### $Id: AvgDGain.q,v 1.1 1999/10/13 00:50:09 saikat Exp $ ### Analysis of average daily weight gain data given as data set 5.3 ### in "SAS System for Mixed Models" options( contrasts = c(factor = "contr.SAS", ordered = "contr.poly") ) plot(AvgDailyGain) # plot of adg versus Treatment by Block fm1Adg <- lme( adg ~ InitWt * Treatment - 1, data = AvgDailyGain, random = ~ 1 | Block, method = "ML" ) summary( fm1Adg ) # compare with output 5.1, p. 178 fm2Adg <- update( fm1Adg, adg ~ InitWt + Treatment ) # common slope model anova( fm1Adg, fm2Adg ) summary( update( fm1Adg, adg ~ InitWt + Treatment - 1 ) )