This directory contains code and help for an R port of CHRON, an S-PLUS package for working with chronological objects (times and dates). The original was downloaded from See the file `PORTING' for the changes made for the R version. See `Y2K' for information on a recent year 2000 update. The original `README' is appended below. See `COPYING' for copyright information. KH <> 1998/02/13 *** Original README ************************************************** This directory contains S functions to work with chron objects. These objects handle dates and times. For the time being issues relating to time-zones, daylight savings time, etc. are being put aside. NOTE: To use chron objects you need library(statistics) in S. In S-PLUS you need library(chron, first = T) For source and details, see The following methods and functions are available for chron objects: function description ---------- ----------------------------------------------------- chron createas a chron object; it takes either julian dates or character dates. See help(chron). dates creates a dates object (simply invokes chron) times creates a times object (simply inoveks chron) as.numeric returns a vector of julian dates + fraction of day (times) as.character returns a character representation of dates/times print print dates and times nicely plot plot with time axis hist histogram with time axis identify identify points in scatterplot lines, points add lines/points axis.times add time axis to plot cut make ordered factors from dates (e.g., by month, week) seq generate a sequence of dates min, max, numeric summaries range, summary sort, order trunc, ceiling, round, signif, diff [.times selects, e.g., dates[ dates > "02/20/92" ], or[ > min( ] [<-.times replacement c combines chrons days, months, extact day, month, year, quarter number, etc. years, quarters weekdays, hours, minutes, seconds is.weekend date conversion (modified from the S "blue" book) julian, day.of.week UNDOCUMENTED FEATURES: ---------------------- 1. Chron matrices can be created from chron objects by using dim() (can't use matrix() nor array()) > dim(x) <- c(20,3) > x[2,3] <- "03/28/90" # replaces a cell 2. The c() method takes anything that can be coerced to chrons: y <- c(x, "03/21/92", 8123) but a bug(?) in the S evaluator makes it necessary to specify the chron object first, i.e., c("03/28/90", x) does not dispath the c.dates() method.