What are the differences between this testall.save and the one in survival3 on statlib--- A "diff" gives a file with 850 lines! But the majority of the differences are due to formatting differences between two version of S. Line 110: Residuals for fit0. These have changed. Before, the fit was with the Efron approx but residuals computed using Breslow. Now both use Efron. Line 243: Same issue, with the multiple event model. 263: "" Line 447-537: A new test has been inserted. In the parametric models, there are lots of changes due to formatting. For the conconcted Fleming example, I get slightly different coefs, due to a change in initial values logic. --------- Further notes 5/16/94 Changed to 2 significant digits in the p value; leads to lots of changes Added the Wald test to summary.coxph printout. The "fleming" data is now referred to as "ovarian" data. The expected survival from the "jasa1" test differs from before, for 2 reasons. The routine now does per year interpolation by default, but more importantly I am now more careful about the US rate tables, ie. a person moves to a new column of rates on their birthday rather than on Jan 1 of the relevant year. The more nitpicky test of the new code in doexpect.s makes me fairly certain of the new calculations. ----- I have updated my testall script, and compared answers on 12/95. New tests: infcox.s test the warning message for infinity, when 2 vars are infinite doovarian.s added a test that robust=T and cluster() give the same answer docancer.s added a test of subscripting survival curves expect3.s tests of survexp, with a Cox model singtest.s test the 'singular=ok' option Changes: The "beta may be infinite" message now has a semi-colon instead of a comma Statsci changed the # of digits on all the survreg output. Added the ICC to multiple-event Cox models. More "range" to "all.equal" changes. -------- Notes on 6/96 Fixed the data error in the bladder data, where the 'size' and 'number' variable names had been switched. This leads to lots of ignorable differences. Also changed 'residual.dz' to 'resid.ds' to match my course notes. Removed the ICC from cox models until further testing is possible. The survdiff program now has more complete output. ------------- Notes on 9/98 A change in the convergence criteria for coxph changes lots of results trivially. Some new tests for survreg and expected survival.