### $Id: SIMS.q,v 1.1 1999/10/13 00:50:09 saikat Exp $ ### Analysis of the Second International Mathematics Study (SIMS) ### described in section 7.2 of "SAS System for Mixed Models" plot(SIMS, layout = c(10, 10, 2) ) # high level of variability within classes ## to record the execution time for comparison the fit was done as ## unix.time(assign("fm1RSIMS", lme(Gain ~ Pretot, SIMS, ~ Pretot | Class, REML = TRUE, control = list(msVerbose = TRUE)))) ## Since unix.time is not available on Windows, we give the equivalent ## statement here fm1RSIMS <- lme(Gain ~ Pretot, data = SIMS, random = ~ Pretot | Class, control = list(msVerbose = TRUE)) ## Timing done on an UltraSPARC 2 running S-PLUS 3.4 for Solaris. ## Your mileage may vary. summary(fm1RSIMS) # compare to output 7.4, p. 262 intervals( fm1RSIMS )