## $Id: README,v 1.1 1999/10/13 00:50:09 saikat Exp $ Transcripts of lme analyses of examples from "SAS System for Mixed Models" Douglas Bates Dept. of Statistics, U. of Wisconsin-Madison Jose C. Pinheiro Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies This directory contains transcripts of analyses of some of the examples from the book "SAS System for Mixed Models" by Littell, Milliken, Stroup, and Wolfinger (SAS Institute, 1996). These alternate analyses were done in S-PLUS 3.4 using version 3.0 of the nlme library. They primarily use the lme function for fitting linear mixed effects models. For each example there is a file with a .St extension which is an S-transcript file. Another file with a .q extension contains the commands and comments only. If you have the data files available as S objects in the directory ../data/.Data, you should be able to reproduce the HR.St transcript, for example, by defining a .First function so that the NLME/.Data and the SAS_Mixed/.Data directories get attached and so that the NLME/NLME.so shared object gets dyn.loaded. We also use a setting for the options of options( width = 65, length = 10000, digits = 5, prompt = "S> " ) Then Splus BATCH HR.q HR.out should produce a file HR.out similar to the HR.St file. The graphics will be in a file with a name like ps.out.0001.ps An alternative, if you use ESS (Emacs Speaks Statistics) within the emacs editor is to start an Splus process, attach the appropriate directories, dyn.load the shared object and set the options then find the .q file and used C-c C-n to step through the file sending the commands to the S-PLUS process. Of course this can also be done in ESS by finding the transcript file itself then using C-m in the transcript file. ESS is available from http://franz.stat.wisc.edu/pub/ESS