#-*- R -*- # initialization library(nlme) options(width = 65, digits = 5) options(contrasts = c(unordered = "contr.helmert", ordered = "contr.poly")) pdf(file = "ch05.pdf") # Chapter 5 Extending the Basic Linear Mixed-Effects Models # 5.1 General Formulation of the Extended Model vf1Fixed <- varFixed(~ age) vf1Fixed <- Initialize(vf1Fixed, data = Orthodont) varWeights(vf1Fixed) vf1Ident <- varIdent(c(Female = 0.5), ~ 1 | Sex) vf1Ident <- Initialize(vf1Ident, Orthodont) varWeights(vf1Ident) vf2Ident <- varIdent(form = ~ 1 | Sex, fixed = c(Female = 0.5)) vf2Ident <- Initialize(vf2Ident, Orthodont) varWeights(vf2Ident) vf3Ident <- varIdent(form = ~ 1 | Sex * age) vf3Ident <- Initialize(vf3Ident, Orthodont) varWeights(vf3Ident) vf1Power <- varPower(1) formula(vf1Power) vf2Power <- varPower(fixed = 0.5) vf3Power <- varPower(form = ~ fitted(.) | Sex, fixed = list(Male = 0.5, Female = 0)) vf1Exp <- varExp(form = ~ age | Sex, fixed = c(Female = 0)) vf1ConstPower <- varConstPower(power = 0.5, fixed = list(const = 1)) vf1Comb <- varComb(varIdent(c(Female = 0.5), ~ 1 | Sex), varExp(1, ~ age)) vf1Comb <- Initialize(vf1Comb, Orthodont) varWeights(vf1Comb) fm1Dial.lme <- lme(rate ~(pressure + I(pressure^2) + I(pressure^3) + I(pressure^4))*QB, Dialyzer, ~ pressure + I(pressure^2)) fm1Dial.lme plot(fm1Dial.lme, resid(.) ~ pressure, abline = 0) fm2Dial.lme <- update(fm1Dial.lme, weights = varPower(form = ~ pressure)) fm2Dial.lme anova(fm1Dial.lme, fm2Dial.lme) plot(fm2Dial.lme, resid(., type = "p") ~ pressure, abline = 0) intervals(fm2Dial.lme) plot(fm2Dial.lme, resid(.) ~ pressure|QB, abline = 0) fm3Dial.lme <- update(fm2Dial.lme, weights=varPower(form = ~ pressure | QB)) fm3Dial.lme anova(fm2Dial.lme, fm3Dial.lme) fm4Dial.lme <- update(fm2Dial.lme, weights = varConstPower(form = ~ pressure)) anova(fm2Dial.lme, fm4Dial.lme) plot(augPred(fm2Dial.lme), grid = TRUE) anova(fm2Dial.lme) anova(fm2Dial.lme, Terms = 8:10) options(contrasts = c("contr.treatment", "contr.poly")) fm1BW.lme <- lme(weight ~ Time * Diet, BodyWeight, random = ~ Time) fm1BW.lme fm2BW.lme <- update(fm1BW.lme, weights = varPower()) fm2BW.lme anova(fm1BW.lme, fm2BW.lme) summary(fm2BW.lme) anova(fm2BW.lme, L = c("Time:Diet2" = 1, "Time:Diet3" = -1)) cs1CompSymm <- corCompSymm(value = 0.3, form = ~ 1 | Subject) cs2CompSymm <- corCompSymm(value = 0.3, form = ~ age | Subject) cs1CompSymm <- Initialize(cs1CompSymm, data = Orthodont) corMatrix(cs1CompSymm) cs1Symm <- corSymm(value = c(0.2, 0.1, -0.1, 0, 0.2, 0), form = ~ 1 | Subject) cs1Symm <- Initialize(cs1Symm, data = Orthodont) corMatrix(cs1Symm) cs1AR1 <- corAR1(0.8, form = ~ 1 | Subject) cs1AR1 <- Initialize(cs1AR1, data = Orthodont) corMatrix(cs1AR1) cs1ARMA <- corARMA(0.4, form = ~ 1 | Subject, q = 1) cs1ARMA <- Initialize(cs1ARMA, data = Orthodont) corMatrix(cs1ARMA) cs2ARMA <- corARMA(c(0.8, 0.4), form = ~ 1 | Subject, p=1, q=1) cs2ARMA <- Initialize(cs2ARMA, data = Orthodont) corMatrix(cs2ARMA) spatDat <- data.frame(x = (0:4)/4, y = (0:4)/4) cs1Exp <- corExp(1, form = ~ x + y) cs1Exp <- Initialize(cs1Exp, spatDat) corMatrix(cs1Exp) cs2Exp <- corExp(1, form = ~ x + y, metric = "man") cs2Exp <- Initialize(cs2Exp, spatDat) corMatrix(cs2Exp) cs3Exp <- corExp(c(1, 0.2), form = ~ x + y, nugget = TRUE) cs3Exp <- Initialize(cs3Exp, spatDat) corMatrix(cs3Exp) fm1Ovar.lme <- lme(follicles ~ sin(2*pi*Time) + cos(2*pi*Time), data = Ovary, random = pdDiag(~sin(2*pi*Time))) fm1Ovar.lme ACF(fm1Ovar.lme) plot(ACF(fm1Ovar.lme, maxLag = 10), alpha = 0.01) fm2Ovar.lme <- update(fm1Ovar.lme, correlation = corAR1()) anova(fm1Ovar.lme, fm2Ovar.lme) if (interactive()) intervals(fm2Ovar.lme) fm3Ovar.lme <- update(fm1Ovar.lme, correlation = corARMA(q = 2)) fm3Ovar.lme anova(fm2Ovar.lme, fm3Ovar.lme, test = F) fm4Ovar.lme <- update(fm1Ovar.lme, correlation = corCAR1(form = ~Time)) anova(fm2Ovar.lme, fm4Ovar.lme, test = F) (fm5Ovar.lme <- update(fm1Ovar.lme, corr = corARMA(p = 1, q = 1))) anova(fm2Ovar.lme, fm5Ovar.lme) plot(ACF(fm5Ovar.lme, maxLag = 10, resType = "n"), alpha = 0.01) Variogram(fm2BW.lme, form = ~ Time) plot(Variogram(fm2BW.lme, form = ~ Time, maxDist = 42)) fm3BW.lme <- update(fm2BW.lme, correlation = corExp(form = ~ Time)) intervals(fm3BW.lme) anova(fm2BW.lme, fm3BW.lme) fm4BW.lme <- update(fm3BW.lme, correlation = corExp(form = ~ Time, nugget = TRUE)) anova(fm3BW.lme, fm4BW.lme) plot(Variogram(fm3BW.lme, form = ~ Time, maxDist = 42)) plot(Variogram(fm3BW.lme, form = ~ Time, maxDist = 42, resType = "n", robust = TRUE)) fm5BW.lme <- update(fm3BW.lme, correlation = corRatio(form = ~ Time)) fm6BW.lme <- update(fm3BW.lme, correlation = corSpher(form = ~ Time)) fm7BW.lme <- update(fm3BW.lme, correlation = corLin(form = ~ Time)) fm8BW.lme <- update(fm3BW.lme, correlation = corGaus(form = ~ Time)) anova(fm3BW.lme, fm5BW.lme, fm6BW.lme, fm7BW.lme, fm8BW.lme) fm1Orth.gls <- gls(distance ~ Sex * I(age - 11), Orthodont, correlation = corSymm(form = ~ 1 | Subject), weights = varIdent(form = ~ 1 | age)) fm1Orth.gls intervals(fm1Orth.gls) fm2Orth.gls <- update(fm1Orth.gls, corr = corCompSymm(form = ~ 1 | Subject)) anova(fm1Orth.gls, fm2Orth.gls) intervals(fm2Orth.gls) fm3Orth.gls <- update(fm2Orth.gls, weights = NULL) anova(fm2Orth.gls, fm3Orth.gls) plot(fm3Orth.gls, resid(., type = "n") ~ age | Sex) fm4Orth.gls <- update(fm3Orth.gls, weights = varIdent(form = ~ 1 | Sex)) anova(fm3Orth.gls, fm4Orth.gls) qqnorm(fm4Orth.gls, ~resid(., type = "n")) # not in book but needed for the following command fm3Orth.lme <- lme(distance~Sex*I(age-11), data = Orthodont, random = ~ I(age-11) | Subject, weights = varIdent(form = ~ 1 | Sex)) anova(fm3Orth.lme, fm4Orth.gls, test = FALSE) fm1Dial.gls <- gls(rate ~(pressure + I(pressure^2) + I(pressure^3) + I(pressure^4))*QB, Dialyzer) plot(fm1Dial.gls, resid(.) ~ pressure, abline = 0) fm2Dial.gls <- update(fm1Dial.gls, weights = varPower(form = ~ pressure)) anova(fm1Dial.gls, fm2Dial.gls) ACF(fm2Dial.gls, form = ~ 1 | Subject) plot(ACF(fm2Dial.gls, form = ~ 1 | Subject), alpha = 0.01) (fm3Dial.gls <- update(fm2Dial.gls, corr = corAR1(0.771, form = ~ 1 | Subject))) intervals(fm3Dial.gls) anova(fm2Dial.gls, fm3Dial.gls) anova(fm3Dial.gls, fm2Dial.lme, test = FALSE) fm1Wheat2 <- gls(yield ~ variety - 1, Wheat2) Variogram(fm1Wheat2, form = ~ latitude + longitude) plot(Variogram(fm1Wheat2, form = ~ latitude + longitude, maxDist = 32), xlim = c(0,32)) fm2Wheat2 <- update(fm1Wheat2, corr = corSpher(c(28, 0.2), form = ~ latitude + longitude, nugget = TRUE)) fm2Wheat2 fm3Wheat2 <- update(fm1Wheat2, corr = corRatio(c(12.5, 0.2), form = ~ latitude + longitude, nugget = TRUE)) fm3Wheat2 anova(fm2Wheat2, fm3Wheat2) anova(fm1Wheat2, fm3Wheat2) plot(Variogram(fm3Wheat2, resType = "n")) plot(fm3Wheat2, resid(., type = "n") ~ fitted(.), abline = 0) qqnorm(fm3Wheat2, ~ resid(., type = "n")) fm4Wheat2 <- update(fm3Wheat2, model = yield ~ variety) anova(fm4Wheat2) anova(fm3Wheat2, L = c(-1, 0, 1)) # cleanup proc.time()