msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: cluster 2.0.4\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2016-04-15 11:27\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" msgid "invalid clustering method" msgstr "" msgid "ambiguous clustering method" msgstr "" msgid "'par.method' must be of length 1, 3, or 4" msgstr "" msgid "NA-values in the dissimilarity matrix not allowed." msgstr "" msgid "'x' is not and cannot be converted to class \"dissimilarity\"" msgstr "" msgid "x is not a numeric dataframe or matrix." msgstr "" msgid "need at least 2 objects to cluster" msgstr "" msgid "No clustering performed, NA-values in the dissimilarity matrix." msgstr "" msgid "'x' is a \"dist\" object, but should be a data matrix or frame" msgstr "" msgid "The number of cluster should be at least 1 and at most n-1." msgstr "" msgid "'sampsize' should be at least %d = max(2, 1+ number of clusters)" msgstr "" msgid "'sampsize' = %d should not be larger than the number of objects, %d" msgstr "" msgid "'samples' should be at least 1" msgstr "" msgid "when 'medoids.x' is FALSE, '' must be too" msgstr "" msgid "distance computations with NAs: using correct instead of pre-2016 wrong formula.\n Use 'correct.d=FALSE' to get previous results or 'correct.d=TRUE' to suppress this warning." msgstr "" msgid "invalid 'correct.d'" msgstr "" msgid "Each of the random samples contains objects between which no distance can be computed." msgstr "" msgid "For each of the %d samples, at least one object was found which could not be assigned to a cluster (because of missing values)." msgstr "" msgid "invalid 'jstop' from .C(cl_clara,.):" msgstr "" msgid "'B' has to be a positive integer" msgstr "" msgid "invalid 'twins' object" msgstr "" msgid "x is not a dataframe or a numeric matrix." msgstr "" msgid "invalid %s; must be named list" msgstr "" msgid "%s has invalid column names" msgstr "" msgid "%s must be in 1:ncol(x)" msgstr "" msgid "%s must contain column names or numbers" msgstr "" msgid "at least one binary variable has more than 2 levels." msgstr "" msgid "at least one binary variable has not 2 different levels." msgstr "" msgid "at least one binary variable has values not in {0,1,NA}" msgstr "" msgid "binary variable(s) %s treated as interval scaled" msgstr "" msgid "%s has constant columns %s; these are standardized to 0" msgstr "" msgid "with mixed variables, metric \"gower\" is used automatically" msgstr "" msgid "'weights' must be of length p (or 1)" msgstr "" msgid "invalid type %s for column numbers %s" msgstr "" msgid "NA values in the dissimilarity matrix not allowed." msgstr "" msgid "No clustering performed, NA's in dissimilarity matrix." msgstr "" msgid "'x' must be numeric n x p matrix" msgstr "" msgid "omitting NAs" msgstr "" msgid "no points without missing values" msgstr "" msgid "computed some negative or all 0 probabilities" msgstr "" msgid "algorithm possibly not converged in %d iterations" msgstr "" msgid "'A' must be p x p cov-matrix defining an ellipsoid" msgstr "" msgid "ellipsoidPoints() not yet implemented for p >= 3 dim." msgstr "" msgid "'k' (number of clusters) must be in {1,2, .., n/2 -1}" msgstr "" msgid "'memb.exp' must be a finite number > 1" msgstr "" msgid "'maxit' must be non-negative integer" msgstr "" msgid "'iniMem.p' must be a nonnegative n * k matrix with rowSums == 1" msgstr "" msgid "FANNY algorithm has not converged in 'maxit' = %d iterations" msgstr "" msgid "the memberships are all very close to 1/k. Maybe decrease 'memb.exp' ?" msgstr "" msgid "'m', a membership matrix, must be nonnegative with rowSums == 1" msgstr "" msgid "'n' must be >= 2" msgstr "" msgid "x must be a matrix or data frame." msgstr "" msgid "All variables must be binary (e.g., factor with 2 levels)." msgstr "" msgid "No clustering performed, an object was found with all values missing." msgstr "" msgid "No clustering performed, found variable with more than half values missing." msgstr "" msgid "No clustering performed, a variable was found with all non missing values identical." msgstr "" msgid "No clustering performed, all variables have at least one missing value." msgstr "" msgid "Cannot keep data when 'x' is a dissimilarity!" msgstr "" msgid "Number of clusters 'k' must be in {1,2, .., n-1}; hence n >= 2" msgstr "" msgid "'medoids' must be NULL or vector of %d distinct indices in {1,2, .., n}, n=%d" msgstr "" msgid "No clustering performed, NAs in the computed dissimilarity matrix." msgstr "" msgid "error from .C(cl_pam, *): invalid medID's" msgstr "" msgid "NA-values are not allowed in dist-like 'x'." msgstr "" msgid "Distances must be result of dist or a square matrix." msgstr "" msgid "the square matrix is not symmetric." msgstr "" msgid ">>>>> funny case in clusplot.default() -- please report!" msgstr "" msgid "x is not a data matrix" msgstr "" msgid "one or more objects contain only missing values" msgstr "" msgid "one or more variables contain only missing values" msgstr "" msgid "Missing values were displaced by the median of the corresponding variable(s)" msgstr "" msgid "x is not numeric" msgstr "" msgid "The clustering vector is of incorrect length" msgstr "" msgid "NA-values are not allowed in clustering vector" msgstr "" msgid "Error in Fortran routine for the spanning ellipsoid,\n rank problem??" msgstr "" msgid "'col.clus' should have length 4 when color is TRUE" msgstr "" msgid "no diss nor data found, nor the original argument of %s" msgstr "" msgid "no diss nor data found for clusplot()'" msgstr "" msgid "invalid partition object" msgstr "" msgid "full silhouette is only available for results of 'clara(*, = TRUE)'" msgstr "" msgid "'x' must only have integer codes" msgstr "" msgid "Need either a dissimilarity 'dist' or diss.matrix 'dmatrix'" msgstr "" msgid "'dmatrix' is not a dissimilarity matrix compatible to 'x'" msgstr "" msgid "clustering 'x' and dissimilarity 'dist' are incompatible" msgstr "" msgid "invalid silhouette structure" msgstr "" msgid "invalid 'silhouette' object" msgstr "" msgid "No valid silhouette information (#{clusters} =? 1)" msgstr "" msgid "Observation %s has *only* NAs --> omit it for clustering" msgid_plural "Observations %s have *only* NAs --> omit them for clustering!" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" msgid "%d observation (%s) has *only* NAs --> omit them for clustering!" msgid_plural "%d observations (%s ...) have *only* NAs --> omit them for clustering!" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" msgid "setting 'logical' variable %s to type 'asymm'" msgid_plural "setting 'logical' variables %s to type 'asymm'" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] ""