### $Id: Mississippi.q,v 1.1 1999/10/13 00:50:09 saikat Exp $ ### Analysis of the Mississippi nitrogren concentrations given as data set ### 4.2 in "SAS System for Mixed Models" options(contrasts=c(factor="contr.SAS", ordered="contr.poly")) formula( Mississippi ) plot( Mississippi ) fm1Miss <- lme( y ~ 1, data = Mississippi, random = ~ 1 | influent, method = "ML") summary( fm1Miss ) # compare with output 4.2, p. 143 fm1RMiss <- update( fm1Miss, method = "REML" ) summary( fm1RMiss ) # compare with output 4.1, p. 142 random.effects( fm1Miss ) # BLUP's of random effects on p. 144 random.effects( fm1Miss , aug = TRUE ) # including covariates plot( random.effects( fm1Miss , aug = TRUE ), form = ~ Type ) random.effects( fm1RMiss ) # BLUP's of random effects on p. 142 intervals( fm1RMiss ) # interval estimates of variance components c(2.9568, 7.9576, 21.416)^2 # compare to output 4.7, p. 148 fm2RMiss <- lme( y ~ Type, data = Mississippi, random = ~ 1 | influent, method = "REML" ) summary( fm2RMiss ) # compare to output 4.8 and 4.9, pp. 150-152 fm2Miss <- update( fm2RMiss, method = "ML" ) # get ML results too anova( fm1Miss, fm2Miss ) # getting a p-value for the Type ## Notice that the p-value is considerably smaller than for the F-test.