$archiver NSKeyedArchiver $objects $null $class CF$UID 359 NSAccessibilityConnectors CF$UID 356 NSAccessibilityOidsKeys CF$UID 357 NSAccessibilityOidsValues CF$UID 358 NSClassesKeys CF$UID 288 NSClassesValues CF$UID 289 NSConnections CF$UID 8 NSFontManager CF$UID 0 NSFramework CF$UID 5 NSNamesKeys CF$UID 264 NSNamesValues CF$UID 265 NSNextOid 115 NSObjectsKeys CF$UID 261 NSObjectsValues CF$UID 263 NSOidsKeys CF$UID 290 NSOidsValues CF$UID 291 NSRoot CF$UID 2 NSVisibleWindows CF$UID 6 $class CF$UID 4 NSClassName CF$UID 3 MiscPrefPane $classes NSCustomObject NSObject $classname NSCustomObject IBCocoaFramework $class CF$UID 7 NS.objects $classes NSMutableSet NSSet NSObject $classname NSMutableSet $class CF$UID 33 NS.objects CF$UID 9 CF$UID 204 CF$UID 207 CF$UID 209 CF$UID 211 CF$UID 213 CF$UID 215 CF$UID 217 CF$UID 219 CF$UID 221 CF$UID 223 CF$UID 225 CF$UID 227 CF$UID 229 CF$UID 231 CF$UID 233 CF$UID 235 CF$UID 237 CF$UID 239 CF$UID 241 CF$UID 243 CF$UID 245 CF$UID 247 CF$UID 249 CF$UID 251 CF$UID 253 CF$UID 255 CF$UID 257 $class CF$UID 203 NSDestination CF$UID 10 NSLabel CF$UID 202 NSSource CF$UID 2 $class CF$UID 201 NSClassName CF$UID 199 NSExtension CF$UID 200 NSFrameSize CF$UID 198 NSNextResponder CF$UID 0 NSSubviews CF$UID 11 $class CF$UID 33 NS.objects CF$UID 12 CF$UID 58 CF$UID 92 CF$UID 123 CF$UID 176 $class CF$UID 57 NSBorderType 3 NSBoxType 0 NSContentView CF$UID 14 NSFrame CF$UID 48 NSNextResponder CF$UID 10 NSOffsets CF$UID 49 NSSubviews CF$UID 13 NSSuperview CF$UID 10 NSTitleCell CF$UID 50 NSTitlePosition 2 NSTransparent $class CF$UID 33 NS.objects CF$UID 14 $class CF$UID 47 NSFrame CF$UID 46 NSNextResponder CF$UID 12 NSSubviews CF$UID 15 NSSuperview CF$UID 12 $class CF$UID 33 NS.objects CF$UID 16 $class CF$UID 45 NSBackgroundColor CF$UID 39 NSCellBackgroundColor CF$UID 44 NSCellClass CF$UID 36 NSCellSize CF$UID 34 NSCells CF$UID 18 NSEnabled NSFont CF$UID 21 NSFrame CF$UID 17 NSIntercellSpacing CF$UID 35 NSMatrixFlags 1143472128 NSNextResponder CF$UID 14 NSNumCols 1 NSNumRows 2 NSProtoCell CF$UID 37 NSSelectedCell CF$UID 30 NSSelectedRow 1 NSSuperview CF$UID 14 NSvFlags 256 {{18, 9}, {199, 77}} $class CF$UID 33 NS.objects CF$UID 19 CF$UID 30 $class CF$UID 29 NSAlternateContents CF$UID 27 NSAlternateImage CF$UID 24 NSButtonFlags 1211912703 NSButtonFlags2 0 NSCellFlags 67239424 NSCellFlags2 0 NSContents CF$UID 20 NSControlView CF$UID 16 NSKeyEquivalent CF$UID 27 NSPeriodicDelay 200 NSPeriodicInterval 25 NSSupport CF$UID 21 Datei im Editor öffnen $class CF$UID 23 NSName CF$UID 22 NSSize 13 NSfFlags 1040 LucidaGrande $classes NSFont NSObject $classname NSFont $class CF$UID 26 NSImageName CF$UID 25 NSRadioButton $classes NSButtonImageSource NSObject $classname NSButtonImageSource $class CF$UID 28 NS.string $classes NSMutableString NSString NSObject $classname NSMutableString $classes NSButtonCell NSActionCell NSCell NSObject $classname NSButtonCell $class CF$UID 29 NSAlternateContents CF$UID 32 NSAlternateImage CF$UID 24 NSButtonFlags 1211912703 NSButtonFlags2 0 NSCellFlags -2080244224 NSCellFlags2 0 NSContents CF$UID 31 NSControlView CF$UID 16 NSKeyEquivalent CF$UID 27 NSPeriodicDelay 200 NSPeriodicInterval 25 NSSupport CF$UID 21 NSTag 1 Datei in R ausführen $classes NSMutableArray NSArray NSObject $classname NSMutableArray {199, 37} {4, 2} NSActionCell $class CF$UID 29 NSAlternateImage CF$UID 24 NSButtonFlags 1211650559 NSButtonFlags2 0 NSCellFlags 67239424 NSCellFlags2 0 NSContents CF$UID 38 NSKeyEquivalent CF$UID 32 NSPeriodicDelay 400 NSPeriodicInterval 75 NSSupport CF$UID 21 Radio $class CF$UID 43 NSCatalogName CF$UID 40 NSColor CF$UID 42 NSColorName CF$UID 41 NSColorSpace 6 System controlColor $class CF$UID 43 NSColorSpace 3 NSWhite MC42NjY2NjY2OQA= $classes NSColor NSObject $classname NSColor $class CF$UID 43 NSColorSpace 3 NSWhite MQA= $classes NSMatrix NSControl NSView NSResponder NSObject $classname NSMatrix {{2, 2}, {226, 96}} $classes NSView NSResponder NSObject $classname NSView {{17, 478}, {230, 113}} {0, 0} $class CF$UID 56 NSBackgroundColor CF$UID 53 NSCellFlags 67239424 NSCellFlags2 0 NSContents CF$UID 51 NSSupport CF$UID 52 NSTextColor CF$UID 55 R-Dateien wie folgt behandeln: $class CF$UID 23 NSName CF$UID 22 NSSize 11 NSfFlags 3088 $class CF$UID 43 NSCatalogName CF$UID 40 NSColor CF$UID 44 NSColorName CF$UID 54 NSColorSpace 6 textBackgroundColor $class CF$UID 43 NSColorSpace 3 NSWhite MCAwLjgwMDAwMDAxAA== $classes NSTextFieldCell NSActionCell NSCell NSObject $classname NSTextFieldCell $classes NSBox NSView NSResponder NSObject $classname NSBox $class CF$UID 57 NSBorderType 3 NSBoxType 0 NSContentView CF$UID 60 NSFrame CF$UID 87 NSNextResponder CF$UID 10 NSOffsets CF$UID 88 NSSubviews CF$UID 59 NSSuperview CF$UID 10 NSTitleCell CF$UID 89 NSTitlePosition 2 NSTransparent $class CF$UID 33 NS.objects CF$UID 60 $class CF$UID 47 NSFrame CF$UID 86 NSNextResponder CF$UID 58 NSSubviews CF$UID 61 NSSuperview CF$UID 58 $class CF$UID 33 NS.objects CF$UID 62 CF$UID 73 CF$UID 81 $class CF$UID 72 NSCell CF$UID 64 NSEnabled NSFrame CF$UID 63 NSNextResponder CF$UID 60 NSSuperview CF$UID 60 NSvFlags 256 {{18, 59}, {205, 19}} $class CF$UID 29 NSAlternateContents CF$UID 32 NSAlternateImage CF$UID 70 NSButtonFlags 1211912703 NSButtonFlags2 2 NSCellFlags 67239424 NSCellFlags2 0 NSContents CF$UID 65 NSControlView CF$UID 62 NSKeyEquivalent CF$UID 32 NSNormalImage CF$UID 66 NSPeriodicDelay 200 NSPeriodicInterval 25 NSSupport CF$UID 21 Füge $HOME/R/Library an $class CF$UID 69 NSClassName CF$UID 67 NSResourceName CF$UID 68 NSImage NSSwitch $classes NSCustomResource NSObject $classname NSCustomResource $class CF$UID 26 NSImageName CF$UID 71 NSSwitch $classes NSButton NSControl NSView NSResponder NSObject $classname NSButton $class CF$UID 80 NSCell CF$UID 75 NSEnabled NSFrame CF$UID 74 NSNextResponder CF$UID 60 NSSuperview CF$UID 60 NSvFlags 256 {{266, 89}, {154, 18}} $class CF$UID 56 NSBackgroundColor CF$UID 39 NSCellFlags 67239424 NSCellFlags2 4194304 NSContents CF$UID 76 NSControlView CF$UID 73 NSSupport CF$UID 21 NSTextColor CF$UID 77 (war Voreinstellung in RAqua) $class CF$UID 43 NSCatalogName CF$UID 40 NSColor CF$UID 79 NSColorName CF$UID 78 NSColorSpace 6 controlTextColor $class CF$UID 43 NSColorSpace 3 NSWhite MAA= $classes NSTextField NSControl NSView NSResponder NSObject $classname NSTextField $class CF$UID 80 NSCell CF$UID 83 NSEnabled NSFrame CF$UID 82 NSNextResponder CF$UID 60 NSSuperview CF$UID 60 NSvFlags 256 {{17, 8}, {180, 40}} $class CF$UID 56 NSBackgroundColor CF$UID 39 NSCellFlags 67239424 NSCellFlags2 4456448 NSContents CF$UID 84 NSControlView CF$UID 81 NSSupport CF$UID 85 NSTextColor CF$UID 77 Bemerkung: Diese Einstellung wird erst nach dem Neustart von R aktiv $class CF$UID 23 NSName CF$UID 22 NSSize 9 NSfFlags 3600 {{2, 2}, {232, 96}} {{254, 478}, {236, 113}} {0, 0} $class CF$UID 56 NSBackgroundColor CF$UID 53 NSCellFlags 67239424 NSCellFlags2 0 NSContents CF$UID 90 NSSupport CF$UID 52 NSTextColor CF$UID 91 Library Pfad $class CF$UID 43 NSColorSpace 3 NSWhite MCAwLjgwMDAwMDAxAA== $class CF$UID 57 NSBorderType 3 NSBoxType 0 NSContentView CF$UID 94 NSFrame CF$UID 118 NSNextResponder CF$UID 10 NSOffsets CF$UID 119 NSSubviews CF$UID 93 NSSuperview CF$UID 10 NSTitleCell CF$UID 120 NSTitlePosition 2 NSTransparent $class CF$UID 33 NS.objects CF$UID 94 $class CF$UID 47 NSFrame CF$UID 117 NSNextResponder CF$UID 92 NSSubviews CF$UID 95 NSSuperview CF$UID 92 $class CF$UID 33 NS.objects CF$UID 96 CF$UID 100 CF$UID 105 CF$UID 109 CF$UID 113 $class CF$UID 80 NSCell CF$UID 98 NSEnabled NSFrame CF$UID 97 NSNextResponder CF$UID 94 NSSuperview CF$UID 94 NSvFlags 256 {{17, 81}, {107, 17}} $class CF$UID 56 NSBackgroundColor CF$UID 39 NSCellFlags 67239424 NSCellFlags2 4194304 NSContents CF$UID 99 NSControlView CF$UID 96 NSSupport CF$UID 21 NSTextColor CF$UID 77 Arbeitsverzeichnis nach dem Start: $class CF$UID 72 NSCell CF$UID 102 NSEnabled NSFrame CF$UID 101 NSNextResponder CF$UID 94 NSSuperview CF$UID 94 NSvFlags 256 {{341, 72}, {100, 32}} $class CF$UID 29 NSAlternateContents CF$UID 32 NSAlternateImage CF$UID 21 NSButtonFlags -2038284033 NSButtonFlags2 1 NSCellFlags 67239424 NSCellFlags2 134217728 NSContents CF$UID 103 NSControlView CF$UID 100 NSKeyEquivalent CF$UID 104 NSPeriodicDelay 200 NSPeriodicInterval 25 NSSupport CF$UID 21 Ändern $class CF$UID 28 NS.string $class CF$UID 80 NSCell CF$UID 107 NSEnabled NSFrame CF$UID 106 NSNextResponder CF$UID 94 NSSuperview CF$UID 94 NSvFlags 256 {{126, 82}, {216, 17}} $class CF$UID 56 NSBackgroundColor CF$UID 39 NSCellFlags 67239424 NSCellFlags2 4194304 NSContents CF$UID 108 NSControlView CF$UID 105 NSSupport CF$UID 21 NSTextColor CF$UID 77 ~ $class CF$UID 80 NSCell CF$UID 111 NSEnabled NSFrame CF$UID 110 NSNextResponder CF$UID 94 NSSuperview CF$UID 94 NSvFlags 256 {{17, 0}, {435, 52}} $class CF$UID 56 NSBackgroundColor CF$UID 39 NSCellFlags 67239424 NSCellFlags2 4194304 NSContents CF$UID 112 NSControlView CF$UID 109 NSSupport CF$UID 85 NSTextColor CF$UID 77 Normalerweise kann das Startverzeichnis geändert werden, wenn ein Ordner auf das R Symbol gezogen wird. Wenn Sie dies nicht wünschen, aktivieren Sie 'immer anwenden'. $class CF$UID 72 NSCell CF$UID 115 NSEnabled NSFrame CF$UID 114 NSNextResponder CF$UID 94 NSSuperview CF$UID 94 NSvFlags 256 {{18, 58}, {335, 18}} $class CF$UID 29 NSAlternateContents CF$UID 32 NSAlternateImage CF$UID 70 NSButtonFlags 1211912703 NSButtonFlags2 2 NSCellFlags 67239424 NSCellFlags2 0 NSContents CF$UID 116 NSControlView CF$UID 113 NSKeyEquivalent CF$UID 32 NSPeriodicDelay 200 NSPeriodicInterval 25 NSSupport CF$UID 21 immer anwenden {{2, 2}, {469, 116}} {{17, 342}, {473, 133}} {0, 0} $class CF$UID 56 NSBackgroundColor CF$UID 53 NSCellFlags 67239424 NSCellFlags2 0 NSContents CF$UID 121 NSSupport CF$UID 52 NSTextColor CF$UID 122 Start $class CF$UID 43 NSColorSpace 3 NSWhite MCAwLjgwMDAwMDAxAA== $class CF$UID 57 NSBorderType 3 NSBoxType 0 NSContentView CF$UID 125 NSFrame CF$UID 171 NSNextResponder CF$UID 10 NSOffsets CF$UID 172 NSSubviews CF$UID 124 NSSuperview CF$UID 10 NSTitleCell CF$UID 173 NSTitlePosition 2 NSTransparent $class CF$UID 33 NS.objects CF$UID 125 $class CF$UID 47 NSFrame CF$UID 170 NSNextResponder CF$UID 123 NSSubviews CF$UID 126 NSSuperview CF$UID 123 $class CF$UID 33 NS.objects CF$UID 127 CF$UID 131 CF$UID 136 CF$UID 142 CF$UID 146 CF$UID 150 CF$UID 154 CF$UID 158 CF$UID 162 CF$UID 166 $class CF$UID 80 NSCell CF$UID 129 NSEnabled NSFrame CF$UID 128 NSNextResponder CF$UID 125 NSSuperview CF$UID 125 NSvFlags 256 {{17, 151}, {120, 17}} $class CF$UID 56 NSBackgroundColor CF$UID 39 NSCellFlags 67239424 NSCellFlags2 4194304 NSContents CF$UID 130 NSControlView CF$UID 127 NSSupport CF$UID 21 NSTextColor CF$UID 77 R Verlaufdatei: $class CF$UID 72 NSCell CF$UID 133 NSEnabled NSFrame CF$UID 132 NSNextResponder CF$UID 125 NSSuperview CF$UID 125 NSvFlags 256 {{334, 141}, {103, 32}} $class CF$UID 29 NSAlternateContents CF$UID 32 NSAlternateImage CF$UID 21 NSButtonFlags -2038284033 NSButtonFlags2 1 NSCellFlags 67239424 NSCellFlags2 134217728 NSContents CF$UID 134 NSControlView CF$UID 131 NSKeyEquivalent CF$UID 135 NSPeriodicDelay 200 NSPeriodicInterval 25 NSSupport CF$UID 21 Voreinst. $class CF$UID 28 NS.string $class CF$UID 80 NSCell CF$UID 138 NSEnabled NSFrame CF$UID 137 NSNextResponder CF$UID 125 NSSuperview CF$UID 125 NSvFlags 256 {{142, 150}, {179, 22}} $class CF$UID 56 NSBackgroundColor CF$UID 53 NSCellFlags -1804468671 NSCellFlags2 4195328 NSContents CF$UID 139 NSControlView CF$UID 136 NSDrawsBackground NSSupport CF$UID 21 NSTextColor CF$UID 140 .Rhistory $class CF$UID 43 NSCatalogName CF$UID 40 NSColor CF$UID 79 NSColorName CF$UID 141 NSColorSpace 6 textColor $class CF$UID 72 NSCell CF$UID 144 NSEnabled NSFrame CF$UID 143 NSNextResponder CF$UID 125 NSSuperview CF$UID 125 NSvFlags 256 {{18, 187}, {415, 18}} $class CF$UID 29 NSAlternateContents CF$UID 32 NSAlternateImage CF$UID 70 NSButtonFlags 1211912703 NSButtonFlags2 2 NSCellFlags -2080244224 NSCellFlags2 0 NSContents CF$UID 145 NSControlView CF$UID 142 NSKeyEquivalent CF$UID 32 NSPeriodicDelay 200 NSPeriodicInterval 25 NSSupport CF$UID 21 Verlaufdatei beim Start laden $class CF$UID 80 NSCell CF$UID 148 NSEnabled NSFrame CF$UID 147 NSNextResponder CF$UID 125 NSSuperview CF$UID 125 NSvFlags 256 {{17, 107}, {417, 24}} $class CF$UID 56 NSBackgroundColor CF$UID 39 NSCellFlags 67239424 NSCellFlags2 4194304 NSContents CF$UID 149 NSControlView CF$UID 146 NSSupport CF$UID 85 NSTextColor CF$UID 77 Tip: Verwenden Sie einen absoluten Pfad, um immer dieselbe Verlaufdatei zu verwenden, z.B. ~/.Rhistory $class CF$UID 72 NSCell CF$UID 152 NSEnabled NSFrame CF$UID 151 NSNextResponder CF$UID 125 NSSuperview CF$UID 125 NSvFlags 256 {{18, 63}, {415, 18}} $class CF$UID 29 NSAlternateContents CF$UID 32 NSAlternateImage CF$UID 70 NSButtonFlags 1211912703 NSButtonFlags2 2 NSCellFlags 67239424 NSCellFlags2 0 NSContents CF$UID 153 NSControlView CF$UID 150 NSKeyEquivalent CF$UID 32 NSPeriodicDelay 200 NSPeriodicInterval 25 NSSupport CF$UID 21 Dupletten im Verlauf löschen $class CF$UID 80 NSCell CF$UID 156 NSEnabled NSFrame CF$UID 155 NSNextResponder CF$UID 125 NSSuperview CF$UID 125 NSvFlags 256 {{17, 87}, {329, 17}} $class CF$UID 56 NSBackgroundColor CF$UID 39 NSCellFlags 67239424 NSCellFlags2 4194304 NSContents CF$UID 157 NSControlView CF$UID 154 NSSupport CF$UID 21 NSTextColor CF$UID 77 Maximale Anzahl der Einträge: $class CF$UID 80 NSCell CF$UID 160 NSEnabled NSFrame CF$UID 159 NSNextResponder CF$UID 125 NSSuperview CF$UID 125 NSvFlags 256 {{340, 83}, {91, 22}} $class CF$UID 56 NSBackgroundColor CF$UID 53 NSCellFlags -1804468671 NSCellFlags2 4195328 NSContents CF$UID 161 NSControlView CF$UID 158 NSDrawsBackground NSSupport CF$UID 21 NSTextColor CF$UID 140 250 $class CF$UID 72 NSCell CF$UID 164 NSEnabled NSFrame CF$UID 163 NSNextResponder CF$UID 125 NSSuperview CF$UID 125 NSvFlags 256 {{18, 39}, {415, 18}} $class CF$UID 29 NSAlternateContents CF$UID 32 NSAlternateImage CF$UID 70 NSButtonFlags 1211912703 NSButtonFlags2 2 NSCellFlags -2080244224 NSCellFlags2 0 NSContents CF$UID 165 NSControlView CF$UID 162 NSKeyEquivalent CF$UID 32 NSPeriodicDelay 200 NSPeriodicInterval 25 NSSupport CF$UID 21 Verlaufseinträge aufräumen $class CF$UID 72 NSCell CF$UID 168 NSEnabled NSFrame CF$UID 167 NSNextResponder CF$UID 125 NSSuperview CF$UID 125 NSvFlags 256 {{18, 16}, {415, 18}} $class CF$UID 29 NSAlternateContents CF$UID 32 NSAlternateImage CF$UID 70 NSButtonFlags 1211912703 NSButtonFlags2 2 NSCellFlags 67239424 NSCellFlags2 0 NSContents CF$UID 169 NSControlView CF$UID 166 NSKeyEquivalent CF$UID 32 NSPeriodicDelay 200 NSPeriodicInterval 25 NSSupport CF$UID 21 Kommentare im Verlauf nicht speichern {{2, 2}, {469, 221}} {{17, 17}, {473, 238}} {0, 0} $class CF$UID 56 NSBackgroundColor CF$UID 53 NSCellFlags 67239424 NSCellFlags2 0 NSContents CF$UID 174 NSSupport CF$UID 52 NSTextColor CF$UID 175 Verlauf $class CF$UID 43 NSColorSpace 3 NSWhite MCAwLjgwMDAwMDAxAA== $class CF$UID 57 NSBorderType 3 NSBoxType 0 NSContentView CF$UID 178 NSFrame CF$UID 193 NSNextResponder CF$UID 10 NSOffsets CF$UID 194 NSSubviews CF$UID 177 NSSuperview CF$UID 10 NSTitleCell CF$UID 195 NSTitlePosition 2 NSTransparent $class CF$UID 33 NS.objects CF$UID 178 $class CF$UID 47 NSFrame CF$UID 192 NSNextResponder CF$UID 176 NSSubviews CF$UID 179 NSSuperview CF$UID 176 $class CF$UID 33 NS.objects CF$UID 180 CF$UID 183 CF$UID 187 $class CF$UID 80 NSCell CF$UID 182 NSEnabled NSFrame CF$UID 181 NSNextResponder CF$UID 178 NSSuperview CF$UID 178 NSTag 10 NSvFlags 256 {{74, 20}, {247, 22}} $class CF$UID 56 NSBackgroundColor CF$UID 53 NSCellFlags -1804468671 NSCellFlags2 272630784 NSContents CF$UID 32 NSControlView CF$UID 180 NSDrawsBackground NSSupport CF$UID 21 NSTag 10 NSTextColor CF$UID 140 $class CF$UID 80 NSCell CF$UID 185 NSEnabled NSFrame CF$UID 184 NSNextResponder CF$UID 178 NSSuperview CF$UID 178 NSvFlags 256 {{17, 24}, {52, 17}} $class CF$UID 56 NSBackgroundColor CF$UID 39 NSCellFlags 67239424 NSCellFlags2 272629760 NSContents CF$UID 186 NSControlView CF$UID 183 NSSupport CF$UID 21 NSTextColor CF$UID 77 URL: $class CF$UID 72 NSCell CF$UID 189 NSEnabled NSFrame CF$UID 188 NSNextResponder CF$UID 178 NSSuperview CF$UID 178 NSvFlags 256 {{335, 12}, {108, 32}} $class CF$UID 29 NSAlternateContents CF$UID 32 NSAlternateImage CF$UID 21 NSButtonFlags -2038284033 NSButtonFlags2 1 NSCellFlags 67239424 NSCellFlags2 134217728 NSContents CF$UID 190 NSControlView CF$UID 187 NSKeyEquivalent CF$UID 191 NSPeriodicDelay 200 NSPeriodicInterval 25 NSSupport CF$UID 21 Auswählen $class CF$UID 28 NS.string {{2, 2}, {469, 62}} {{17, 259}, {473, 79}} {0, 0} $class CF$UID 56 NSBackgroundColor CF$UID 53 NSCellFlags 67239424 NSCellFlags2 0 NSContents CF$UID 196 NSSupport CF$UID 52 NSTextColor CF$UID 197 Bevorzugter CRAN Server $class CF$UID 43 NSColorSpace 3 NSWhite MCAwLjgwMDAwMDAxAA== {507, 596} $class CF$UID 28 NS.string NSView NSResponder $classes NSCustomView NSView NSResponder NSObject $classname NSCustomView mainView $classes NSNibOutletConnector NSNibConnector NSObject $classname NSNibOutletConnector $class CF$UID 206 NSDestination CF$UID 2 NSLabel CF$UID 205 NSSource CF$UID 16 changeEditOrSource: $classes NSNibControlConnector NSNibConnector NSObject $classname NSNibControlConnector $class CF$UID 203 NSDestination CF$UID 16 NSLabel CF$UID 208 NSSource CF$UID 2 editOrSource $class CF$UID 206 NSDestination CF$UID 2 NSLabel CF$UID 210 NSSource CF$UID 62 changeLibPaths: $class CF$UID 203 NSDestination CF$UID 62 NSLabel CF$UID 212 NSSource CF$UID 2 cbRAquaPath $class CF$UID 206 NSDestination CF$UID 2 NSLabel CF$UID 214 NSSource CF$UID 100 chooseWorkingDir: $class CF$UID 203 NSDestination CF$UID 105 NSLabel CF$UID 216 NSSource CF$UID 2 workingDir $class CF$UID 206 NSDestination CF$UID 2 NSLabel CF$UID 218 NSSource CF$UID 131 changeHistoryFileNamePathToDefault: $class CF$UID 203 NSDestination CF$UID 127 NSLabel CF$UID 220 NSSource CF$UID 2 historyFileNamePathText $class CF$UID 203 NSDestination CF$UID 131 NSLabel CF$UID 222 NSSource CF$UID 2 setToDefault $class CF$UID 203 NSDestination CF$UID 136 NSLabel CF$UID 224 NSSource CF$UID 2 historyFileNamePath $class CF$UID 206 NSDestination CF$UID 2 NSLabel CF$UID 226 NSSource CF$UID 136 changeHistoryFileNamePath: $class CF$UID 206 NSDestination CF$UID 2 NSLabel CF$UID 228 NSSource CF$UID 142 changeImportOnStartup: $class CF$UID 203 NSDestination CF$UID 142 NSLabel CF$UID 230 NSSource CF$UID 2 importOnStartup $class CF$UID 206 NSDestination CF$UID 2 NSLabel CF$UID 232 NSSource CF$UID 113 changeEnforceInitialWorkingDirectory: $class CF$UID 203 NSDestination CF$UID 113 NSLabel CF$UID 234 NSSource CF$UID 2 enforceInitialWorkingDirectory $class CF$UID 203 NSDestination CF$UID 158 NSLabel CF$UID 236 NSSource CF$UID 2 maxHistoryEntries $class CF$UID 203 NSDestination CF$UID 150 NSLabel CF$UID 238 NSSource CF$UID 2 removeDuplicateHistoryEntries $class CF$UID 203 NSDestination CF$UID 162 NSLabel CF$UID 240 NSSource CF$UID 2 cleanupHistoryEntries $class CF$UID 203 NSDestination CF$UID 166 NSLabel CF$UID 242 NSSource CF$UID 2 stripCommentsFromHistoryEntries $class CF$UID 206 NSDestination CF$UID 2 NSLabel CF$UID 244 NSSource CF$UID 158 changeMaxHistoryEntries: $class CF$UID 206 NSDestination CF$UID 2 NSLabel CF$UID 246 NSSource CF$UID 150 changeRemoveDuplicateHistoryEntries: $class CF$UID 206 NSDestination CF$UID 2 NSLabel CF$UID 248 NSSource CF$UID 162 changeCleanupHistoryEntries: $class CF$UID 206 NSDestination CF$UID 2 NSLabel CF$UID 250 NSSource CF$UID 166 changeStripCommentsFromHistoryEntries: $class CF$UID 206 NSDestination CF$UID 2 NSLabel CF$UID 252 NSSource CF$UID 187 selectMirror: $class CF$UID 206 NSDestination CF$UID 2 NSLabel CF$UID 254 NSSource CF$UID 180 changeMirrorURL: $class CF$UID 203 NSDestination CF$UID 180 NSLabel CF$UID 256 NSSource CF$UID 2 defaultMirror $class CF$UID 260 NSDestination CF$UID 180 NSFile CF$UID 258 NSMarker CF$UID 259 NSToolTipHelpKey URL for the default CRAN URL. If left empty, the user will be prompted. $classes NSIBHelpConnector NSObject $classname NSIBHelpConnector $class CF$UID 262 NS.objects CF$UID 176 CF$UID 58 CF$UID 96 CF$UID 187 CF$UID 92 CF$UID 127 CF$UID 166 CF$UID 158 CF$UID 94 CF$UID 81 CF$UID 16 CF$UID 12 CF$UID 146 CF$UID 109 CF$UID 30 CF$UID 125 CF$UID 60 CF$UID 183 CF$UID 162 CF$UID 154 CF$UID 136 CF$UID 142 CF$UID 100 CF$UID 19 CF$UID 123 CF$UID 62 CF$UID 113 CF$UID 105 CF$UID 14 CF$UID 131 CF$UID 180 CF$UID 150 CF$UID 73 CF$UID 178 CF$UID 10 $classes NSArray NSObject $classname NSArray $class CF$UID 262 NS.objects CF$UID 10 CF$UID 10 CF$UID 94 CF$UID 178 CF$UID 10 CF$UID 125 CF$UID 125 CF$UID 125 CF$UID 92 CF$UID 60 CF$UID 14 CF$UID 10 CF$UID 125 CF$UID 94 CF$UID 16 CF$UID 123 CF$UID 58 CF$UID 178 CF$UID 125 CF$UID 125 CF$UID 125 CF$UID 125 CF$UID 94 CF$UID 16 CF$UID 10 CF$UID 60 CF$UID 94 CF$UID 94 CF$UID 12 CF$UID 125 CF$UID 178 CF$UID 125 CF$UID 60 CF$UID 176 CF$UID 2 $class CF$UID 262 NS.objects CF$UID 176 CF$UID 58 CF$UID 96 CF$UID 187 CF$UID 92 CF$UID 127 CF$UID 166 CF$UID 158 CF$UID 94 CF$UID 81 CF$UID 16 CF$UID 12 CF$UID 146 CF$UID 109 CF$UID 30 CF$UID 125 CF$UID 60 CF$UID 183 CF$UID 162 CF$UID 154 CF$UID 2 CF$UID 136 CF$UID 142 CF$UID 100 CF$UID 19 CF$UID 123 CF$UID 62 CF$UID 113 CF$UID 105 CF$UID 14 CF$UID 131 CF$UID 180 CF$UID 150 CF$UID 73 CF$UID 178 CF$UID 10 $class CF$UID 262 NS.objects CF$UID 266 CF$UID 267 CF$UID 268 CF$UID 269 CF$UID 270 CF$UID 268 CF$UID 271 CF$UID 272 CF$UID 273 CF$UID 272 CF$UID 274 CF$UID 275 CF$UID 276 CF$UID 276 CF$UID 277 CF$UID 273 CF$UID 273 CF$UID 268 CF$UID 278 CF$UID 279 CF$UID 280 CF$UID 281 CF$UID 282 CF$UID 269 CF$UID 283 CF$UID 284 CF$UID 282 CF$UID 282 CF$UID 279 CF$UID 273 CF$UID 285 CF$UID 281 CF$UID 286 CF$UID 268 CF$UID 273 CF$UID 287 NSBox4 NSBox1 NSTextField2 NSButton NSBox2 NSButton43 NSTextField1 NSView NSMatrix1 NSBox NSTextField111 NSButtonCell1 NSButton42 NSTextField21 File's Owner NSTextField NSButton4 NSButtonCell NSBox3 NSButton1 NSButton41 View $class CF$UID 262 NS.objects $class CF$UID 262 NS.objects $class CF$UID 262 NS.objects CF$UID 158 CF$UID 178 CF$UID 215 CF$UID 73 CF$UID 239 CF$UID 249 CF$UID 183 CF$UID 225 CF$UID 154 CF$UID 150 CF$UID 257 CF$UID 251 CF$UID 227 CF$UID 81 CF$UID 219 CF$UID 109 CF$UID 217 CF$UID 58 CF$UID 180 CF$UID 241 CF$UID 92 CF$UID 19 CF$UID 10 CF$UID 211 CF$UID 16 CF$UID 131 CF$UID 253 CF$UID 229 CF$UID 146 CF$UID 30 CF$UID 243 CF$UID 142 CF$UID 166 CF$UID 162 CF$UID 231 CF$UID 255 CF$UID 127 CF$UID 125 CF$UID 14 CF$UID 2 CF$UID 136 CF$UID 213 CF$UID 233 CF$UID 105 CF$UID 12 CF$UID 123 CF$UID 9 CF$UID 207 CF$UID 96 CF$UID 113 CF$UID 235 CF$UID 221 CF$UID 94 CF$UID 60 CF$UID 204 CF$UID 176 CF$UID 245 CF$UID 209 CF$UID 187 CF$UID 237 CF$UID 62 CF$UID 223 CF$UID 247 CF$UID 100 $class CF$UID 262 NS.objects CF$UID 292 CF$UID 293 CF$UID 294 CF$UID 295 CF$UID 296 CF$UID 297 CF$UID 298 CF$UID 299 CF$UID 300 CF$UID 301 CF$UID 302 CF$UID 303 CF$UID 304 CF$UID 305 CF$UID 306 CF$UID 307 CF$UID 308 CF$UID 309 CF$UID 310 CF$UID 311 CF$UID 312 CF$UID 313 CF$UID 314 CF$UID 315 CF$UID 316 CF$UID 317 CF$UID 318 CF$UID 319 CF$UID 320 CF$UID 321 CF$UID 322 CF$UID 323 CF$UID 324 CF$UID 325 CF$UID 326 CF$UID 327 CF$UID 328 CF$UID 329 CF$UID 330 CF$UID 331 CF$UID 332 CF$UID 333 CF$UID 334 CF$UID 335 CF$UID 336 CF$UID 337 CF$UID 338 CF$UID 339 CF$UID 340 CF$UID 341 CF$UID 342 CF$UID 343 CF$UID 344 CF$UID 345 CF$UID 346 CF$UID 347 CF$UID 348 CF$UID 349 CF$UID 350 CF$UID 351 CF$UID 352 CF$UID 353 CF$UID 354 CF$UID 355 95 107 42 29 100 105 109 66 94 93 114 111 83 32 59 86 55 23 108 101 34 18 5 31 20 52 112 84 87 19 102 82 97 96 91 113 46 43 16 1 63 39 92 41 17 44 11 22 36 88 98 61 33 24 21 106 103 30 110 99 25 65 104 37 $class CF$UID 33 NS.objects $class CF$UID 262 NS.objects $class CF$UID 262 NS.objects $classes NSIBObjectData NSObject $classname NSIBObjectData $top IB.objectdata CF$UID 1 $version 100000