GENERAL COPYRIGHT NOTES ======================= Unless otherwise specified in the header of single files, everything in here is * R.APP: Copyright (C) 2004 The R Foundation written by Stefano M. Iacus and Simon Urbanek SPECIFIC COPYRIGHT NOTES ======================== * RENGINE: REngine.* : Copyright (c) 2003-4 Simon Urbanek. All rights reserved. RSEXP.* : Copyright (c) 2003-4 Simon Urbanek. All rights reserved. * AMPREFS: AMPrefs/*.* : Copyright (c) 2003 Andreas Mayer. All rights reserved. Adreas, kindly write this not to us: "I, Andreas Mayer, grant the R for Mac OS X project a license to redistribute my AMPreferencePane classes () along with the source code, provided that my name is mentioned in the about box or documentation and that any documentation files within the AMPreferencePane classes package remain intact."