo = uplo, diag = diag, Dim = x@Dim, Dimnames = x@Dimnames) else new(paste(substr(class(x), 1,1), # "d", "l", "i" or "z" "tTMatrix", sep=''), i = i, j = j, uplo = uplo, diag = diag, x = x@x[sel], Dim = x@Dim, Dimnames = x@Dimnames) } check.gt2tT <- function(from, cld = getClassDef(from)) { if(isTr <- isTriangular(from)) gt2tT(from, uplo = .if.NULL(attr(isTr, "kind"), "U"), diag = "N", ## improve: also test for unit diagonal cld = cld) else stop("not a triangular matrix") } if(FALSE)# unused l2d_meth <- function(x) { cl <- class(x) as(callGeneric(as(x, sub("^l", "d", cl))), cl) } ## return "d" or "l" or "n" or "z" .M.kind <- function(x, clx = class(x)) { ## 'clx': class() *or* class definition of x if(is.matrix(x) || is.atomic(x)) { ## 'old style' matrix or vector if (is.numeric(x)) "d" else if(is.logical(x)) "l" ## FIXME ? "n" if no NA ?? else if(is.complex(x)) "z" else stop("not yet implemented for matrix w/ typeof ", typeof(x)) } else { if(is.character(clx)) # < speedup: get it once clx <- getClassDef(clx) if(extends(clx, "dMatrix")) "d" else if(extends(clx, "nMatrix")) "n" else if(extends(clx, "lMatrix")) "l" else if(extends(clx, "zMatrix")) "z" else if(extends(clx, "pMatrix")) "n" # permutation -> pattern else stop(" not yet be implemented for ", clx@className) } } ## typically used as .type.kind[.M.kind(x)]: .type.kind <- c("d" = "double", "l" = "logical", "n" = "logical", "z" = "complex") .M.shape <- function(x, clx = class(x)) { ## 'clx': class() *or* class definition of x if(is.matrix(x)) { ## 'old style matrix' if (isDiagonal (x)) "d" else if(isTriangular(x)) "t" else if(isSymmetric (x)) "s" else "g" # general } else { if(is.character(clx)) # < speedup: get it once clx <- getClassDef(clx) if(extends(clx, "diagonalMatrix")) "d" else if(extends(clx, "triangularMatrix"))"t" else if(extends(clx, "symmetricMatrix")) "s" else "g" } } class2 <- function(cl, kind = "l", do.sub = TRUE) { ## Find "corresponding" class; since pos.def. matrices have no pendant: if (cl == "dpoMatrix") paste(kind, "syMatrix", sep='') else if(cl == "dppMatrix") paste(kind, "spMatrix", sep='') else if(do.sub) sub("^[a-z]", kind, cl) else cl } ## see also as_geClass() below geClass <- function(x) { if (is(x, "dMatrix")) "dgeMatrix" else if(is(x, "lMatrix")) "lgeMatrix" else if(is(x, "nMatrix")) "ngeMatrix" else if(is(x, "zMatrix")) "zgeMatrix" else stop("general Matrix class not yet implemented for ", class(x)) } .dense.prefixes <- c("d" = "di", "t" = "tr", "s" = "sy", "g" = "ge") .sparse.prefixes <- c("d" = "t", ## map diagonal to triangular "t" = "t", "s" = "s", "g" = "g") ## Used, e.g. after subsetting: Try to use specific class -- if feasible : as_dense <- function(x, cld = if(isS4(x)) getClassDef(class(x))) { as(x, paste(.M.kind(x, cld), .dense.prefixes[.M.shape(x, cld)], "Matrix", sep='')) } .sp.class <- function(x) { ## find and return the "sparseness class" if(!is.character(x)) x <- class(x) for(cl in paste(c("C","T","R"), "sparseMatrix", sep='')) if(extends(x, cl)) return(cl) ## else (should rarely happen) as.character(NA) } ### Goal: Eventually get rid of these --- want to foster coercions ### ---- *to* virtual classes whenever possible, i.e. ## as(*, "CsparseMatrix"), etc ## Here, getting the class definition and passing it, should be faster as_Csparse <- function(x, cld = if(isS4(x)) getClassDef(class(x))) { as(x, paste(.M.kind(x, cld), .sparse.prefixes[.M.shape(x, cld)], "CMatrix", sep='')) } as_Csparse2 <- function(x, cld = if(isS4(x)) getClassDef(class(x))) { ## Csparse + U2N when needed sh <- .M.shape(x, cld) x <- as(x, paste(.M.kind(x, cld), .sparse.prefixes[sh], "CMatrix", sep='')) if(sh == "t") .Call(Csparse_diagU2N, x) else x } as_gCsimpl <- function(from) as(from, paste(.M.kind(from), "gCMatrix", sep='')) as_geSimpl <- function(from) as(from, paste(.M.kind(from), "geMatrix", sep='')) ## smarter, (but sometimes too smart!) compared to geClass() above: as_geClass <- function(x, cl) { if(missing(cl)) as_geSimpl(x) else if(extends(cl, "diagonalMatrix") && isDiagonal(x)) as(x, cl) else if(extends(cl, "symmetricMatrix") && isSymmetric(x)) { kind <- .M.kind(x) as(x, class2(cl, kind, do.sub= kind != "d")) } else if(extends(cl, "triangularMatrix") && isTriangular(x)) as(x, cl) else ## forget about 'cl' as_geSimpl(x) } as_CspClass <- function(x, cl) { if (## diagonal is *not* sparse: ##(extends(cl, "diagonalMatrix") && isDiagonal(x)) || (extends(cl, "symmetricMatrix") && isSymmetric(x)) || (extends(cl, "triangularMatrix")&& isTriangular(x))) as(x, cl) else if(is(x, "CsparseMatrix")) x else as(x, paste(.M.kind(x), "gCMatrix", sep='')) } try_as <- function(x, classes, tryAnyway = FALSE) { if(!tryAnyway && !is(x, "Matrix")) return(x) ## else ok <- canCoerce(x, classes[1]) while(!ok && length(classes <- classes[-1])) { ok <- canCoerce(x, classes[1]) } if(ok) as(x, classes[1]) else x } ## For *dense* matrices isTriMat <- function(object, upper = NA) { ## pretest: is it square? d <- dim(object) if(d[1] != d[2]) return(FALSE) ## else slower test if(!is.matrix(object)) object <- as(object,"matrix") if(is.na(upper)) { if(all0(object[lower.tri(object)])) structure(TRUE, kind = "U") else if(all0(object[upper.tri(object)])) structure(TRUE, kind = "L") else FALSE } else if(upper) all0(object[lower.tri(object)]) else ## upper is FALSE all0(object[upper.tri(object)]) } ## For Csparse matrices isTriC <- function(x, upper = NA) { ## pretest: is it square? d <- dim(x) if(d[1] != d[2]) return(FALSE) ## else if(d[1] == 0) return(TRUE) ni <- 1:d[2] ## the row indices split according to column: ilist <- split(x@i, factor(rep.int(ni, diff(x@p)), levels= ni)) lil <- unlist(lapply(ilist, length), use.names = FALSE) if(any(lil == 0)) { pos <- lil > 0 if(!any(pos)) ## matrix of all 0's return(TRUE) ilist <- ilist[pos] ni <- ni[pos] } ni0 <- ni - 1:1 # '0-based ni' if(is.na(upper)) { if(all(sapply(ilist, max, USE.NAMES = FALSE) <= ni0)) structure(TRUE, kind = "U") else if(all(sapply(ilist, min, USE.NAMES = FALSE) >= ni0)) structure(TRUE, kind = "L") else FALSE } else if(upper) { all(sapply(ilist, max, USE.NAMES = FALSE) <= ni0) } else { ## 'lower' all(sapply(ilist, min, USE.NAMES = FALSE) >= ni0) } } .is.diagonal <- function(object) { ## "matrix" or "denseMatrix" (but not "diagonalMatrix") d <- dim(object) if(d[1] != (n <- d[2])) FALSE else if(is.matrix(object)) ## requires that "vector-indexing" works for 'object' : all0(object[rep(c(FALSE, rep.int(TRUE,n)), length = n^2)]) else ## "denseMatrix" -- packed or unpacked if(is(object, "generalMatrix")) # "dge", "lge", ... all0(object@x[rep(c(FALSE, rep.int(TRUE,n)), length = n^2)]) else { ## "dense" but not {diag, general}, i.e. triangular or symmetric: ## -> has 'uplo' differentiate between packed and unpacked ### .......... FIXME ............... packed <- isPacked(object) if(object@uplo == "U") { } else { ## uplo == "L" } ### very cheap workaround all0(as.matrix(object)[rep(c(FALSE, rep.int(TRUE,n)), length = n^2)]) } } ## Purpose: Transform a *unit diagonal* sparse triangular matrix ## into one with explicit diagonal entries '1' ## fast no-test version: .diagU2N <- function(x, cl) { if(extends(cl, "CsparseMatrix")) .Call(Csparse_diagU2N, x) else { kind <- .M.kind(x, cl) xT <- as(x, paste(kind, "gTMatrix", sep='')) ## leave it as T* - the caller can always coerce to C* if needed: new(paste(kind, "tTMatrix", sep=''), x = xT@x, i = xT@i, j = xT@j, Dim = x@Dim, Dimnames = x@Dimnames, uplo = x@uplo, diag = "N") } } diagU2N <- function(x, cl = getClassDef(class(x))) { if(extends(cl, "triangularMatrix") && x@diag == "U") .diagU2N(x, cl) else x } ## Needed, e.g., in ./Csparse.R for colSums() etc: .as.dgC.Fun <- function(x, na.rm = FALSE, dims = 1) { x <- as(x, "dgCMatrix") callGeneric() } .as.dgC.0.factors <- function(x) { if(!is(x, "dgCMatrix")) as(x, "dgCMatrix") # will not have 'factors' else ## dgCMatrix if(!length(x@factors)) x else { x@factors <- list() ; x } } .as.dgT.Fun <- function(x, na.rm = FALSE, dims = 1) { ## used e.g. inside colSums() etc methods x <- as(x, "dgTMatrix") callGeneric() } ### Fast much simplified version of tapply() tapply1 <- function (X, INDEX, FUN = NULL, ..., simplify = TRUE) { sapply(split(X, INDEX), FUN, ..., simplify = simplify, USE.NAMES = FALSE) } ## tapply.x <- function (X, n, INDEX, FUN = NULL, ..., simplify = TRUE) { ## tapply1(X, factor(INDEX, 0:(n-1)), FUN = FUN, ..., simplify = simplify) ## }