src/*.{h,c} long -> int man/*.Rd convert *.d by Sd2Rd Don't implement code using naresid, which R does not have. F -> FALSE, T -> TRUE R/labels.rpart.s replace call to prlabel by S code. R/model.frame.rpart.s deparse calls R/na.rpart.s as x has no attributes in R, redesign R/plot.rpart.s change frame=0 to .GlobalEnv R/post.rpart.s change `title' trickery R/print.rpart.s remove nsmall in call to format attr(x, 'ylevels') not 'ylevel' R/rpart.branch.s get with inherits not frame=0 R/rpart.matrix.s adjust for different terms structure R/rpart.s single -> double sys.parent() -> sys.frame(sys.parent()) R/rpartco.s remove frame=0 several times R/snip.rpart.mouse.s drop frame=0 R/summary.rpart.s remove justify="left" in format remove comma in paste(... ,,collapse ...) attr(x, 'ylevels') not 'ylevel' R/text.rpart.s text.default prints "NA", so remove these remove density=0 in calls to polygon R/xpred.rpart.s single -> double sys.parent() -> sys.frame(sys.parent()) R/zzz.R a few missing functions.