### $Id: Demand.q,v 1.1 1999/10/13 00:50:09 saikat Exp $ ### Analysis of the per capita demand deposits data given as data ### set 3.6 in "SAS System for Mixed Models" names( Demand ) formula( Demand ) # the "grp" factor is a dummy factor with only one level. unique( Demand$grp ) # Crossed random-effects factors have to be created by pdIdent applied to # the indicator variables and joined together by pdBlocked. fm1Demand <- lme( log(d) ~ log(y) + log(rd) + log(rt) + log(rs), data = Demand, random = list(grp = pdBlocked(list(pdIdent(~ State - 1), pdIdent(~ Year - 1)))), method = "REML" ) summary( fm1Demand ) # compare to output 3.13, p. 132