#!/bin/sh if [ -z "$1" -o -z "$2" ]; then echo "" echo " Usage: updateSVN " echo "" exit 1 fi OWD=`pwd` cd "$1" SVNREV=`svn info | sed -n 's/Revision:[ \t]*//p'` if [ -z "$SVNREV" -a -f .svn/entries ]; then SVNREV=`sed -n 's/.*revision="\(.*\)".*/\1/p' .svn/entries|head -n 1` if [ -z "$SVNREV" ]; then # SVN 1.4 changed the format - this is a pure guess!! (line 4 = revision) SVNREV=`sed -n -e '4 p' .svn/entries` fi fi echo "Revision: $SVNREV" if [ -z "$SVNREV" ]; then echo "Cannot determine SVN revision." exit 2 fi if [ ! -e "$1/Info.plist" ]; then echo "Cannot find Info.plist" exit 3; fi # we no longer use InfoPlist.strings #sed "s/%SVN%/$SVNREV/g" "$1/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings" > "$2/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings" # Info.plist is actually one level below resources #sed "s/%SVN%/$SVNREV/g" "$1/Info.plist" > "$2/../Info.plist" # we have to use the target Info.plist because it has been pre-processed by Xcode sed "s/%SVN%/$SVNREV/g" "$2/../Info.plist" > "$2/../Info.plist.final" if [ -e "$2/../Info.plist.final" ]; then rm -f "$2/../Info.plist" mv "$2/../Info.plist.final" "$2/../Info.plist"; fi exit 0