configure, build and install R-2.1.0 (2005-04-18) with

	./configure --with-blas='-framework vecLib' --with-lapack --with-aqua 
	sudo make install
"--with-aqua" is needed also for this Cocoa version. The will init R with argument "--gui=cocoa"

Once you have the R.framework installed in /Library/Frameworks, you can build

Note: for R 2.1.0 it is highly recommended to use "--enable-utf8"


This project has been produced with XCode 1.5 - update your XCode if necessary.
The project can be built by selecting "R" target and "Build" inside the XCode GUI.

To build the project from the command line in Mac-GUI directory use:
	xcodebuild -target R -buildstyle Deployment

To build the R for Mac OS X Faq use either
	xcodebuild -target Docs
or manually in docs folder
	makeinfo -D UseExternalXrefs --html --force --no-split RMacOSX-FAQ.texi
In any case the resulting html FAQ file can be found in Mac-GUI/docs directory.

To run from inside the XCode debugger, you have to setup the R_HOME 
environment variable. Proceed as follows:
* Select the "R" executable (in Groups & Files view: R -> Executables -> R)
* choose "Info" (shortcut: <Cmd><I>)
* Click the "Arguments" tab, in the lower list (Variables ..) use (+) and set 

Note about binary compatibility:
The general rules for R apply, that is binary compatibility is given only if the major and minor version numbers match - only the patch level may differ. When using the X.Y.Z version form it means that X.Y must match. For example R-GUIs linked to 2.0.x and 2.1.x are NOT binary compatible (in fact there is even some conditional code in the GUI).
The compiled is usually bound to a specific version, such as 2.0.1. If you upgrade R removing the older version, let's say using built for 2.0.0 and updating R to 2.0.1, you may need to fix the absolute path to libR.dylib. The nightly builds use generic path /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/lib/libR.dylib which points to the latest version of R, but this is done by an additional call to install_name_tool in the building script. Release versions of the GUI use fixed-version path as they come with a specific R version (in fact the default behavior doesn't depends on the GUI, but on libR.dylib - changing its own reference entry changes the way is linked).

 Last update: 2005-04-20