### $Id: Bond.q,v 1.1 1999/10/13 00:50:09 saikat Exp $ ## Set options options( prompt = "S> ", digits = 5, width = 65, contrasts = c(factor = "contr.SAS", ordered = "contr.poly") ) plot(Bond) # dotplot by Ingot plot(Bond, inner = ~ Metal) # different symbols for different Metals formula(Bond) # check the formula fm1Bond <- lme( pressure ~ Metal, data = Bond, random = ~ 1 | Ingot, method = "ML") summary( fm1Bond ) ## default criterion in lme is maximum likelihood (ML). ## Re-fit to get REML results fm1RBond <- update( fm1Bond, method = "REML" ) summary( fm1RBond ) # compare with output 1.1 on p. 6 logLik( fm1RBond ) # log-restricted-likelihood c(3.3835,3.2205)^2 # variance estimates ## To test the need for the Metal term in the fixed effects, ## re-fit and use anova. You must use ML to do this. RML results are ## not comparable if the fixed-effects specification changes. fm2Bond <- update( fm1Bond, pressure ~ 1 ) anova( fm1Bond, fm2Bond )