setAs("dgTMatrix", "dgCMatrix", function(from) .Call("dgTMatrix_to_dgCMatrix", from) ) setAs("dgTMatrix", "dgeMatrix", function(from) .Call("dgTMatrix_to_dgeMatrix", from) ) setAs("dgTMatrix", "matrix", function(from) .Call("dgTMatrix_to_matrix", from) ) setAs("dgeMatrix", "dgTMatrix", function(from) as(as(from, "dgCMatrix"), "dgTMatrix")) setMethod("[", signature(x = "dgTMatrix", i = "missing", j = "missing", drop = "ANY"), function (x, i, j, ..., drop) x) setMethod("[", signature(x = "dgTMatrix", i = "numeric", j = "missing", drop = "logical"), function (x, i, j, ..., drop) { ## select rows storage.mode(i) <- "integer" xi <- x@i + 1:1 # 1-indexing sel <- xi %in% i nd <- c(length(i), ncol(x)) x <- new("dgTMatrix", Dim = nd, i = match(xi[sel], i) - 1:1, j = x@j[sel], x = x@x[sel]) if (drop && any(nd == 1)) drop(as(x,"matrix")) else x }) setMethod("[", signature(x = "dgTMatrix", i = "missing", j = "numeric", drop = "logical"), function (x, i, j, ..., drop) { ## select columns storage.mode(j) <- "integer" xj <- x@j + 1:1 # 1-indexing sel <- xj %in% j nd <- c(nrow(x), length(j)) x <- new("dgTMatrix", Dim = nd, i = x@i[sel], j = match(xj[sel], j) - 1:1, x = x@x[sel]) if (drop && any(nd == 1)) drop(as(x,"matrix")) else x }) ## How can we get at A[ ij ] where ij is (i,j) 2-column matrix? ## and A[ LL ] where LL is a logical *vector* setMethod("[", signature(x = "dgTMatrix", i = "numeric", j = "missing", drop = "missing"), function(x,i,j, ..., drop) callGeneric(x, i=i, drop = TRUE)# or rather 'FALSE' ? ) setMethod("[", signature(x = "dgTMatrix", i = "missing", j = "numeric", drop = "missing"), function(x,i,j, ..., drop) callGeneric(x, j=j, drop = TRUE)# or rather 'FALSE' ? ) ## [.data.frame has : drop = if (missing(i)) TRUE else length(cols) == 1) setMethod("[", signature(x = "dgTMatrix", i = "numeric", j = "numeric", drop = "logical"), function (x, i, j, ..., drop) { ## (i,j, drop) all specified storage.mode(i) <- "integer" storage.mode(j) <- "integer" xi <- x@i + 1:1 xj <- x@j + 1:1 sel <- (xi %in% i) & (xj %in% j) nd <- c(length(i), length(j)) x <- new("dgTMatrix", Dim = nd, i = match(xi[sel], i) - 1:1, j = match(xj[sel], j) - 1:1, x = x@x[sel]) if (drop && any(nd == 1)) drop(as(x,"matrix")) else x }) setMethod("[", signature(x = "dgTMatrix", i = "numeric", j = "numeric", drop = "missing"), function(x,i,j, drop) callGeneric(x,i,j,drop= TRUE)) setMethod("crossprod", signature(x = "dgTMatrix", y = "missing"), function(x, y = NULL) .Call("csc_crossprod", as(x, "dgCMatrix"))) setMethod("crossprod", signature(x = "dgTMatrix", y = "matrix"), function(x, y = NULL) .Call("csc_matrix_crossprod", as(x, "dgCMatrix"), y)) ##setMethod("crossprod", signature(x = "dgTMatrix", y = "numeric"), ## function(x, y = NULL) ## .Call("csc_matrix_crossprod", as(x, "dgCMatrix"), as.matrix(y))) setMethod("tcrossprod", signature(x = "dgTMatrix"), function(x) .Call("csc_tcrossprod", as(x, "dgCMatrix"))) setMethod("image", "dgTMatrix", function(x, xlim = c(-0.5, matdim[2]-0.5), ylim = c(matdim[1]-0.5, -0.5), sub = sprintf("Dimensions: %d x %d", matdim[1], matdim[2]), xlab = "Column", ylab = "Row", cuts = 20, col.regions = grey(seq(from = 0.7, to = 0, length = 100)), ...) { matdim <- x@Dim levelplot(abs(x@x) ~ x@j * x@i, sub = sub, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, col.regions = col.regions, par.settings = list(background = list(col = "transparent")), panel = function(x, y, z, subscripts, at, ..., col.regions) { x <- as.numeric(x[subscripts]) y <- as.numeric(y[subscripts]) numcol <- length(at) - 1 numcol.r <- length(col.regions) col.regions <- if (numcol.r <= numcol) rep(col.regions, length = numcol) else col.regions[floor(1+(1:numcol-1)*(numcol.r-1)/ (numcol-1))] zcol <- rep(NA, length(z)) #numeric(length(z)) for (i in seq(along = col.regions)) zcol[! & ! & ! & z>=at[i] & z