"read.jags" <- function (file = "jags.out", start, end, thin, quiet=FALSE) { if (!is.R()) { stop("This function is not yet available in S-PLUS") } read.coda(file, start, end, thin, quiet) } bugs2jags <- function(infile, outfile) { if (!is.R()) { stop("This function is not yet available in S-PLUS") } ## Convert S-style data for WinBUGS into the R dump format ## used by JAGS. bugs.dat <- dget(infile) for (bugs.variable.name in names(bugs.dat)) { if(!is.null(dim(bugs.dat[[bugs.variable.name]]))) { ## Manually reverse order of dimensions of arrays dim(bugs.dat[[bugs.variable.name]]) <- rev(dim(bugs.dat[[bugs.variable.name]])) ## Then transpose bugs.dat[[bugs.variable.name]] <- aperm(bugs.dat[[bugs.variable.name]]) } assign(bugs.variable.name, bugs.dat[[bugs.variable.name]]) } dump(names(bugs.dat), file=outfile) }