----- Modify mcmcsamp to return the deviance in the sample only when the optional argument 'deviance' is TRUE (default FALSE). ----- Replace the use of the unexported replacement function LMEoptimize<- in lmer.R by the function LMEopt, which always returns NULL but (in contradiction to the language specification) modifies its first argument. ----- Modify the one-argument form of the anova method for lmer objects (yet again) to calculate the F ratios. It is the df, not the ratio that is controversial. Should there be an extractor function for the mean square error? If so, what should it be called? ----- Determine what a "coef" function should do for multiple, possibly non-nested, grouping factors. ----- - add nicer (more realistic?) pedigree examples and tests - document print() including an example print(, corr = FALSE)