library(lme4) options(show.signif.stars = FALSE) data(sleepstudy) (fm1 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject), sleepstudy)) (fm1a <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject), sleepstudy, method = "ML")) (fm2 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (1|Subject) + (0+Days|Subject), sleepstudy)) ## should produce a warning but fit by REML (fm1b <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject), sleepstudy, method = "AGQ")) ## transformed vars [failed in 0.995-1] (fm2l <- lmer(log(Reaction) ~ log(Days+1) + (log(Days+1)|Subject), data = sleepstudy, method = "ML")) ## generalized linear mixed model (fm3 <- lmer(decrease ~ treatment + (1|rowpos) + (1|colpos), OrchardSprays, family = poisson(), method = "PQL")) ## PQL is used per default: fm3. <- lmer(decrease ~ treatment + (1|rowpos) + (1|colpos), OrchardSprays, family = poisson) fm3.@call <- fm3@call # so that they should be almost identical: ##MM: 'tol=0' now (2006-05-24) fails (on 32-bit Ubuntu; not 64-bit RHEL 4) ??? ##DMB: On 32-bit Debian this fails in R CMD check but not in R CMD BATCH ??? #stopifnot(all.equal(fm3, fm3., tol = 1e-6)) ## Laplace approximation {takes time} (fm4 <- lmer(decrease ~ treatment + (1|rowpos) + (1|colpos), data = OrchardSprays, family = poisson(), method = "Laplace")) ## Simple example by Andrew Gelman (2006-01-10) ---- n.groups <- 10 ; n.reps <- 2 n <- length( <- gl(n.groups, n.reps)) ## simulate the varying parameters and the data: set.seed(0) <- rnorm(n.groups, 1, 2) y <- rnorm (n,[], 1) ## fit and summarize the model fit.1 <- lmer (y ~ 1 + (1 | coef (fit.1)# failed in Matrix 0.99-6 (sf1 <- summary(fit.1)) # show() is as without summary() ## ranef and coef rr <- ranef(fm1) stopifnot(is.list(rr), length(rr) == 1, class(rr[[1]]) == "data.frame") print(plot(rr)) cc <- coef(fm1) stopifnot(is.list(cc), length(cc) == 1, class(cc[[1]]) == "data.frame") print(plot(cc)) rr <- ranef(fm2) stopifnot(is.list(rr), length(rr) == 2, all((sapply(rr, class) == "data.frame"))) print(plot(rr)) cc <- coef(fm2) stopifnot(is.list(cc), length(cc) == 2, all((sapply(cc, class) == "data.frame"))) print(plot(cc)) ## Many family = binomial cases if (isTRUE(try(data(Contraception, package = 'mlmRev')) == 'Contraception')) { print(fm.1 <- lmer(use ~ urban + age + livch + (1 | district), Contraception, binomial)) print(system.time(fm1 <- lmer(use ~ urban + age + livch + (1 | district), Contraception, binomial), gc = TRUE)) ## same model, using "Laplace" : print(fm.2 <- lmer(use ~ urban + age + livch + (1 | district), Contraception, binomial, method = 'Laplace')) print(system.time(lmer(use ~ urban + age + livch + (1 | district), Contraception, binomial, method = 'Laplace'), gc = TRUE)) ## print(fm.2a <- lmer(use ~ urban + age + livch + (1 | district), ## Contraception, binomial, method = 'AGQ')) ## print(system.time(lmer(use ~ urban + age + livch + (1 | district), ## Contraception, binomial, method = 'AGQ'), ## gc = TRUE)) ## model + random intercept, with and w/o using "Laplace" : print(fm.3 <- lmer(use ~ urban + age + livch + (urban | district), Contraception, binomial)) print(fm.4 <- lmer(use ~ urban + age + livch + (urban | district), Contraception, binomial, method = 'Laplace')) } if (require('MASS', quietly = TRUE)) { bacteria$wk2 <- bacteria$week > 2 contrasts(bacteria$trt) <- structure(contr.sdif(3), dimnames = list(NULL, c("diag", "encourage"))) print(fm5 <- lmer(y ~ trt + wk2 + (1|ID), bacteria, binomial)) print(system.time(fm5 <- lmer(y ~ trt + wk2 + (1|ID), bacteria, binomial), gc = TRUE)) print(fm6 <- lmer(y ~ trt + wk2 + (1|ID), bacteria, binomial, method = 'Laplace')) print(system.time(lmer(y ~ trt + wk2 + (1|ID), bacteria, binomial, method = 'Laplace'), gc = TRUE)) ## print(fm6a <- lmer(y ~ trt + wk2 + (1|ID), bacteria, binomial, ## method = 'AGQ')) ## print(system.time(lmer(y ~ trt + wk2 + (1|ID), bacteria, binomial, ## method = 'AGQ'), gc = TRUE)) } ## Invalid factor specification -- used to seg.fault: set.seed(1) dat <- data.frame(y = round(10*rnorm(100)), lagoon = factor(rep(1:4,each = 25)), habitat = factor(rep(1:20, each = 5))) r1 <- lmer(y ~ habitat + (1|habitat:lagoon), data = dat) # ok try( reg <- lmer(y ~ habitat + (1|habitat*lagoon), data = dat) # did seg.fault ) # now gives error ^- should be ":" ### mcmcsamp() : ## From: Andrew Gelman ## Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2006 22:00:53 -0500 has.coda <- require(coda) if(!has.coda) cat("'coda' package not available; some outputs will look suboptimal\n") ## Very simple example y <- 1:10 group <- gl(2,5) (M1 <- lmer (y ~ 1 + (1 | group))) # works fine (r1 <- mcmcsamp (M1)) # dito r2 <- mcmcsamp (M1, saveb = TRUE) # gave error in 0.99-* and 0.995-[12] (r10 <- mcmcsamp (M1, n = 10, saveb = TRUE)) ## another one, still simple y <- (1:20)*pi x <- (1:20)^2 group <- gl(2,10) M1 <- lmer (y ~ 1 + (1 | group)) # << MM: why is the "1 + " needed ? mcmcsamp (M1, n = 2, saveb=TRUE) # fine M2 <- lmer (y ~ 1 + x + (1 + x | group)) # false convergence ## should be identical (and is) M2 <- lmer (y ~ x + ( x | group))# false convergence -> simulation doesn't work: if(FALSE) ## try(..) fails here (in R CMD check) [[why ??]] mcmcsamp (M2, saveb=TRUE) ## Error: inconsistent degrees of freedom and dimension ... ## mcmc for glmer: rG1k <- mcmcsamp(fm3., n = 1000) summary(rG1k) rG2 <- mcmcsamp(fm4, n = 3, verbose = TRUE) # convergence on boundary warnings load(system.file("external/test3comp.rda", package = "Matrix")) b3 <- lmer(Y3 ~ (1|Sample) + (1|Operator/Run), test3comp) if (isTRUE(try(data(Early, package = 'mlmRev')) == 'Early')) { Early$tos <- Early$age - 0.5 # time on study b1 <- lmer(cog ~ tos + trt:tos + (tos|id), Early, control = list(msV = TRUE, nit=0)) } ## Spencer Graves' example (from a post to S-news, 2006-08-03): ---------------- ## FIXME? tstDF <- data.frame(group = letters[1:5], y = 1:5) var(tstDF$y) # == 2.5 f.oops <- lmer(y ~ 1 + (1|group), data = tstDF) summary(f.oops) ## or print(Matrix:::formatVC(VarCorr(f.oops)), quote = FALSE) ## ... ## Groups Name Variance Std.Dev. ## group (Intercept) 1.81818 1.34840 ## Residual 0.68182 0.82572 ## ... ##SG> This is ... silly, because there are zero degrees of freedom ##SG> to distinguish "group" from Residual. It is comforting that the sum of ##SG> the variances sum to the variance of "y", ...... ##SG> However, I would prefer to have the multilevel software catch this ##SG> case and optionally return an error or drop the redundant group ##SG> with a warning. cat('Time elapsed: ', proc.time(),'\n') # for ``statistical reasons''