### $Id: CultMiss.q,v 1.1 1999/10/13 00:50:09 saikat Exp $ ### A blocked split-plot with missing data (sec 2.7, pp. 68-75) ## Remove all observations in block 1, cultivar 'A'. options( contrasts = c(factor = "contr.SAS", ordered = "contr.poly") ) CultMiss <- Cultivation[ Cultivation$Block != 1 | Cultivation$Cult != 'a', ] dim(CultMiss) plot( CultMiss, inner = ~ Inoc ) fm1CultM <- lme( drywt ~ Cult * Inoc, CultMiss, list(Block = ~ 1, Cult = ~ 1), method = "ML") summary( fm1CultM ) fm2CultM <- update( fm1CultM, drywt ~ Cult + Inoc ) fm3CultM <- update( fm1CultM, drywt ~ Inoc ) fm4CultM <- update( fm1CultM, drywt ~ 1 ) anova( fm1Cult, fm2Cult, fm3Cult, fm4Cult ) # Essentially the same conclusions as for the balanced data fm3RCultM <- update( fm3CultM, method = "REML" ) summary( fm3RCultM )