library(nlme) fm1 <- lmList(Oxboys) fm1 fm2 <- lme(fm1) fm2 vc2 <- VarCorr(fm2) stopifnot( all.equal(fixef(fm2), c("(Intercept)" = 149.371753, age = 6.52546866), tol=1e-8), all.equal(as.numeric(vc2[,"StdDev"]), c(8.081077, 1.680717, 0.659889), tol=4e-7)) # bug report from mod <- distance ~ age + Sex fm3 <- lme(mod, Orthodont, random = ~ 1) pm3 <- predict(fm3, Orthodont) stopifnot(all.equal(mean(pm3), 24.023148148), all.equal( sd(pm3), 2.4802195115), all.equal(quantile(pm3), c("0%" = 17.0817792, "25%" = 22.3481813, "50%" = 23.9271016, "75%" = 25.5740014, "100%"= 30.8662241))) ## bug report and fix from Dimitris Rizopoulos and Spencer Graves: ## when 'returnObject = TRUE', do not stop() but give warning() on non-convergence: tools::assertWarning( fm1 <- lme(distance ~ age, data = Orthodont, control = lmeControl(msMaxIter = 1, returnObject = TRUE)) ) ## based on bug report on R-help (p3.1 <- predict(fm3, Orthodont[1,])) # failed in 3.1-88 stopifnot(all.equal(pm3[1], p3.1, check.attributes=FALSE, tolerance = 1e-14)) ## Intervals failed in a patch proposal (Nov.2015): (fm4 <- lme(distance ~ age, Orthodont, random = ~ age | Subject)) (i4 <- intervals(fm4)) reSS <- data.frame(lower = c(0.9485605, 0.10250901, -0.93825047), est. = c(2.3270341, 0.22642779, -0.60933286), upper = c(5.7087424, 0.50014674, 0.29816857)) rownames(reSS) <- rownames(i4$reStruct$Subject) sm4 <- summary(fm4) stopifnot( all.equal(fixef(fm4), c("(Intercept)" = 16.761111, age = 0.66018519)), identical(fixef(fm4), sm4$tTable[,"Value"]), all.equal(sm4$tTable[,"Std.Error"], c("(Intercept)" = 0.77524603, age = 0.071253264), tol=6e-8), all.equal(i4$reStruct$Subject[,"est."], reSS[,"est."], tol= 8e-8) ## (lower, upper) cannot be very accurate for these : ==> tol = *e-4 , all.equal(i4$reStruct$Subject[,c(1,3)], reSS[,c(1,3)], tol= 8e-4) , all.equal(as.vector(i4$sigma), ## lower est. upper c(1.0849772, 1.3100397, 1.5817881), tol=8e-4) ) ## wrong results from getData: load("ss2.rda") m1 <- lme(PV1MATH ~ ESCS + Age +time , random = ~ time|SCHOOLID, data = ss2, weights = varIdent(form=~1|time), corr = corCompSymm(form=~1|SCHOOLID/StIDStd), na.action = na.omit) plot(m1, resid(.) ~ WEALTH) m2 <- lme(PV1MATH ~ ESCS + Age +time , random = ~ time|SCHOOLID, data = ss2, weights = varIdent(form=~1|time), corr = corCompSymm(form=~1|SCHOOLID/StIDStd), na.action = na.omit) plot(m2, resid(.) ~ WEALTH)