# # The residual methods treat a sparse frailty as a fixed offset with # no variance # kfit1 <- coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ age + sex + frailty(id, dist='gauss'), kidney) tempf <- predict(kfit1, type='terms')[,3] temp <- kfit1$frail[match(kidney$id, sort(unique(kidney$id)))] #all.equal(unclass(tempf), unclass(temp)) all.equal(as.vector(tempf), as.vector(temp)) # Now fit a model with explicit offset kfitx <- coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ age + sex + offset(tempf),kidney, eps=1e-7) # These are not precisely the same, due to different iteration paths all.equal(kfitx$coef, kfit1$coef) # This will make them identical kfitx <- coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ age + sex + offset(temp),kidney, iter=0, init=kfit1$coef) all.equal(resid(kfit1), resid(kfitx)) all.equal(resid(kfit1, type='score'), resid(kfitx, type='score')) all.equal(resid(kfit1, type='schoe'), resid(kfitx, type='schoe')) # These are not the same, due to a different variance matrix # The frailty model's variance is about 2x the naive "assume an offset" var # The score residuals are equal, however. all.equal(resid(kfit1, type='dfbeta'), resid(kfitx, type='dfbeta')) zed <- kfitx zed$var <- kfit1$var all.equal(resid(kfit1, type='dfbeta'), resid(zed, type='dfbeta')) temp1 <- resid(kfit1, type='score') temp2 <- resid(kfitx, type='score') all.equal(temp1, temp2) # # Now for some tests of predicted values # all.equal(predict(kfit1, type='expected'), predict(kfitx, type='expected')) all.equal(predict(kfit1, type='lp'), predict(kfitx, type='lp')) temp1 <- predict(kfit1, type='terms', se.fit=T) temp2 <- predict(kfitx, type='terms', se.fit=T) all.equal(temp1$fit[,1:2], temp2$fit) all.equal(temp1$se.fit[,1:2], temp2$se.fit) #should be false mean(temp1$se.fit[,1:2]/ temp2$se.fit) all.equal(as.vector(temp1$se.fit[,3])^2, as.vector(kfit1$fvar[match(kidney$id, sort(unique(kidney$id)))])) print(temp1) kfit1 kfitx rm(temp1, temp2, kfitx, zed, tempf)