# # Trivial test of stratified residuals # Make a second strata = replicate of the first, and I should get the # exact same answers temp <- as.matrix(test1) n <- nrow(temp) ndead<- sum(test1$status[!is.na(test1$status)]) temp <- data.frame(rbind(temp, temp)) #later releases of S have rbind.data.frame tstrat <- rep(1:2, c(n,n)) fit1 <- coxph(Surv(time, status) ~x, test1) fit2 <- coxph(Surv(time, status) ~x + strata(tstrat), temp) all.equal(resid(fit1) , (resid(fit2))[1:n]) all.equal(resid(fit1, type='score') , (resid(fit2, type='score'))[1:n]) all.equal(resid(fit1, type='schoe') , (resid(fit2, type='schoe'))[1:ndead]) #AG model temp <- as.matrix(test2) n <- nrow(temp) ndead<- sum(test2$event[!is.na(test2$event)]) temp <- data.frame(rbind(temp, temp)) tstrat <- rep(1:2, c(n,n)) fit1 <- coxph(Surv(start, stop, event) ~x, test2) fit2 <- coxph(Surv(start, stop, event) ~x + strata(tstrat), temp) all.equal(resid(fit1) , (resid(fit2))[1:n]) all.equal(resid(fit1, type='score') , (resid(fit2, type='score'))[1:n]) all.equal(resid(fit1, type='schoe') , (resid(fit2, type='schoe'))[1:ndead])