- check to see if the .onLoad function to require the methods package (in the AllClass.R file) is needed -- no, it is not: "Depends: " in DESCRIPTION suffices. - Should the uplo and diag slots continue to be stored as character? An alternative is to use a factor as in the enum values for the cblas. -- Leave as character but use care in determining the default cases -- E.g. Checks for diag slot should check for 'U' or 'u' vs. anything else - Organization of the source code files - right now they are organized according to class (e.g. dgeMatrix.R, dgeMatrix.h, dgeMatrix.c). Is there a better way? -- This seems ok. - Fix the calculation of the Dim slot for the crossprod method for dgCMatrix objects (too tired to do that now). -- Done - spelling style: Should "coersion" be "coercion" ? -- Yes. Watch for this. - src/Metis/ : one of the two Makefiles needs fixing, as changing src/Metis/*.c does not lead to recompilation. --DB - it seems both Makefiles need fixing. I think I have the src/Metis/Makefile fixed but not src/Makefile --DB - now have both working, I believe. - man/Matrix.Rd : has example with dimnames, but we just drop them! MM thinks dimnames should be supported (but then ...) -- added 'Dimnames' slot (2005-02-10) - bCrosstab(): yes, we really do want the diagonal "V:V" crosstabs. -- explained a bit more in man/bCrosstab.Rd - Clean up vestigial functions (pdFactor, pdMatrix, matrix<-) from the nlme package. - create a class of permutation matrices for use in expand. The current expand method for the LU factorization is not complete because it does not provide the permutation. - tcrossprod() now works: C code now "exported" via init.c