2.34 fix to lines.survfit() for subsets of fits. 2.33 Add explicit partial matching for names of survreg.distributions in survreg() 2.32 patches from Brian Ripley to remove partial matching in the code 2.31 Fix formals for as.character() and as.matrix() methods. Improve documentation for data sets. 2.30 Several minor bug fixes/improvements. 2.29 Fix anova.coxph(, test="Cp") 2.28 Start eliminating Rd \synopsis entries. Convert all .rda data files to version 2 (RDX2). fix log=, type= in plot.date change row names on 'jasa' object to character. 2.27 cch checks for censored observations outside subcohort (Ellen O'Meara) Updated reference for stratified case-cohort design. 2.24 Bug fix for p-values in cch() 2.23 plot.survfit with fun=cloglog error plot.date no longer tries to pass log to axis() 2.22 bug in p-values for robust standard errors in survreg. bug in cch: var vs naive.var [.survfit handled non-increasing indices wrongly (Aniko Szabo) Remove obsolete recommendation to use I() to wrap Surv objects Register the .C calls. 2.21 added stratified case-cohort code (also from Norman Breslow) 2.20 export coxph.fit 2.19 Fixes for codetools complaints Added Norman Breslow's case-cohort code. 2.16 Added cluster() and robust standard errors for survreg. 2.15-1 survSplit works for counting process data 2.15 export vcov methods (BDR) fix lurking longs in survindex2 (BDR) document [.survfit (Youyi Fong) and change the name of the first argument 2.14 separate out print.summary.coxph from summary.coxph 2.13-2 Update the Depends: clause to the new meanings. Edit .Rd files for lazy data. summary.survfit was broken for stratified counting process data change default for survival.print.mean to FALSE. 2.13-1 Kurt's fixes based on better .Rd checking 2.13 stop segfault when frailty estimation breaks down. (Christian Lederer) 2.12 make clogit work with predict(,type="terms") 2.11-6 fix memory leak in survival4 (BDR+valgrind) Put dimnames on vcov.coxph (David Firth) stop survfit dying with no observations. 2.11-5 document pbc missing data survSplit was assuming the cut= argument was sorted 2.11-4 make predict(type=terms) return a 1-d matrix rather than a vector, to fix PR#6675-6 in termplot. 2.11-3 export survreg.fit survfit.km for Frank Harrell 2.11-1 Better namespace 2.11 Namespace 2.10 Codoc changes 2.9-13 report an error if model frame has zero rows. 2.9-12 Changed R_ext/Mathlib to Rmath.h 2.9-11 vcov 2.9-10 Tightened convergence tolerances. added survSplit. 2.9-9 more T/F, remove [.terms, depends 1.7.0 2.9-7 Use pnorm5 instead of erf/erfc 2.9-6 two .C calls missing PACKAGE argument 2.9-5 bug fix for identity link in predict.survreg from Therneau. 2.9-4 centered= argument was backwards for basehaz (Martyn Plummer); add vcov.coxph, vcov.survreg if vcov exists and they don't, add anova.coxph[list] 2.9-3 Really change T/F to TRUE/FALSE everywhere 2.9-2 Change 14 uses of _ to <-. Fixed clogit() to allow missing data 2.9-1 Document the mean->rmean change better 2.9 Change T/F to TRUE/FALSE everywhere, fix segfault in coxph with no events, make survreg with user-defined distributions actually work and add examples. Add option "show.rmean" to print.survfit, currently TRUE by default but may become FALSE in future. Fixed bty option in plot.survfit 2.8 survival passes CMD check for the first time ever (though users won't notice many of the changes). A few little bugs here and there. Some better examples added (eg survexp, plot.survfit) 2.7 More CMD check stuff. HP-UX compilers don't like even static variables called 'time' (Peter Kleiweg). 2.6 documentation/code incompatibilities, three more sys.frame(sys.parent()) fixes. 2.5 GPL, fixed segfault in frailty model with all coefficients NA, predict.coxph standard errors for type="terms", new name "survival", predict.coxph with newdata but no response , bug in basehaz, fold in date package 2.4 fixed bug in coxpenal.fit () when a sparse frailty term is specified before a non-sparse one, added clogit(), added Mac makefile (Stefano Iacus), added "Maintainer" field, bug in plot.survfit , better environment(formula) handling in coxph, a basehaz() function. 2.3 upstream bug fix for stratifed, penalised coxph 2.2 Fixed anova.survreg,anova.survreglist. Some doc fixes. legends for plot.survfit 2.1 options for `n' in print.survfit, [.Surv fixed for R1.1.1. 2.0 New code from Terry Therneau: faster cox regression, bug fixes. 1.1-6 plot.survfit(,fun="cloglog") broke with mark.times=TRUE when the first event was a censoring. 1.1-5 more documentation fixes, added data(stanford2), modified frailty() to avoid bug in new save()/load() code. 1.1-4 documentation and data fixes, particularly survreg.distributions