setAs("matrix", "dgeMatrix", function(from) { new("dgeMatrix", x = as.double(from), Dim = as.integer(dim(from)), Dimnames = if(!is.null(dn <- dimnames(from))) dn else list(NULL,NULL) ) }) setAs("dgeMatrix", "matrix", function(from) { array(from@x, dim = from@Dim, dimnames = from@Dimnames) }) ## Group Methods, see ?Arith (e.g.) ## ----- only work with NAMESPACE importFrom(methods, ..) setMethod("Arith", ## "+", "-", "*", "^", "%%", "%/%", "/" signature(e1 = "dgeMatrix", e2 = "dgeMatrix"), function(e1, e2) { ## NB: triangular, symmetric, etc may need own method d1 <- e1@Dim d2 <- e2@Dim eqD <- d1 == d2 if (!eqD[1]) stop("Matrices must have same number of rows for arithmetic") same.dim <- eqD[2] if (same.dim) d <- d1 else { # nrows differ if(d2[2] %% d1[2] == 0) { # nrow(e2) is a multiple e1@x <-, d2[2] %/% d1[2]) d <- d2 } else if(d1[2] %% d2[2] == 0) { # nrow(e1) is a multiple e2@x <-, d1[2] %/% d2[2]) d <- d1 } else stop("number of rows are not compatible for arithmetic") } dn0 <- list(NULL,NULL) if(identical(dn0, dn <- e1@Dimnames)) dn <- e2@Dimnames else if(!identical(dn0, e2@Dimnames) && !identical(dn, e2@Dimnames)) { dn <- dn0 warning("not using incompatible 'Dimnames' in arithmetical result") } ## be smart and preserve, e.g., triangular, or symmetric ## but this sucks: For these, ## 'uplo' and 'diag' also must coincide or be dealt with properly ## ==> triangular, symmetric, etc may need own method ## also since their @x is `non-typical' ## if(same.dim) { ## if(extends(class(e1), class(e2))) { ## e2@x <- callGeneric(e1@x, e2@x) ## e2@Dimnames <- dn ## e2 ## } ## else if(extends(class(e2), class(e1))) { ## e1@x <- callGeneric(e1@x, e2@x) ## e1@Dimnames <- dn ## e1 ## } ## } ## else new("dgeMatrix", Dim = d, Dimnames = dn, x = callGeneric(e1@x, e2@x)) }) setMethod("Arith", signature(e1 = "dgeMatrix", e2 = "numeric"), function(e1, e2) { d <- e1@Dim le <- length(e2) if(le == 1 || le == d[1] || prod(d) == le) { # matching dim e1@x <- callGeneric(e1@x, as.vector(e2)) e1 } else stop ("length of 2nd arg does not match dimension of first") }) setMethod("Arith", signature(e1 = "numeric", e2 = "dgeMatrix"), function(e1, e2) { d <- e2@Dim le <- length(e1) if(le == 1 || le == d[1] || prod(d) == le) { # matching dim e2@x <- callGeneric(as.vector(e1), e2@x) e2 } else stop ("length of 1st arg does not match dimension of 2nd") }) setMethod("Math", signature(x = "dgeMatrix"), function(x) { x@x <- callGeneric(x@x) x }) ## help(Math2) mentions this uglyness: setGeneric("round", group="Math2") setGeneric("signif", group="Math2") setMethod("Math2", signature(x = "dgeMatrix", digits = "numeric"), function(x, digits) { x@x <- callGeneric(x@x, digits = digits) x }) ## TODO : "Compare" -> returning logical Matrices ## -- end{group generics} ----------------------- setMethod("norm", signature(x = "dgeMatrix", type = "missing"), function(x, type, ...) norm(x, type = "O", ...)) setMethod("norm", signature(x = "dgeMatrix", type = "character"), function(x, type, ...) .Call("dgeMatrix_norm", x, type), valueClass = "numeric") setMethod("rcond", signature(x = "dgeMatrix", type = "missing"), function(x, type, ...) rcond(x, type = "O", ...)) setMethod("rcond", signature(x = "dgeMatrix", type = "character"), function(x, type, ...) .Call("dgeMatrix_rcond", x, type), valueClass = "numeric") setMethod("t", signature(x = "dgeMatrix"), function(x) { x@x <- as.vector(t(array(x@x, dim = x@Dim)))# no dimnames here! x@Dim <- x@Dim[2:1] x@Dimnames <- x@Dimnames[2:1] x }) setMethod("crossprod", signature(x = "dgeMatrix", y = "missing"), function(x, y = NULL) .Call("dgeMatrix_crossprod", x, FALSE), valueClass = "dpoMatrix") setMethod("tcrossprod", signature(x = "dgeMatrix"), function(x) .Call("dgeMatrix_crossprod", x, TRUE), valueClass = "dpoMatrix") setMethod("crossprod", signature(x = "dgeMatrix", y = "dgeMatrix"), function(x, y = NULL) .Call("dgeMatrix_dgeMatrix_crossprod", x, y), valueClass = "dgeMatrix") setMethod("crossprod", signature(x = "dgeMatrix", y = "matrix"), function(x, y = NULL) .Call("dgeMatrix_matrix_crossprod", x, y), valueClass = "dgeMatrix") setMethod("crossprod", signature(x = "dgeMatrix", y = "numeric"), function(x, y = NULL) .Call("dgeMatrix_matrix_crossprod", x, as.matrix(as.double(y))), valueClass = "dgeMatrix") setMethod("crossprod", signature(x = "matrix", y = "dgeMatrix"), function(x, y = NULL) callGeneric(as(x, "dgeMatrix"), y), valueClass = "dgeMatrix") setMethod("crossprod", signature(x = "numeric", y = "dgeMatrix"), function(x, y = NULL) callGeneric(as.matrix(as.double(x)), y), valueClass = "dgeMatrix") setMethod("%*%", signature(x = "dgeMatrix", y = "dgeMatrix"), function(x, y) .Call("dgeMatrix_matrix_mm", x, y, TRUE, FALSE), valueClass = "dgeMatrix") ## dgeMatrix <-> matrix ("matrix" dispatches before "numeric" since R 2.1.0) setMethod("%*%", signature(x = "dgeMatrix", y = "matrix"), function(x, y) { storage.mode(y) <- "double" .Call("dgeMatrix_matrix_mm", x, y, FALSE, FALSE) }, valueClass = "dgeMatrix") setMethod("%*%", signature(x = "matrix", y = "dgeMatrix"), function(x, y) { storage.mode(x) <- "double" .Call("dgeMatrix_matrix_mm", y, x, FALSE, TRUE) }, valueClass = "dgeMatrix") ## dgeMatrix <-> numeric: conceptually dispatch to "matrix" one, but shortcut setMethod("%*%", signature(x = "dgeMatrix", y = "numeric"), function(x, y) .Call("dgeMatrix_matrix_mm", x, as.matrix(as.double(y)), FALSE, FALSE), valueClass = "dgeMatrix") setMethod("%*%", signature(x = "numeric", y = "dgeMatrix"), function(x, y) .Call("dgeMatrix_matrix_mm", y, rbind(as.double(x)), FALSE, TRUE), valueClass = "dgeMatrix") setMethod("diag", signature(x = "dgeMatrix"), function(x = 1, nrow, ncol = n) .Call("dgeMatrix_getDiag", x)) ## DB - I don't think this is a good idea without first checking symmetry #setMethod("chol", signature(x = "dgeMatrix", pivot = "ANY"), cholMat) setMethod("solve", signature(a = "dgeMatrix", b = "missing"), function(a, b, ...) .Call("dgeMatrix_solve", a), valueClass = "dgeMatrix") setMethod("solve", signature(a = "dgeMatrix", b = "dgeMatrix"), function(a, b, ...) .Call("dgeMatrix_matrix_solve", a, b, TRUE), valueClass = "dgeMatrix") setMethod("solve", signature(a = "dgeMatrix", b = "matrix"), function(a, b, ...) { storage.mode(b) <- "double" .Call("dgeMatrix_matrix_solve", a, b, FALSE) }, valueClass = "dgeMatrix") setMethod("solve", signature(a = "dgeMatrix", b = "numeric"), function(a, b, ...) .Call("dgeMatrix_matrix_solve", a, as.matrix(as.double(b)), FALSE)) setMethod("lu", signature(x = "dgeMatrix"), function(x, ...) .Call("dgeMatrix_LU", x), valueClass = "LU") setMethod("determinant", signature(x = "dgeMatrix", logarithm = "missing"), function(x, logarithm, ...) .Call("dgeMatrix_determinant", x, TRUE)) setMethod("determinant", signature(x = "dgeMatrix", logarithm = "logical"), function(x, logarithm, ...) .Call("dgeMatrix_determinant", x, logarithm)) setMethod("expm", signature(x = "dgeMatrix"), function(x) .Call("dgeMatrix_exp", x), valueClass = "dgeMatrix") setMethod("colSums", signature(x = "dgeMatrix"), function(x, na.rm = FALSE, dims = 1) .Call("dgeMatrix_colsums", x, na.rm, TRUE, FALSE), valueClass = "numeric") setMethod("colMeans", signature(x = "dgeMatrix"), function(x, na.rm = FALSE, dims = 1) .Call("dgeMatrix_colsums", x, na.rm, TRUE, TRUE), valueClass = "numeric") setMethod("rowSums", signature(x = "dgeMatrix"), function(x, na.rm = FALSE, dims = 1) .Call("dgeMatrix_colsums", x, na.rm, FALSE, FALSE), valueClass = "numeric") setMethod("rowMeans", signature(x = "dgeMatrix"), function(x, na.rm = FALSE, dims = 1) .Call("dgeMatrix_colsums", x, na.rm, FALSE, TRUE), valueClass = "numeric") ### The following all serve for as.Matrix() ### which is not yet exported (nor tested): ## utilities for Matrix.class() : Hermitian.test <- function(x) { if ((!inherits(x, "Matrix") && !is.matrix(x)) || (nrow(x) != ncol(x))) return(Inf) if (is.complex(x)) return(max(Mod(x - t(Conj(x))))) max(x - t(x)) } is.Hermitian <- function(x, tol = 0) { Hermitian.test(x) <= tol } LowerTriangular.test <- function(x) { if ((!inherits(x, "Matrix") && !is.matrix(x))) return(Inf) if (is.complex(x)) return(max(Mod(x[row(x) < col(x)]))) max(abs(x[row(x) < col(x)])) } is.LowerTriangular <- function(x, tol = 0) { LowerTriangular.test(x) <= tol } UpperTriangular.test <- function(x) { if ((!inherits(x, "Matrix") && !is.matrix(x))) return(Inf) if (is.complex(x)) return(max(Mod(x[row(x) > col(x)]))) max(abs(x[row(x) > col(x)])) } is.UpperTriangular <- function(x, tol = 0) { UpperTriangular.test(x) <= tol } Orthogonal.test <- function(x, byrow = FALSE, normal = TRUE) { if ((!inherits(x, "Matrix") && !is.matrix(x))) return(Inf) if (byrow) { x <- t(x) } xx <- crossprod(x) if (normal) { # check for orthonormal return(max(Mod(xx[row(xx) > col(xx)]), Mod(diag(xx) - 1))) } max(Mod(xx[row(xx) > col(xx)])) } Orthonormal.test <- function(x, byrow = FALSE) { Orthogonal.test(x, byrow, normal = TRUE) } is.ColOrthonormal <- function(x, tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) { Orthonormal.test(x, byrow = FALSE) <= tol } is.RowOrthonormal <- function(x, tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) { Orthonormal.test(x, byrow = TRUE) <= tol } is.Orthonormal <- function(x, tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), byrow = FALSE) { if (byrow) return(is.RowOrthonormal(x, tol)) is.ColOrthonormal(x, tol) } Matrix.class <- function(x, tol = 0, symmetry = TRUE, unit.diagonal = TRUE, triangularity = c(TRUE, TRUE), orthogonality = c(TRUE, TRUE), normality = c(TRUE, TRUE)) { ## basic work horse for as.Matrix() val <- "Matrix" x <- as.matrix(x) if (symmetry) { if (is.Hermitian(x, tol)) val <- c("Hermitian", val) } if (triangularity[1]) { if (is.LowerTriangular(x, tol)) { val <- c("LowerTriangular", val) if (unit.diagonal) if (max(Mod(diag(x) - 1)) <= tol) val <- c("UnitLowerTriangular", val) } } if (triangularity[2]) { if (is.UpperTriangular(x, tol)) { val <- c("UpperTriangular", val) if (unit.diagonal) if (max(Mod(diag(x) - 1)) <= tol) val <- c("UnitUpperTriangular", val) } } if (orthogonality[1]) { if (is.ColOrthonormal(x, tol)) val <- c("ColOrthoNormal", "ColOrthogonal", val) else if (Orthogonal.test(x, normal = FALSE) <= tol) val <- c("ColOrthogonal", val) } if (orthogonality[2]) { if (normality[2] && is.RowOrthonormal(x, tol)) val <- c("RowOrthoNormal", "RowOrthogonal", val) else if (Orthogonal.test(x, byrow = TRUE, normal = FALSE) <= tol) val <- c("RowOrthogonal", val) } val } as.Matrix <- function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps) { if(is(x, "Matrix")) return(x) ## else as(if(is.matrix(x)) x else as.matrix(x), Matrix.class(x, tol = tol)) }