### $Id: Multilocation.q,v 1.1 1999/10/13 00:50:09 saikat Exp $ ### Analysis of the Multilocation data with fixed effects for the locations options( contrasts = c(factor = "contr.SAS", ordered = "contr.poly") ) formula( Multilocation ) names( Multilocation ) ### Create a Block %in% Location factor Multilocation$Grp <- getGroups( Multilocation, form = ~ Location/Block, level = 2 ) fm1Mult <- lme( Adj ~ Location * Trt, data = Multilocation, ~ 1 | Grp, method = "ML") summary( fm1Mult ) fm2Mult <- update( fm1Mult, Adj ~ Location + Trt ) fm3Mult <- update( fm1Mult, Adj ~ Location ) fm4Mult <- update( fm1Mult, Adj ~ Trt ) fm5Mult <- update( fm1Mult, Adj ~ 1 ) anova( fm1Mult, fm2Mult, fm3Mult, fm5Mult ) anova( fm1Mult, fm2Mult, fm4Mult, fm5Mult ) ### AIC, BIC, and likelihood ratio tests all prefer model fm2Mult summary( fm2Mult ) fm2RMult <- update( fm2Mult, method = "REML" ) # get REML estimates summary( fm2RMult ) ### Treating the location as a random effect fm1MultR <- lme( Adj ~ Trt, data = Multilocation, method = "ML", random = list( Location = pdCompSymm( ~ Trt - 1 ), Block = ~ 1 ) ) summary( fm1MultR ) fm2MultR <- update( fm1MultR, random = list( Location = ~ Trt - 1, Block = ~ 1 )) anova( fm1MultR, fm2MultR ) ## No indication that a general variance-covariance is preferred to ## a compound symmetry structure. fm1RMultR <- update( fm1MultR, method = "REML" ) summary( fm1RMultR ) c( 0.34116, 0.07497, 0.18596)^2 # compare with estimates, p. 84