library(Matrix) #### Automatically display the class inheritance structure #### possibly augmented with methods allCl <- getClasses("package:Matrix") ## Really nice would be to construct an inheritance graph and display ## it. The following is just a cheap first step. cat("All classes in the 'Matrix' package:\n") for(cln in allCl) { cat("\n-----\n\nClass", dQuote(cln),":\n ", paste(rep("~",nchar(cln)),collapse=''),"\n") ## A smarter version would use getClass() instead of showClass(), ## build the "graph" and only then display. showClass(cln) } cat("\n \n") ## One could extend the `display' by using (something smarter than) ## are the "coerce" methods showing more than the 'Extends' output above? cat("All (S4) methods in the 'Matrix' package:\n") showMethods(where="package:Matrix")