* R/mona.q: Replace if(!is.matrix(x)) stop(message = "x is not a matrix.") by if(!is.matrix(x) && !is.data.frame(x)) stop("x must be a matrix or data frame.") Comment x2 <- paste(x2, collapse = "") and replace storage.mode(x2) <- "character" by storage.mode(x2) <- "integer" * R/plothier.q: Replace `pick <- 2' by `pick <- 3'. (Undo when plclust is available.) -- undone for version 1.3-2 Replace invisible(return(x)) by return(invisible(x)) * R/plotpart.q: Replace invisible(return(x)) by return(invisible(x)) Replace `pick <- 2' by `pick <- 4'. (Undo when clusplots really work.) In code for clusplot.default(), remove cmd() and replace x1 <- cmd(x, k = 2, eig = T, add = T) if(x1$ac < 0) x1 <- cmd(x, k = 2, eig = T) by x1 <- cmdscale(x, k = 2, eig = T) (Unfix when we have the `add' argument to cmdscale().) Replace `rep.int' by `rep'. Replace `text.default' by `text'. * R/zzz.R: Add .First.lib <- function(lib, pkg) { require(mva) library.dynam("cluster", pkg, lib) assign("plclust", .Alias(plot.hclust), pos = "package:cluster") } * src/mona.f: Replace CHARACTER KX(NN,JPP),NZF by INTEGER KX(NN,JPP),NZF Change all '0' to 0. Change all '1' to 1. * R/daisy.q: * src/daisy.f: (BDR) Rewrite to pass integers rather than C character strings to Fortran. ************************************************************************ The directory `man' contains R documentation sources converted via `Sd2Rd -x' from the S documentation sources. (In earlier versions, it was helpful to run `.CONV/FIXME.pl' before converting.) * man/fanny.Rd: Replace the displayed equation by \deqn{\sum_{v=1}^k \frac{\sum_{i=1}^n\sum_{j=1}^n u_{iv}^2 u_{jv}^2 d(i,j)}{ 2 \sum_{j=1}^n u_{jv}^2}}{ SUM_v (SUM_(i,j) u(i,v)^2 u(j,v)^2 d(i,j)) / (2 SUM_j u(j,v)^2)} All examples hand-edited! ************************************************************************ ============== Martin Maechler (many things are in Changelog!) =========== src/clara.f : ~~~~~~~~~~~ *) to lowercase only : tr A-Z a-z < clara.f.~1~ > clara.f.~2~ 1) to lowercase and change initial comments to 'c' (because of Emacs' indentation): tr A-Z a-z < clara.f.~1~ | sed '/^cc/s//c/'> clara.f.~2~ 2) Inside Emacs of clara.f.~2~ C-x C-w (write-file "clara.f.~3~") Repeat about 6 times M-C-q (fortran-indent-subprogram) M-C-e (end-of-fortran-subprogram) M-> (end-of-buffer) C-x C-o (delete-blank-lines) C-x h (mark-whole-buffer) M-x tabify (tabify (point-min) (point-max))