# # unix-style build of universal R.app # # it relies on Xcode to create the bundle and compiles the binary itself # using Apple's and FSF gcc. it works only on Intel Macs and only if you # have FSF gcc installed in /usr/local/gcc4.0 # this is a temporary hack until the compiler situation is sorted out. # # additional variables that influence the build: # STYLE - defined the Xcode configuration to use when building R.app # it has no effect on the binary itself - use xxFLAGS as usual # for that # ARCH - defines the architecture to build for, but doesn't automatically # add the -arch parameter aas it's not always supported # default is the native architecture # OBJCC/OBJCFLAGS - special compiler/flags for Obj-C files (default is to # use OBJCC=$CC and OBJCFLAGS='') # # targets: # R.$(ARCH) - binary for $(ARCH) # R - universal binary for R (calls make for i386 and ppc) # R.app - universal R.app bundle (uses Xcode and R target) # clean - as usual # # get the native architecture (override on the command line) ifeq ($(ARCH),) ARCH:=$(shell arch) endif # sources SRC_H = $(wildcard *.h AMPrefs/*.h PrefPanes/*.h Quartz/*.h REngine/*.h Tools/*.h) SRC_M = $(wildcard *.m AMPrefs/*.m PrefPanes/*.m Quartz/*.m REngine/*.m Tools/*.m) SRC_C = $(wildcard Quartz/*.c REngine/*.c) Tools/Authorization.c SRC = $(SRC_M) $(SRC_C) $(SRC_H) OBJ_M = $(SRC_M:%.m=%.$(ARCH).o) OBJ_C = $(SRC_C:%.c=%.$(ARCH).o) OBJ = $(OBJ_M) $(OBJ_C) # cc->gcc and add corresponding flags when on ix86 ifeq ($(CC),cc) CC=gcc endif ifeq ($(OBJCC),) OBJCC=$(CC) endif # add tuning flags if we're on i386 - this is crucial, because the # stack pointer bug in gcc is still there if not tuned ifeq ($(ARCH),i386) CFLAGS+=-msse3 -march=pentium-m -mtune=prescott -O3 endif CPPFLAGS+=-I. -I/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Headers -I/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/PrivateHeaders CFLAGS+=-g OBJCFLAGS+=-fobjc-exceptions LIBS+=-framework R -framework Cocoa -framework Security -framework ExceptionHandling -framework WebKit -framework AppKit ifeq ($(STYLE),) STYLE:=Deployment endif all: R.app R.app: R sush build/$(STYLE)/R.app rm -rf R.app cp -r build/$(STYLE)/R.app . cp R R.app/Contents/MacOS/R cp sush R.app/Contents/Resources/sush build/$(STYLE)/R.app: .svn/entries rm -rf build/$(STYLE) mkdir -p build/$(STYLE) xcodebuild -configuration $(STYLE) BUILD_DIR=`pwd`/build touch build/$(STYLE)/R.app R.$(ARCH): $(OBJ) $(CC) -o $@ $^ $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBS) R: $(SRC) $(MAKE) CC=/usr/bin/gcc ARCH=ppc 'CFLAGS=-arch ppc -g -O2' 'LDFLAGS=-arch ppc' R.ppc $(MAKE) CC=/usr/local/gcc4.0/bin/gcc ARCH=i386 R.i386 lipo -create R.ppc R.i386 -o R sush.$(ARCH): Tools/sush.c $(CC) -o $@ $^ $(CFLAGS) sush: Tools/sush.c $(MAKE) CC=/usr/bin/gcc ARCH=ppc 'CFLAGS=-arch ppc -g -O2' 'LDFLAGS=-arch ppc' sush.ppc $(MAKE) CC=/usr/local/gcc4.0/bin/gcc ARCH=i386 sush.i386 lipo -create sush.ppc sush.i386 -o sush %.$(ARCH).o: %.c $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -o $@ $^ %.$(ARCH).o: %.m $(OBJCC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(OBJCFLAGS) -o $@ $^ clean-obj: rm -f $(OBJ) clean: clean-obj $(MAKE) ARCH=ppc clean-obj $(MAKE) ARCH=i386 clean-obj rm -rf R R.fat R.i386 R.ppc build R.app .PHONY: clean clean-obj all