Changes made since posting survival5 15Feb99: The predict.coxph function would fail for type='terms' if the model contained a cluster() statement -- it was trying to create a column for this and of course the X matrix doesn't have one; cluster() only effects variance estimation. Predict now ignores "cluster" terms. 19Feb99: Added a missing line in survexp, without it the routine fails if the ratetable() call is omitted. Obviously, the 3/27/97 change was not thoroughly tested! (Actually it was, but the changes didn't get transcribed properly into the master source code). 19Feb99: Above changes to pyears. If there is a ratetable argument and no ratetable() term in the formula, add it automatically in the same way as in survexp. 24Feb99: Wrong "cargs" in pspline for the AIC method. Led to a slew of warning messages which were actually inconsequential, but annoying. 25Feb99: Added the "df.residual" component to the survreg output. This is needed by anova.survreg. (The anova routine was written by Statsci, not me, and so isn't in my test suite. Thanks to Brian Ripley for pointing this out). --- The above actually got included with survival5 due to administrative delays in getting our web site up. --- 5May99: The survreg() call statement was missing "weight". In prior releases, the "..." arg absorbed this and weights worked fine. Other changes in survival5 ended the efficacy of this lucky accident. (Tipped off by provisional StatSci documentation that declared "survReg doesn't support weights"). 7May99: Add 'fitted.values' to the survreg output. (Provisional) After further discussion, commented it out (but left the code should we change our mind again). 18June99: Add "coxph.control" to collect all of the control terms, and add a 'test.inf' term for the sake of Frank H. Forced a minor argument change in,, and The coxph() function calls coxph.control(...), so the old style form of "iter.max=20," in the coxph call still works as before and users won't notice the change. This is more of a documentation help by gathering terms. Add a change to coxpenal.s to work around a bug introduced into Splus in the 5.1 release that leads to a matrix dimension error: "thetasave" is a matrix and "temp" is a named vector, but "thetasave - temp" is no longer a matrix. An additional "as.vector(temp)" removes the names. (I'm told the bug will be fixed in 5.x, x>1). 24Jun99: Rewrite of the C code for (start,stop] Cox models, called by The new routines are agfit3.c and agres2.c. Assume n subjects, d events(deaths), and p covariates. The old code had run time of O(p^3) + O(dnp^2) + O(n^2), corresponding to matrix manipulation, accumlation of the matrices, and bookkeeping. The third piece had no "statistical" content, yet for large data sets could often completely dominate the run time, a fact that has bugged me for years. The new algorithm is O(p^3) + O((2n+d)p^2) + O(2n). On one test data set of n=5000, the compute time is reduced 70 fold, 10 fold for n=1000. Thanks to Mohammed Jallaludin for a discussion leading to the key insight. 22Sep99: Change the defaul tol.chol in coxph.control from 1e-8 to 1e-12 in response to a very ill-conditioned data set of J Sicks. (Actually, change it to .Machine$double.eps ^ .75). The problem was not correlation but scaling, some coefs of size 1 and some of size 1e-5. Perhaps I should add a scaling step to coxph itself... Note that this only affects tests for singularity, not the number of iterations in the final model, so 99.99% of test cases stay the same. 8Feb00: Fix small "= vs ==" bug in agsurv3.c, pointed out by Thomas Lumley. I don't think it had any side effects, however. 10Feb00: Fix bug in survfit.coxph -- if there was a cluster() term in the coxph call this function got confused about the true number of columns in the X matrix. 26Feb00: In residuals.coxph 1) ignore the "weighted" argument for dfbeta residuals, and always return the correct result. 2) the weighted argument was being improperly ignored for Schoenfeld residuals. 30May00: The frailty.gaussian routine would misleadingly label coefficients with the word 'gamma'; changed to 'gauss'. 10June00: Make the same algorithmic change to penalized models, as was made (a year ago already!) for non-penalized (start, stop] models. The new C functions are coxfit5.c and agfit5.c. Add one more speedup tweak to agres2.c. 10June00: Change printout of one part of the gamma frailty: "EM likelihood" to "I-likelihood". The term 'integrated likelihood' is used in the book, because we can compute an integrated likelihood for the gaussian model too, but not an EM. Adding this to the Gaussian should happen real-soon-now... 10June00: Same as.vector() Splus5.1 workaround for, as was described above for (June99). 12June00: Run validation suite (expand testfrail/simple.s in the process). Post new code to Statsci and R. ----------------------------------------------------- 4Jan01: Fix serious bug in coxfit5.c. Penalized model + strata could lead to an infinite loop or possibly wrong answers. The problem does not apply to (start,stop] models. 1. Smallest time point in one stratum is censored. 2. Smallest time point in a later stratum isn't censored. 3. In the next strata after this, consider the set of points with time > (min time in stratum of bullet 2). If this contains both censored and uncensored points, with at least one censored time > at least one uncensored time ---> infinite loop. The user-supplied data set that demonstrated the issue had over 10,000 observations; just to make tracking the bug down more challenging.... If the set in question is all uncensored, this leads to a wrong answer (I think) due to miscounting of tied times.