### $Id: Semiconductor.q,v 1.1 1999/10/13 00:50:09 saikat Exp $ ### Analysis of the Semiconductor split-plot experiment, section 2.3 of ### "SAS System for Mixed Models" options(contrasts = c(factor = "contr.SAS", ordered = "contr.poly")) formula( Semiconductor ) plot( Semiconductor ) names( Semiconductor ) plot( Semiconductor, inner = ~ position ) fm1Semi <- lme( resistance ~ ET * position, data = Semiconductor, random = ~ 1 | Grp, method = "ML" ) summary( fm1Semi ) ## check significance of the interaction fm2Semi <- update( fm1Semi, resistance ~ ET + position ) fm3Semi <- update( fm1Semi, resistance ~ ET ) fm4Semi <- update( fm1Semi, resistance ~ position ) fm5Semi <- update( fm1Semi, resistance ~ 1 ) anova( fm5Semi, fm4Semi, fm2Semi, fm1Semi ) anova( fm5Semi, fm3Semi, fm2Semi, fm1Semi ) ## AIC favors resistance ~ ET + position ## BIC favors resistance ~ 1 ## Likelihood ratio seems to favor resistance ~ position